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File metadata and controls

194 lines (149 loc) · 8.22 KB



This service provides a REST-API to retrieve information about OpenStack GPU flavors (total and available). It is written for de.NBI cloud OpenStack setups especially in Bielefeld, but can easily be adapted to any OpenStack installation providing GPU (or other) resources.


The OpenstackGPUService needs some additional configuration of aggregates and flavors to work properly.


GPU hypervisors have to be grouped into different aggregates based on their GPU type (gpu_type) and on the number of GPUs they provide (gpu_count). Every aggregate has to make some extra metadata available:

  • gpu='' Whether this aggregate provides GPU resources.
  • gpu_count='' Number of GPUs provided.
  • gpu_type='' Type (alias name) of GPU provided.
$ openstack aggregate show 'Delta GPU V100'
| Field             | Value                                                                          |
| availability_zone | default                                                                        |
| created_at        | 2018-10-13T19:08:59.000000                                                     |
| deleted_at        | None                                                                           |
| hosts             | host1,host2,...                                                                |
| id                | 10                                                                             |
| is_deleted        | False                                                                          |
| name              | Delta GPU V100                                                                 |
| properties        | cores='28', gpu='True', gpu_count='2', gpu_type='V100', hyperthreading='false' |
| updated_at        | 2022-03-23T14:31:00.000000                                                     |
| uuid              | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx                                           |


Currently GPU are supported using the PCI-passthrough feature of Openstack. Flavors must be configured setting the pci_passthrough:alias property=':. The service matches the alias name with aggregates gpu_type (aggregates metadata) to calculate the total count and current available number of each flavor.

There is of course more configuration work to do to support GPU(PCI) devices properly.

$ openstack flavor show 'de.NBI GPU V100 medium'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
| Field                      | Value                                                              |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled   | False                                                              |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral  | 0                                                                  |
| access_project_ids         | ['xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx', ... ]                                |
| description                | None                                                               |
| disk                       | 50                                                                 |
| id                         | xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx                               |
| name                       | de.NBI GPU V100 medium                                             |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | False                                                              |
| properties                 | pci_passthrough:alias='V100:1'                                     |
| ram                        | 65535                                                              |
| rxtx_factor                | 1.0                                                                |
| swap                       | 1024                                                               |
| vcpus                      | 14                                                                 |

This server was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-Spec from a remote server, you can easily generate a server stub.


Python 3.6+


It recommend to install dependencies in a separate virtual environment.

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

When connecting to a "real" Openstack Setup, you have to source your RC file beforehand. The Openstack user should be has the admin role or at least the capability to list all servers, flavors, hypervisor and aggregates.

(venv)$ source


To run the client, please execute the following from the root directory:

(venv)$ python3 --help


For performance reasons (and better user feelings) the server returns only cached data. The cache (only memcached is supported) is updated continuously.

  1. A user/client requests for data.
  2. The server ask the cache if the requested resources are available.
  3. Depending on the cache status, the result is returned immediately or calculated (long running task!).
  4. Independent of the REST API, the cache is updated continuously (every 150 seconds by default).

To run the server, please execute the following from the root directory:

(venv)$ python3 

When running OpenstackGPUServer without further arguments a memcached service listening on is expected and REST is bind to

A graphical UI (for testing) is available at:


Your OpenAPI definition lives here:



OpenstackGPUService comes with a full set of units test. All external dependencies concerning the Openstack API are mocked using unittest.mock functionality.

Mock Test Setup

The Mock test setup "simulates" the following setup.

  • two aggregates (for GPU and non GPU based hypervisors)
  • three hypervisors available (28 cores, 384 cores, 4 TB local disc space), two of them having two GPUs on board
  • two instances running (de.NBI large, de.NBI GPU V100 medium)

Calling the gpu_flavors_get methods should return a list of three GPU flavors.

  • de.NBI GPU V100 medium (4 total, 3 available)
  • de.NBI GPU V100 large (4 total, 3 available)
  • de.NBI 2 GPU V100 large (2 total, 1 available)

Integration test

To launch the integration tests, use tox from the root directory:

(venv)$ pip install tox
(venv)$ tox

Running with Docker

To run the server inside a Docker container, please execute the following from the root directory:

# building the image
docker build -t openapi_server .

# start up a container in the host network
docker run --network host --env-file ./env.file denbi/openstackgpuservice

where env.file contains the Openstack environment :


Running with Docker Compose

Run a OpenstackGPUService together with a memcached service container with docker compose is also supported.

docker run -p 8080:8080 openapi_server
docker run --network host --env-file ./env.file denbi/openstackgpuservice