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+Subproject commit f60836de4bba01e0e33e053997551e88e79fc331
diff --git a/content/Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)/Zero Knowledge Proofs/Commitment Scheme/KZG commitment.md b/content/Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)/Zero Knowledge Proofs/Commitment Scheme/KZG commitment.md
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+## 1. KZG polynomial commitment scheme
+One of the most widely used polynomial commitment schemes is the KZG commitment scheme. The scheme was originally published in 2010 by Kate, Zaverucha, and Goldberg.
+Let $G_1$ and $G_2$ be two elliptic curve groups of order $p$, and a non-trivial bilinear mapping $e : G_1$ x $G_2 → G_T$.
+Let $g_1 \in G_1$ and $g_2 \in G_2$ be generators.
+We define $[x]_1 := g_1^x$ and $[x]_2 := g_2^x$, where $x \in \mathbb{F}_p$.
+**Structured Reference String(SRS)**
+The SRS is generated as a set of public parameters required for proof generation and verification of a polynomial. It typically consists of elements like $(g, g^{\alpha}, g^{\alpha^2}, \ldots, g^{\alpha^d})$, where $g$ is a generator of a particular group and $\alpha$ is a secret value. The parameter $d$ is determined by the polynomial's degree.
+**Trusted setup**
+A trusted setup selects a random secret $s \in \mathbb{F}_p$.
+For a polynomial with a maximum degree $d$, the setup releases $[s^i]_1$ and $[s^i]_2$ for $i = 0,1,...,d$.
+For a polynomial $P(x) = \sum_{i=0}^d p_i x^i$, the commitment $C$ is calculated as:
+$C = [P(s)]_1 = g_1^{P(s)} = \prod_{i=0}^d ([s^i]_1)^{p_i}$
+To prove that the polynomial $P(x)$ evaluates to $b$ at $x = a$, the prover constructs a quotient polynomial:
+$q(x) = {{P(x) - P(a)} \over {x - a}}$ (where $b = P(a)$)
+The proof $\pi$ is then calculated as $\pi = [q(s)]_1 = g_1^{q(s)}$.
+Given a commitment $C = [P(s)]_1$, an evaluation $P(a) = b$, and a proof $\pi = [q(s)]_1$.
+According to the Schwartz-Zippel lemma, if two polynomials agree on a sufficiently large number of points, they are likely equal. In this context, we can express:
+$P(s) - b = q(s)(s-a)$
+Using the bilinear pairing function $e$, the verifier can check if:
+$e([P(s)]_1 - [b]_1, [1]_2) = e([q(s)]_1, [s]_2 - [a]_2)$
+This becomes:
+- $e([P(s)]_1 - [b]_1, [1]_2) = e(g_1^{P(s)-b}, g_2^1) = {e(g_1, g_2)}^{P(s)-b}$
+- $e([q(s)]_1, [s]_2 - [a]_2) = e(g_1^{q(s)}, g_2^{s-a}) = e(g_1, g_2)^{q(s)(s-a)}$
+Therefore, $e(g_1, g_2)^{(P(s) - b)} = e(g_1, g_2)^{q(s)(s - a)}$
+Thus, $P(s) - b = q(s)(s - a)$
+This equation holds if and only if $P(a) = b$, due to the properties of the pairing function and the structure of $q(x)$.
+- References
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diff --git a/content/Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)/Zero Knowledge Proofs/Zero Knowledge Proofs.md b/content/Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)/Zero Knowledge Proofs/Zero Knowledge Proofs.md
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+++ b/content/Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET)/Zero Knowledge Proofs/Zero Knowledge Proofs.md
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ zkSNARK use cases
- [[ZK-SNARK]]
- [[Quadratic Arithmetic Program]]
- [[Polynomial theorem]]
+- [[KZG commitment]]
- [[Pinocchio protocol]]
- [[Groth16]]
- [[zkEVM]]
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