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You need an environment to run contracts. You can either run your node locally or connect to an existing network. For easy testing, you can use the public testnet (cliffnet) to deploy and run your contracts.
When interacting with a network, you can either use wasmd
which is a Go client or the Node REPL. The Node REPL is
recommended for contract operations, since JSON manipulation is not intuitive with the shell/Go client.
For this course, we will be using the public testnet to make things simpler.
Gitpod is an online development environment. We have a gitpod image that you can base your
projects on. The image contains all the requirements below. Gitpod is recommended if you have a stable internet connection.
Add .gitpod.yml file to your project's root
then push it to GitHub. After installing gitpod extension, on the github
project repo, there will be a Gitpod
button which will create a workspace for you to work on.
You can setup golang following the official documentation. The latest
versions of wasmd
require go version 1.16.8+
Assuming you have never worked with rust, you will first need to install some tooling. The standard approach is to
use rustup
to download dependencies and handle updating multiple versions of
and rustc
, which you will be using.
First, install rustup. Once installed, make sure you have the wasm32 target:
rustup default stable
cargo version
# If this is lower than 1.55.0+, update
rustup update stable
rustup target list --installed
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
is the backbone of the CosmWasm platform. It is an implementation of a Cosmoszone with wasm smart contracts
This code was forked from the cosmos/gaia
repository as a base and then x/wasm was added and many
gaia-specific files were cleaned up. However, the wasmd binary should function just like gaiad except for the addition of the x/wasm
If you intend to develop or edit a contract, you need wasmd.
git clone
cd wasmd
# replace the v0.23.0 with the most stable version on
git checkout v0.23.0
make install
# verify the installation
wasmd version
If you have any problems here, check your PATH
. make install
will copy wasmd
by default, please make sure that is set up in your PATH
as well, which should be the case in general
for building Go code from source.
Let's configure wasmd
exec, point it to testnets, create a wallet and ask for tokens from the faucet:
First source the cliffnet cosmwasm public network configurations to the shell:
source <(curl -sSL
Setup the client:
# add wallets for testing
wasmd keys add wallet
"name": "wallet",
"type": "local",
"address": "wasm13nt9rxj7v2ly096hm8qsyfjzg5pr7vn5saqd50",
"pubkey": "wasmpub1addwnpepqf4n9afaefugnfztg7udk50duwr4n8p7pwcjlm9tuumtlux5vud6qvfgp9g",
"mnemonic": "hobby bunker rotate piano satoshi planet network verify else market spring toward pledge turkey tip slim word jaguar congress thumb flag project chalk inspire"
You need some tokens in your address to interact. If you are using a local node you can skip this step. Requesting tokens from the faucet:
JSON=$(jq -n --arg addr $(wasmd keys show -a wallet) '{"denom":"upebble","address":$addr}') && curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "$JSON"
client requires setup for interacting with different testnets.
Each testnet has its own endpoints and system parameters.
Best way to configure wasmd
is by setting up environment variables below:
# bash
export NODE="--node $RPC"
export TXFLAG="${NODE} --chain-id ${CHAIN_ID} --gas-prices 0.025upebble --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3"
# zsh
export NODE=(--node $RPC)
export TXFLAG=($NODE --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --gas-prices 0.001upebble --gas auto --gas-adjustment 1.3)
If the command above throws an error, this means your shell is different. If there are no errors, try running this:
wasmd query bank total $NODE
It means that you can now interact with the node you have configured. You can check that your faucet request has been successful by checking the balance of your wallet bank account by trying the command:
wasmd query bank balances $(wasmd keys show -a wallet) $NODE
and you can look at the various commands by exploring
wasmd help
We will be using a few linux tools extensively:
apt install jq curl
Other way to use and interact with on-chain contracts is CosmJS interactive client @cosmjs/cli
To use it, install node.js 12+ and npx
npx @cosmjs/cli@^0.26 --init --init
Now you will see that an interactive shell popped up.
Code below sets up a client that speaks to cliffnet, generates an address and then requests tokens from the faucet. "password" is the password of the key file. This key is different from the wasmd key generated above
const [addr, client] = await useOptions(cliffnetOptions).setup("password");
You should see something similar to:
address: 'wasm1kfaqnxcsz6pwxyv0h468594g6g2drwxfrrwslv',
pubkey: null,
accountNumber: 326,
sequence: 0
We need a good IDE for developing rust smart contracts. We recommend Intellij with the Rust Plugin.