use Planka\Bridge\PlankaClient;
use Planka\Bridge\TransportClients\Client;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = new Config(
user: 'login',
password: '***************',
baseUri: '', // https://your.domain.com
port: 3000 // 443
$planka = new PlankaClient($config);
// Only projects and boards assigned to your user are available
$dto = $planka->project->list();
// dd($dto->items); // list projects
// the list will only contain boards available to your user
$boards = $dto->included->boards;
/** @var BoardItemDto $item */
foreach ($boards as $item) {
// we request each board separately
$board = $planka->board->get($item->id);
// list of board cards
$cardList = $board->included->cards;
if (empty($cardList)) {
// removing a board without cards