- This function loads all the data required to display the home page from file system
- This function is used to generate a new unique TaskID. All our TaskIDs are alphanumeric strings of length 5. Eg. “AAAA2”, “2342V”. No special characters are used for obtaining TaskIDs
- This function randomly produces a possible TaskID and checks if it is already in use. If the generated TaskID is in use, then we keep on generating random TaskIDs until we find one that is not in use
- This function renders the home page
- This function is used for login by the user
- Using userID, passoword is validated and the user is directed to index
- This function is used to send an email to user's email ID containing all tasks
- The email is sent from [email protected]
- This function is used for login by the user
- Using userID, passoword is validated and the user is directed to index
- This function is used for registering new users
- Details of new users are stored in the database and the user is automatically logged in
- Deletes a task from the to-do list given its ID. This API moves a task from the TODO list to the COMPLETED list
- User fills details of tasks on a form which gets added to the database
- User can also see their tasks and their details on index page
- This function deletes the tasks that are already stored by the user