Releases: deepflowio/deepflow
Releases · deepflowio/deepflow
New Features (Alpha)
- Universal Application Topology
- Added
direction score
indicator, the higher the score, the higher the accuracy of the direction of the client and server, and the direction must be correct when the score is 255.
- Added
- Querier API
- When PromQL queries Prometheus native indicators, it supports the tags automatically injected by DeepFlow AutoTagging
New Features (GA)
- Universal Application Topology
- Support zero interpolation code to automatically display the panoramic application topology of process granularity FR-001-Xiaomi
- Integration
- Pre-aggregation of OpenTelemetry Span data into service and path metrics
- Auto Tagging
- When it is not possible to group by Pod, auto_service, auto_instance (resource_glX) prefer to group by process
- Management
- Supports configuration of hourly granular data storage duration
- Support unified setting of
extra docking routing interface
for all managed K8s clusters under the public cloud account - Provide two deepflow-agent binary packages: dynamic link and static link, the former depends on the glibc dynamic link library, and the latter has obvious malloc/free lock competition under multi-threading
- Querier API
- The Category of custom type Tag (k8s.label/cloud.tag/ is unified as map_item
New Features (Alpha)
- Integration
- Pre-aggregation of OpenTelemetry Span data into service and path metrics
- Auto Tagging
- Support batch input of load balancer and its listener information FR-022-Xiaomi
- When it is not possible to group by Pod, auto_service, auto_instance (resource_glX) prefer to group by process
New Features (GA)
- Auto Tagging
- Automatically inherit the metadata marked on the parent process FR-024-Xiaomi
- Support SLIMIT parameter to limit the number of Series returned
- Auto Tagging
- Process granular application topology adapts to port multiplexing scenarios ISSUE-#2394
- Field renaming: use auto_instance instead of resource_gl0, use auto_serivce instead of resource_gl2
- Management
- Support configuring the time interval of deepflow-agent list k8s-apiserver
- Support specifying the Hostname of the environment where the collector is located
New Features (GA)
- Universal Application Topology
- Support using the TOA (TCP Option Address) mechanism to calculate the real access relationship before and after NAT FR-002-Xiaomi
- Auto Tagging
- A process automatically inherits its parent's metadata (os_app tag) FR-024-Xiaomi
- Supports synchronization of Baidu Cloud Smart Network (CSN) resource information
- Grafana
- Add Grafana backend plug-in module to support standard Grafana alarm policy configuration
- Management
- Remote upgrade of deepflow-agent on the cloud server can be done completely through deepflow-ctl, no need to manually mount hostPath for deepflow-server
- Auto Tagging
- Adapt to resource information synchronization of K8s 1.18 and 1.20
- When getting the optional value of the enum type Tag field, return the description information corresponding to the value