From a4016cc46bd026f6e81fd5922e96c80e3694ee96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jianfengmao <>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:21:17 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Fix String/Instant array conversion issue

 py/server/deephaven/          |  4 +-
 py/server/tests/ | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/py/server/deephaven/ b/py/server/deephaven/
index 08ea8ea8ba0..44f9425e9e0 100644
--- a/py/server/deephaven/
+++ b/py/server/deephaven/
@@ -196,7 +196,9 @@ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     int32_array.j_type: np.dtype("i"),
     long_array.j_type: np.dtype("l"),
     float32_array.j_type: np.dtype("f"),
-    double_array.j_type: np.dtype("d")
+    double_array.j_type: np.dtype("d"),
+    string_array.j_type: np.dtype("U"),
+    instant_array.j_type: np.dtype("datetime64[ns]"),
diff --git a/py/server/tests/ b/py/server/tests/
index 67265e6b5b1..ee40f8bbc5c 100644
--- a/py/server/tests/
+++ b/py/server/tests/
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from typing import Optional, Union, Any
 import unittest
 import numpy as np
 import numpy.typing as npt
@@ -183,37 +182,44 @@ def test_udf(col: Optional[{np_type}]) -> bool:
     def test_weird_cases(self):
         def f(p1: Union[np.ndarray[typing.Any], None]) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
             t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f(i)"])
         def f1(p1: Union[np.int16, np.int32]) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
             t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f1(i)"])
         def f11(p1: Union[float, np.float32]) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
             t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f11(i)"])
         def f2(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64]) -> Union[Optional[bool]]:
             return bool(p1)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f2(i)"])
         self.assertEqual(t.columns[0].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
         self.assertEqual(9, t.to_string().count("true"))
         def f21(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64]) -> Union[Optional[bool], int]:
             return bool(p1)
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
             t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f21(i)"])
         def f3(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64], p2=None) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f3(i)"])
         self.assertEqual(t.columns[0].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
         def f4(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64], p2=None) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f4((double)i)"])
         self.assertEqual(t.columns[0].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
@@ -221,17 +227,20 @@ def f4(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64], p2=None) -> bool:
         def f41(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64, Union[Any]], p2=None) -> bool:
             return bool(p1)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f41(now())"])
         self.assertEqual(t.columns[0].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
         def f42(p1: Union[np.int16, np.float64, np.datetime64], p2=None) -> bool:
             return p1.dtype.char == "M"
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X1 = f42(now())"])
         self.assertEqual(t.columns[0].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
         self.assertEqual(10, t.to_string().count("true"))
         def f5(col1, col2: np.ndarray[np.int32]) -> bool:
             return np.nanmean(col2) == np.mean(col2)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i"]).group_by("X")
         t = t.update(["X1 = f5(X, Y)"])
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
@@ -239,11 +248,62 @@ def f5(col1, col2: np.ndarray[np.int32]) -> bool:
         def f51(col1, col2: Optional[np.ndarray[np.int32]]) -> bool:
             return np.nanmean(col2) == np.mean(col2)
         t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i"]).group_by("X")
         t = t.update(["X1 = f51(X, Y)"])
         with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
             t = t.update(["X1 = f51(X, null)"])
+    def test_str_bool_datetime(self):
+        with self.subTest("str"):
+            def f1(p1: np.ndarray[str], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1))
+            t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i % 2 == 0? `deephaven`: null"]).group_by("X")
+            t1 = t.update(["X1 = f1(Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(t1.columns[2].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
+            with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
+                t2 = t.update(["X1 = f1(null, Y )"])
+            def f11(p1: Union[np.ndarray[str], None], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1)) if p1 is not None else False
+            t2 = t.update(["X1 = f11(null, Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(3, t2.to_string().count("false"))
+        with self.subTest("datetime"):
+            def f2(p1: np.ndarray[np.datetime64], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1))
+            t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i % 2 == 0? now() : null"]).group_by("X")
+            t1 = t.update(["X1 = f2(Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(t1.columns[2].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
+            with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
+                t2 = t.update(["X1 = f2(null, Y )"])
+            def f21(p1: Union[np.ndarray[np.datetime64], None], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1)) if p1 is not None else False
+            t2 = t.update(["X1 = f21(null, Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(3, t2.to_string().count("false"))
+        with self.subTest("boolean"):
+            def f3(p1: np.ndarray[np.bool_], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1))
+            t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i % 2 == 0? true : null"]).group_by("X")
+            with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
+                t1 = t.update(["X1 = f3(Y)"])
+            t = empty_table(10).update(["X = i % 3", "Y = i % 2 == 0? true : false"]).group_by("X")
+            t1 = t.update(["X1 = f3(Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(t1.columns[2].data_type, dtypes.bool_)
+            with self.assertRaises(DHError) as cm:
+                t2 = t.update(["X1 = f3(null, Y )"])
+            def f31(p1: Optional[np.ndarray[bool]], p2=None) -> bool:
+                return bool(len(p1)) if p1 is not None else False
+            t2 = t.update(["X1 = f31(null, Y)"])
+            self.assertEqual(3, t2.to_string("X1").count("false"))
 if __name__ == "__main__":