Open a finder window. Open src/ to show branch switching.
Open e.g. with :set number
- gitsigns (GUIs have similar)
- git blame. gb
- move between hunks. ]h [h
- show diff (default to HEAD). gd
- reset hunk. gr. Undo this with u
- stage a hunk. gs
- undo stage. gu
- stage selection. visual + gs
- Stage file with :G stage %
- Commit with :G commit -m "fugitive" (or no message)
- :G push
Merge tool:
git reset --hard ':/conflict'
git reset --hard HEAD~
git checkout ':/os'
git switch -c dev
git switch main
git merge dev
vi src/ +'DiffviewOpen -uno' +DiffviewToggleFiles
git merge --abort
git pull