The goal of
is to provide an implementation for a new
set of javascript widgets being developed in the Plone Mockup project. It
overrides existing widgets used in dexterity and archetypes to provide tested
and modularized widgets based on the concept of patterns.
The widgets that are provided currently are:
- Adjust Text Size -- Easily change text size on a page.
- Cookie Directive -- A pattern that checks cookies enabled and asks permission for the user to allow cookies or not.
- Expose -- Exposes the focused element by darkening everything else on the page. Useful to focus the user attention on a particular area.
- Form Unload Alert -- A pattern to warn user when changes are unsaved and they try to navigate away from page.
- Live Search -- Dynamically query the server and display results.
- Modal -- Creates a modal dialog (also called overlay).
- Pick A Date -- Allows the user to select a date (with or without time) through a calendar.
- Picture -- A responsive image widget.
- Prevent Double Submit -- A pattern to prevent submitting a form twice.
- Query String for Collections -- A widget for creating query's for collections
- Related Items -- An advanced widget for selecting related items.
- Select2 -- Autocompletes, multiple or single selections from any kind of data source (with search!).
- Table Sorter -- A pattern you can apply to a table so it can have its items rearranged when clicking the header.
- TinyMCE (v4!!!) -- Rich text editor.
- Table of Contents -- Automatically generate a table of contents.
- Tooltip -- A pattern to show a tooltip on hover.
- DropZone -- Drag 'n drop file upload
Widgets that are overridden in Edit
forms are:
All client side code (javascript/css/images) is done and tested as part of Plone Mockup project.
Any feature / bug / compliment please insert in the issue tracker.
For now only tested with Plone 4.3:
[buildout] extends = versions = versions parts = instance [instance] recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance user = admin:admin http-address = 8080 eggs = Pillow Plone[archetypes,dexterity] zcml = [versions] = 1.8.3 = 2.1.11