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MA730 SimpleFOC driver

While MA730 absolute position magnetic rotary encoder is supported by the standard MagneticSensorSPI driver included in the base distribution, this MA730-specific driver includes some optimisations:

  • access to the other registers of the MA730
  • this driver directly reads the angle with one call to SPI
  • this will halve the number of 16-bit SPI transfers per simpleFOC loop iteration

Hardware setup

Connect as per normal for your SPI bus. No special hardware setup is needed to use this driver.

Software setup

Its actually easier to use than the standard SPI sensor class, because it is less generic:

#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include "SimpleFOC.h"
#include "SimpleFOCDrivers.h"
#include "encoders/ma730/MagneticSensorMA730.h"

#define SENSOR1_CS 5 // some digital pin that you're using as the nCS pin
MagneticSensorMA730 sensor1(SENSOR1_CS);

void setup() {

Set some options:

MagneticSensorMA730 sensor1(SENSOR1_CS, mySPISettings);

Use another SPI bus:

void setup() {

Here's how you can use it:

    // update the sensor (only needed if using the sensor without a motor)

    // get the angle, in radians, including full rotations
    float a1 = sensor1.getAngle();

    // get the velocity, in rad/s - note: you have to call getAngle() on a regular basis for it to work
    float v1 = sensor1.getVelocity();

    // get the angle, in radians, no full rotations
    float a2 = sensor1.getCurrentAngle();

    // get the raw 14 bit value
    uint16_t raw = sensor1.readRawAngle();

    // get the field strength
    FieldStrength fs = sensor1.getFieldStrength();
    Serial.print("Field strength: ");

    // set pulses per turn for encoder mode
    sensor1.setPulsesPerTurn(999); // set to 999 if we want 1000 PPR == 4000 CPR