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dynamodb lock

Dynamodb based distributed lock implemented in pure Rust. The design is largely inspired by amazon-dynamodb-lock-client.

It is used by the delta-rs project to implement PUT if absence semantic for concurrent S3 writes. It is considered production ready and battle tested through the kafka-delta-ingest project.


let region = dynamodb_lock::Region::default();
// This will use the default options
let lock_client = dynamodb_lock::DynamoDbLockClient::for_region(region);

let lock_data = "Moe";
let lock = lock_client.try_acquire_lock(Some(lock_data)).await?.unwrap();

if lock.acquired_expired_lock {
    // error handling when acquired an expired lock

// do stuff in the critical region


For real world example, see


Using the DynamoDb lock requires a DynamoDb table to have already been created in AWS. The following Terraform code is an example which will create table named "lock_example",.

resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "oxbow_locking" {
  name         = "lock_example"
  billing_mode = "PROVISIONED"
  # Default name of the partition key hard-coded in delta-rs
  hash_key       = "key"
  read_capacity  = 10
  write_capacity = 10

  attribute {
    name = "key"
    type = "S"
  # The leaseDuration is used by dynamodb-lock-rs and *must* be a Number type
  ttl {
    attribute_name = "leaseDuration"
    enabled        = true

The locking code should then be configured with the environment variable DYNAMO_LOCK_TABLE_NAME set to "lock_example"