Clone the repository and jump into the newly created directory:
git clone
cd gaia-x-testnet-statistics-api
Next we need to take care of the initial setup of the project:
# Install all the dependencies
npm install
# Make sure the ./dist folder exists
mkdir ./dist
# Create a .env file or use the example:
# The PORT .env variable is required to be set
mv .env.example .env
# Make sure npx is installed, as it is used for our commitlint setup
npm install -g npx
If everything is setup correctly, you can start the development environment with docker-compose. Make sure that the Docker daemon is running on your host operating system.
docker-compose up
Credits to the (typescript-express-starter)[] repository at This repository uses a customized & enhanced version of the Mongoose
- Typesript enabled
- Prettier setup with husky to follow & enforce code styling standards upon commits
- Swagger documentation via a
file, available at[host]/api-docs
- Dockerfile to be used in
environments - Quick development setup via
docker compose
->docker compose up
will servelocalhost:3000
- VSCode Extensions and on-save formatting
- Sample K8 deployment files for easy MongoDB & Server pod deployments, located at
- TODO: Testing setup with jest