The following document assumes that you have a working QtFirebase setup
import QtFirebase 1.0
Analytics {
id: analytics
// Analytics collection enabled
enabled: true
// App needs to be open at least 1s before logging a valid session
minimumSessionDuration: 1000
// App session times out after 5s (5 seconds = 5000 milliseconds)
sessionTimeout: 5000
// Set the user ID:
// NOTE the user id can't be more than 36 chars long
userId: "qtfirebase_test_user"
// or call setUserId()
// Unset the user ID:
// userId: "" or call "unsetUserId()"
// Set user properties:
// Max 25 properties allowed by Google
// See
userProperties: [
{ "sign_up_method" : "Google" },
{ "qtfirebase_power_user" : "yes" },
{ "qtfirebase_custom_property" : "test_value" }
// or call setUserProperty()
onReadyChanged: {
// See:
analytics.logEvent("qtfb_ready_event","int_test",getRandomInt(-100, 100))
analytics.logEvent("qtfb_ready_event","double_test",getRandomArbitrary(-2.1, 2.7))
'key_one': 'value',
'key_two': 14,
'key_three': 2.3
Feature information available at
Remember to
- Add parameters in remote config section at google firebase console
import QtFirebase 1.0
id: remoteConfig
//1. Initialize parameters you would like to fetch from server and their default values
parameters: {
"TestString" : "test",
"TestDouble" : 2.56,
"TestLong" : 1100,
"TestBool" : true
//2. Set cache expiration time in milliseconds, see step 3 for details about cache
cacheExpirationTime: 12*3600*1000 //12 hours in milliseconds (suggested as default in firebase)
//3. When remote config properly initialized request data from server
onReadyChanged: {
console.log("RemoteConfig ready changed:"+ready);
//If the data in the cache was fetched no longer than cacheExpirationTime ago,
//this method will return the cached data. If not, a fetch from the
//Remote Config Server will be attempted.
//If you need to get data urgent use fetchNow(), it is equal to fetch() call with cacheExpirationTime=0
//Be careful with urgent requests, too often requests will result to server throthling
//which means it will refuse connections for some time
//4. If data was retrieved (both from server or cache) the handler will be called
//you can access data by accessing the "parameters" member variable
console.log("RemoteConfig TestString:" + parameters['TestString']);
console.log("RemoteConfig TestDouble:" + parameters['TestDouble']);
console.log("RemoteConfig TestLong:" + parameters['TestLong']);
console.log("RemoteConfig TestBool:" + parameters['TestBool']);
//5. Handle errors
console.log("RemoteConfig error code:" + code + " message:" + message);