It's a clone of the minigame Hack*Match in the excellent Exapunks, made for the Pokitto.
It's a rather faithful clone, including freezing time, combos, bombs, and same number of lines and columns. The most notable missing feature is the speed not increasing over time in this version.
The game does not have sound, at least yet. I may add sfx later on. I may also fine-tune freenzing time, bomb rate, falling speed, the color palette, etc.
You can find a video of the game running on the emulator with this link and on the actual Pokitto here.
Disclaimer about the name: it's a joke that only makes sense in Portuguese.
Have fun!
First, I coded this game exclusively for fun.
This code is a complete mess and sure isn't a good depiction of the usual quality of my code. I'll admit that I have almost null experience with embedding programming. I started it simple, then one bad practice led to another, and at the end of the day, I was writing important literals like the number of rows and columns inline so that changing even this minor aspect now is a headache :)
I'd rather not comment about the current impossibility of writing unit tests for this.
I'm sorry for that. It was nonetheless a fun day coding it, the game works on the Pokitto (and on the emulator as well) and I finally can play it anywhere.