- Assertion Roulette (AR):
Prevention 1: Splitting into several methods into others to avoid multiple assertions within the same test method.
1 package storage; 2 3 public class AuthenticationTests { 4 5 @Test 6 public void testInitUserRole_ID() { 7 Authentication authentication = builder.user("{\"id\":\"admin\",\"username\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"Administrator\",\"userType\":\"default\"}") 8 .role("[{\"id\":\"admin-role\",\"name\":\"admin\"}]") 9 10 .permission("[{\"id\":\"user-manager\",\"actions\":[\"query\",\"get\",\"update\"]" + 11 ",\"dataAccesses\":[{\"action\":\"query\",\"field\":\"test\",\"fields\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"],\"scopeType\":\"CUSTOM_SCOPE\",\"type\":\"DENY_FIELDS\"}]}]") 12 13 .build(); 14 15 //test user 16 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getId(), "admin"); 17 } 17 18 @Test 19 public void testInitUserRole_Name() { 20 Authentication authentication = builder.user("{\"id\":\"admin\",\"username\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"Administrator\",\"userType\":\"default\"}") 21 .role("[{\"id\":\"admin-role\",\"name\":\"admin\"}]") 22 23 .permission("[{\"id\":\"user-manager\",\"actions\":[\"query\",\"get\",\"update\"]" + 24 ",\"dataAccesses\":[{\"action\":\"query\",\"field\":\"test\",\"fields\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"],\"scopeType\":\"CUSTOM_SCOPE\",\"type\":\"DENY_FIELDS\"}]}]") 25 26 .build(); 27 28 //test user 29 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getUsername(), "admin"); 30 } 31 32 @Test 33 public void testInitUserRole_FullName() { 34 Authentication authentication = builder.user("{\"id\":\"admin\",\"username\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"Administrator\",\"userType\":\"default\"}") 35 .role("[{\"id\":\"admin-role\",\"name\":\"admin\"}]") 36 37 .permission("[{\"id\":\"user-manager\",\"actions\":[\"query\",\"get\",\"update\"]" + 38 ",\"dataAccesses\":[{\"action\":\"query\",\"field\":\"test\",\"fields\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"],\"scopeType\":\"CUSTOM_SCOPE\",\"type\":\"DENY_FIELDS\"}]}]") 39 40 .build(); 41 42 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getName(), "Administrator"); 43 } 44 }
Prevention 2: Including the explanation parameter.
1 package storage; 2 3 public class MetodoSetupExtracaoAssertions { 4 @Test 5 public void testInitUserRoleAndPermission() { 6 Authentication authentication = builder.user("{\"id\":\"admin\",\"username\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"Administrator\",\"userType\":\"default\"}") 7 .role("[{\"id\":\"admin-role\",\"name\":\"admin\"}]") 8 9 .permission("[{\"id\":\"user-manager\",\"actions\":[\"query\",\"get\",\"update\"]" + 10 ",\"dataAccesses\":[{\"action\":\"query\",\"field\":\"test\",\"fields\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"],\"scopeType\":\"CUSTOM_SCOPE\",\"type\":\"DENY_FIELDS\"}]}]") 11 12 .build(); 13 14 //test user 15 assertEquals("Explanatory message 01", authentication.getUser().getId(),"admin"); 16 assertEquals("Explanatory message 02",authentication.getUser().getUsername(),"admin"); 17 assertEquals("Explanatory message 03",authentication.getUser().getName(),"Administrator"); 18 assertEquals("Explanatory message 04",authentication.getUser().getUserType(), "default") 19 20 }
Prevention 3: Put the setup into a specific method.
1 package storage; 2 3 public class AuthenticationTests { 4 5 @Before 6 public void setUp(){ 7 Authentication authentication = builder.user("{\"id\":\"admin\",\"username\":\"admin\",\"name\":\"Administrator\",\"userType\":\"default\"}") 8 .role("[{\"id\":\"admin-role\",\"name\":\"admin\"}]") 9 10 .permission("[{\"id\":\"user-manager\",\"actions\":[\"query\",\"get\",\"update\"]" + 11 ",\"dataAccesses\":[{\"action\":\"query\",\"field\":\"test\",\"fields\":[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\"],\"scopeType\":\"CUSTOM_SCOPE\",\"type\":\"DENY_FIELDS\"}]}]") 12 13 .build(); 14 } 15 @Test 16 public void testInitUserRole_ID() { 17 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getId(), "admin"); 19 } 20 21 @Test 22 public void testInitUserRole_Name() { 23 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getUsername(), "admin"); 24 } 25 26 @Test 27 public void testInitUserRole_FullName() { 28 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getName(), "Administrator"); 29 } 30 31 @Test 32 public void testInitUserRole_Default() { 33 assertEquals(authentication.getUser().getUserType(), "default"); 34 } 35 }
- Conditional Logic Test (CTL):
- Prevention 1: Splitting the method into more methods to reach the conditional structures.
- Exemple:
1 public class CounterStorageTest {
2 @Test
3 public void testDeleteObsoleteCounterFiles() throws IOException {
4 final Counter counter = new Counter("http", null);
5 counter.setApplication("test counter");
6 final File storageDir = Parameters.getStorageDirectory(counter.getApplication());
7 final File obsoleteFile = new File(storageDir, "obsolete.ser.gz");
8 final File notObsoleteFile = new File(storageDir, "notobsolete.ser.gz");
9 checkSetup(storageDir, obsoleteFile, notObsoleteFile); \\ setup logic
11 setLastModified(obsoleteFile); \\ ensure that the obsoleteFile has a modified timestamp
13 CounterStorage.deleteObsoleteCounterFiles(counter.getApplication());
15 assertObsoleteFileIsDeleted(obsoleteFile);
16 assertNotObsoleteFileIsDeleted(notObsoleteFile);
18 Utils.setProperty(Parameter.OBSOLETE_STATS_DAYS, "1");
19 CounterStorage.deleteObsoleteCounterFiles(counter.getApplication());
20 }
22 @Test
23 private void setLastModified(File file) {
24 Calendar nowMinus1YearAnd2Days = Calendar.getInstance();
25 nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
26 nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -2);
28 assertThrows("Failed to set last modified timestamp",
29 () -> file.setLastModified(nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.getTimeInMillis()));
30 }
32 @Test
33 private void assertObsoleteFileIsDeleted(File obsoleteFile) {
34 Assert.assertFalse("Obsolete file still exists", obsoleteFile.exists());
35 }
37 @Test
38 private void assertNotObsoleteFileIsDeleted(File notObsoleteFile) {
39 Assert.assertTrue("Not obsolete file was not deleted", notObsoleteFile.delete());
40 }
41 }
- Prevention 2: Abstraction of the content of the conditional structure in an auxiliary method.
- Exemple:
1 public class CounterStorageTest {
3 @Test
4 public void testDeleteObsoleteCounterFiles() throws IOException {
5 final Counter counter = new Counter("http", null);
6 counter.setApplication("test counter");
7 final File storageDir = Parameters.getStorageDirectory(counter.getApplication());
8 final File obsoleteFile = new File(storageDir, "obsolete.ser.gz");
9 final File notObsoleteFile = new File(storageDir, "notobsolete.ser.gz");
10 checkSetup(storageDir, obsoleteFile, notObsoleteFile); \\ setup logic
12 assertThrows("Failed to set last modified timestamp",
29 () -> setLastModified(obsoleteFile));
31 CounterStorage.deleteObsoleteCounterFiles(counter.getApplication());
33 // Assertions
34 assertThat("Obsolete file was not deleted", assertObsoleteFileIsDeleted(obsoleteFile), equalTo(true));
35 assertThat("Not obsolete file was not deleted", assertNotObsoleteFileIsDeleted(notObsoleteFile), equalTo(true));
37 Utils.setProperty(Parameter.OBSOLETE_STATS_DAYS, "1");
38 CounterStorage.deleteObsoleteCounterFiles(counter.getApplication());
40 }
42 private void setLastModified(File file) {
43 Calendar nowMinus1YearAnd2Days = Calendar.getInstance();
44 nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
45 nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -2);
47 return !file.setLastModified(nowMinus1YearAnd2Days.getTimeInMillis());
48 }
50 private boolean assertObsoleteFileIsDeleted(File obsoleteFile) {
51 return !obsoleteFile.exists();
52 }
54 private boolean assertNotObsoleteFileIsDeleted(File notObsoleteFile) {
55 return notObsoleteFile.delete();
56 }
58 }
Duplicate Assert (DA):
Prevention 1: Dividing the original method into more test methods for each new value that the variable assumes.
1 public class HashMapTwoFactorTokenManagerTest { 2 HashMapTwoFactorTokenManager tokenManager = new HashMapTwoFactorTokenManager(); 3 TwoFactorToken twoFactorToken = tokenManager.getToken("test", "test"); 4 @Test 5 @SneakyThrows 6 public void test() { 7 Assert.assertTrue(twoFactorToken.expired()); 8 } 9 10 @Test 11 @SneakyThrows 12 public void test() { 13 twoFactorToken.generate(1000L); 14 Assert.assertFalse(twoFactorToken.expired()); 15 } 16 17 @Test 18 @SneakyThrows 19 public void test() { 20 twoFactorToken.generate(1000L); 21 Thread.sleep(1100); 22 Assert.assertTrue(twoFactorToken.expired()); 23 } 24 }
Resource Optimism (RO):
Prevention 1: Using abstractions for the resource (e.g., mock).
1 public class LocalFileConfigRepositoryTest { 2 3 @Test 4 public void testLoadConfigWithLocalFileAndFallbackRepo() throws Exception { 5 File file = new File(someBaseDir, assembleLocalCacheFileName()); 6 7 String someValue = "someValue"; 8 9 Files.write(defaultKey + "=" + someValue, file, Charsets.UTF_8); 10 11 LocalFileConfigRepository localRepo = mockito.spy(new LocalFileConfigRepository(someNamespace, upstreamRepo)); 12 localRepo.setLocalCacheDir(someBaseDir, true); 13 14 Properties properties = localRepo.getConfig(); 15 16 assertEquals(defaultValue, properties.getProperty(defaultKey)); 17 }
Prevention 2: Creating the resource using the setup method.
1 public class LocalFileConfigRepositoryTest { 2 private LocalFileConfigRepository localRepo 3 4 @Before 5 public void setUp() { 6 localRepo = mockito.spy(new LocalFileConfigRepository(someNamespace, upstreamRepo)); 7 } 8 9 @Test 10 public void testLoadConfigWithLocalFileAndFallbackRepo() throws Exception { 11 File file = new File(someBaseDir, assembleLocalCacheFileName()); 12 String someValue = "someValue"; 13 Files.write(defaultKey + "=" + someValue, file, Charsets.UTF_8); 14 15 localRepo.setLocalCacheDir(someBaseDir, true); 16 17 Properties properties = localRepo.getConfig(); 18 19 assertEquals(defaultValue, properties.getProperty(defaultKey)); 20 }
Prevention 3: Using JUnit resources to handle temporary files.
1 public class LocalFileConfigRepositoryTest { 2 3 @TempDir 4 File file = new File(someBaseDir, assembleLocalCacheFileName()); 5 6 @Test 7 public void testLoadConfigWithLocalFileAndFallbackRepo() throws Exception { 8 String someValue = "someValue"; 9 10 Files.write(defaultKey + "=" + someValue, file, Charsets.UTF_8); 11 12 LocalFileConfigRepository localRepo = new LocalFileConfigRepository(someNamespace, upstreamRepo); 13 localRepo.setLocalCacheDir(someBaseDir, true); 14 15 Properties properties = localRepo.getConfig(); 16 17 assertEquals(defaultValue, properties.getProperty(defaultKey)); 18 } 19 }
Sleepy Test (ST):
Prevention 1: Using an intelligent waiting library (e.g., Awaitility)
1 public class DefaultTimeoutMapTest { 2 3 @Test 4 public void testDefaultTimeoutMapPurge() throws Exception { 5 DefaultTimeoutMap<String, Integer> map = new DefaultTimeoutMap<>(executor, 100); 6 map.start(); 7 assertTrue(map.currentTime() > 0); 8 assertEquals(0, map.size()); 9 map.put("A", 123, 50); 10 assertEquals(1, map.size()); 11 12 await().atMost(Duration.ofSeconds(2)) 13 .untilAsserted(() -> assertEquals(0, map.size())); 14 15 map.stop(); 26 } 27 }
Prevention 3: Separate it in a method with a test step in a more indicative place.
1 public class DefaultTimeoutMapTest { 2 3 protected void setUp() { 4 DefaultTimeoutMap<String, Integer> map = mockito.spy(new DefaultTimeoutMap<>(executor, 100)); 5 } 6 7 @Test 8 public void mapWithNoElementsTest() throws Exception { 9 map.start(); 10 assertAll( 11 () -> assertTrue(map.currentTime() > 0) 12 () -> assertEquals(0, map.size()) 13 ) 14 map.stop(); 15 } 16 17 @Test 18 public void mapWithElements() throws Exception { 19 map.start(); 20 map.put("A", 123, 50); 21 assertEquals(1, map.size()); 22 map.stop(); 23 } 24 25 @Test 26 public void testDefaultTimeoutMapPurge() throws Exception { 27 map.start(); 28 Thread.sleep(250); 29 if (map.size() > 0) { 30 LOG.warn("Waiting extra due slow CI box"); 31 Thread.sleep(1000); 32 } 33 34 assertEquals(0, map.size()); 35 36 map.stop(); 37 } 38 }
Unknown Test (UT):
Prevention 1: Including an assertion in the test method.
1 public class JooqXMLTest extends BaseJooqTest { 2 @Test 3 public void testExecute() { 4 ProducerTemplate producerTemplate = context.createProducerTemplate(); 5 Endpoint ep = context.getEndpoint("direct:execute"); 6 assertDoesNotThrow(() -> producerTemplate.sendBody(ep, ExchangePattern.InOut, "empty")); 7 } 8 }
Prevention 2: Removing this test method depending on its purpose (or lack of purpose).