- Make sure you have to following command line tools installed:
- Log in to Azure with
az login
Open the main.tf
file and fill out the information in the provider
You can obtain your Azure Subscription ID using the following shell command:
az account show --query id --output tsv
provider "azurerm" {
subscription_id = "68245e99-8e6b-43ff-931c-0a895801acad" # <- Fill in your Azure subscription ID here.
environment = "public"
features {}
Next, fill out the locals
block with information specific to your environment.
You'll need designate domain name with 3 or more labels like
or dev.mycompany.com
, which you can delegate
(using an NS record) to Azure DNS, to attach to the cluster.
locals {
dns_zone = "deno-cluster.net" # <— The DNS zone that terraform will create in Azure.
dns_root = "mycluster" # <— The leftmost label of your cluster domain name.
name = "deno-cluster-01" # <— This name will be used to create a new resource group and name various resources.
region = "westus" # <— The Azure region to deploy to.
Finally, run terraform init
to initialize the Terraform configuration and run
terraform apply
to create the resources.
Take note of the outputs of the plan, you'll need these values later to configure your Deno Cluster installation.
The plan creates a file called values.yaml
with the values necessary for the
installation of the Helm chart later. If you're running in CI and can't access
that file, the values are included in the plan's output and can be copied from
In your domain registrar or DNS provider, delegate the DNS zone for your cluster
domain name (e.g. mycluster.deno-cluster.net
) to Azure. The name servers to
use are shown after running terraform apply
; it would look like this:
dns_zone_ns_records = toset([
To delegate your cluster domain name to Azure DNS, you would add the following records to your existing DNS provider:
mycluster.deno-cluster.net. IN NS ns1-05.azure-dns.com.
mycluster.deno-cluster.net. IN NS ns2-05.azure-dns.net.
mycluster.deno-cluster.net. IN NS ns3-05.azure-dns.org.
mycluster.deno-cluster.net. IN NS ns4-05.azure-dns.info.
Follow the instructions provided by Azure to use the Azure CLI to connect to your cluster.
# Resource group and cluster name should be printed in the `terraform apply` output
az aks get-credentials --resource-group <resource_group_name> --name <aks_cluster_name>
The Deno Cluster Helm chart depends on cert-manager
. You can install both with the following commands:
helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts --force-update
helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update
helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.15.3 \
--set crds.enabled=true \
--set-json 'podLabels={"azure.workload.identity/use": "true"}' \
--set-json 'serviceAccount={"labels": {"azure.workload.identity/use": "true"}}' \
--set enableCertificateOwnerRef=true \
--set dns01RecursiveNameserversOnly=true
helm install opentelemetry-operator open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator \
--namespace opentelemetry-operator-system \
--create-namespace \
--set "manager.collectorImage.repository=otel/opentelemetry-collector-k8s" \
--set admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled=false \
--set admissionWebhooks.autoGenerateCert.enabled=true
Note: this script is included for convenience at helm/deps.sh
Terraform should have created a file called values.yaml
in the working
directory, make sure it exists before installing the chart with the following
helm install --namespace=default -f ./values.yaml deno-cluster ../helm/deno-cluster
After installing the Helm chart, the cluster will automatically try to obtain a TLS certificate from Let's Encrypt. This might take a few minutes.
To see the progress of the certificate provisioning progress, use the following command:
cmctl status certificate public-tls-cert
When provisioning is complete, its output will look like this:
Name: public-tls-cert
Namespace: default
Created at: 2024-09-05T14:10:12-07:00
Ready: True, Reason: Ready, Message: Certificate is up to date and has not expired
DNS Names:
- mycluster.deno-cluster.net
- *.mycluster.deno-cluster.net
Events: <none>
Name: letsencrypt-production
Kind: ClusterIssuer
After the TLS certificate has been provisioned, restart the proxy to ensure it uses the new certificate:
kubectl rollout restart deployment/proxy
In the tools
directory, we've included a command line utility that creates new
deployments. You can use it as follows to deploy your first "hello world" app.
Because we're using Minio as the object store, the deployment script is using
the AWS cli under the hood, so you'll need to set some environment variables as
per the example below. To get the external IP for Minio, run kubectl get service minio-external
Note: substitute <cluster_domain>
for the value that were shown after running
terraform apply
, e.g. mycluster.deno-cluster.net
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minioadmin \
AWS_REGION=westus \
S3_ENDPOINT=http://<minio_external_ip>:9000 \
../tools/ddng deploy \
-s ../examples/hello \
-d hello.<cluster_domain> \
--s3-bucket deployments