To-do (not in order of priority):
- Additional Collision Functionality
- Bounding Box tests as an alternative to raw distance tests
- An optimized alternative to distance calculations
- Test bbox overlap against specific shape or entire batch
.bbox_collision(_shape = undefined)
- Returns
bool: true/false
- Returns
- Fetch Min & Max Bounding Box Position from a specific shape
- Returns result as an array
[_x, _y, _z]
- Returns result as an array
- Bounding Box tests as an alternative to raw distance tests
- Secondary Scaling
- Example:
sdf_batch.scale(_x_scale, _y_scale, _z_scale);
- Could be passed in as part of the batch header.
- Example:
- Remove Shapes from Batch
- Will require shapes located later in the batch to have their batch indexes and local indexes reset.
- Render Shapes without Batch
- vBuffer Parser (Mesh to SDF Triangles)
- Example:
mesh = sdf_mesh(_vbuffer, _vformat);
- Example:
- Filtered versions of the Procedural Patterns.
- Anti Aliasing
- Bounding Volumes
- Cone-Marching Pre-pass
- 3D SDF Text
- This is just a loose idea, but I imagine this is likely possible, though I'm unsure exactly how easy it would be to do.
- Make the Github page look nice
- Asset logo Idea: The Gamemaker logo made from SDFs using smooth union, alongside the text "Signed Distance Framework".
- Add documentation for all functionality, each shapes available properties, and photo examples of what they look like.
- Re-arrange Batch Header to make it less messy
- Add Additional Rotation Functionality
- Currently the quaternion is normalized inside of the shader.
- Add an XYZ version of:
.rotate_x(_angle_degrees, _is_local);
which respects the previously defined rotation. - Perhaps add a
.rotate_around(_x_origin, _y_origin, _z_origin);
for people who want to manually set the rotation origin. - For advanced users add:
.quaternion(_x, _y, _z, _w);
for manually handling rotation.
- Make Render Settings Dynamic
- Currently they only work when set in the create event prior to a shape being added, just need to make them write to the array.
Editor Idea
- Nommin's Dear ImGUI
- ColMesh with bounding box selection
- Can use my GM File Association to export a custom file, or alternatively just a buffer or set of array values for copy and paste.
- Can be loaded using something like:
loaded_file = sdf_load(_file_path);