In the step we will deploy the static HTML5 application to the HTML5 Application service of BTP. Depending on the previous setup choose the desired method for deployment. If the relating job 'orders-html5-deployer' was configured within the SAP CICD service then only the configuration of the helm chart is necessary, otherwise either the steps of 6.2 - DEPLOYMENT OPTION 2 - kubectl or 6.3 - DEPLOYMENT OPTION 3 - Helm can be followed.
⚠ NOTE: The job is using npm @sap/html5-app-deployer package. Refer to the Kubernetes samples for further details.
We will also deploy the BACKEND_DESTINATION to the service. This requires a few service instances to be generated which are defined within the file service-instances.yaml.
⚠ NOTE: The BACKEND_DESTINATION, cap-orders-kyma-srv, is configured to be defined as a subaccount destination and can be found within the subaccount under Connectivity -> Destinations. If any errors were made doing the deployment the destination can be modified directly. The property SUBACCOUNT_LEVEL_DESTINATION found within the deploy-job.yaml can be set to false to create instance destinations. The definition of the BACKEND_DESTINATION was configured in an earlier step and saved as credentials/html5-config-secret.yaml
To do the deployment execute the following steps:
Open the file /resources/html5/Dockerfile and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
Save the changes
Create the service instances for the Destination and the HTML5 Application Repository services
kubectl -n cap apply -f ./resources/html5/service-instances.yaml
- Open the file /resources/html5/helm/orders-html5-deployer/values.yaml and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
- Save the changes
Build and push the container to your docker account
docker build -t {your-docker-account}/orders-html5-deployer -f ./resources/html5/Dockerfile . docker push {your-docker-account}/orders-html5-deployer
Within the the file /resources/html5/deploy-job.yaml adjust the value of {your-docker-account}
Apply the job
kubectl -n cap replace --force -f ./resources/html5/deploy-job.yaml
Build and push the container to your docker account
docker build -t {your-docker-account}/orders-html5-deployer -f ./resources/html5/Dockerfile . docker push {your-docker-account}/orders-html5-deployer
Open the file /resources/db/helm/orders-db-deployer/values.yaml and replace {your-docker-account} with your Docker account id
Save the changes
Install the Helm chart
helm install orders-html5-deployer ./resources/db/helm/orders-html5-deployer -n cap
You can check the status and logs of the Kubernetes Job
kubectl -n cap get job orders-html5-deployer
The results should be similar to below:
orders-html5-deployer 1/1 14s 101m
To check the logs, run
kubectl -n cap logs job/orders-html5-deployer
🎉 Congratulations - You've now deployed the HTML5 app and thge launchpad configuration.
Continue to Exercise 7 - BUILD AND DEPLOY CAP SERVICE