Releases: dev-harsh1998/ota
LineageOS for Xiaomi Pad 5 (nabu) Stable Release - EOL (UPSTREAM)
- Merged latest android kernel common 4.14.334
- Jan Security Patches (taken from intel)
- CTS fixed
ROM md5sum: 37769d01148d7f90ffb25b14ba14cda7
boot md5sum: eaf37f389d59cd6c8c1296551ffff6e9
dtbo md5sum: c49b5ebd38568eb49cea240dfb2021e5
Note: vendor_boot is not released since it's not necessary for flashing nabu
Instructions: READ HERE
LineageOS for Xiaomi Pad 5 (nabu) Stable Release.
This is the final release of LineageOS-20 for Xiaomi Pad 5 based on Android-13.
This build brings in multiple fixes and Quality of Life changes.
- Rom is prerooted and comes with KernelSU, no need to root it again.
- Passes Safteynet and Play Integrity.
- Official Xiaomi Keyboard and pen are supported via a native hal.
- Latest upstreamed Linux Kernel 4.14.328 with latest caf tags and android security bulletin merged in.
- Fixed the microphone issues with voip apps call sessions.
- Fixed a few sepolicy denials.
- Fixed crash which was happening from inside of doze settings.
- Switched to common Xiaomi sensor hal for pickup sensor implementation
- Mono Audio tile.
- Added support for Double tap to sleep in launcher.
- Added Support for Google Lens in recants view.
- 3 finger screenshot gesture has been added to the build.
- October security patch and upstream updates from Lineage.
- Kernel tree ad device tree have been pushed to reflect the latest changes.
As usual, people on previous build should get an OTA for the same.
Note: vendor_boot.img isn't uploaded this time as flashing that isn't necessary for getting recovery working with current tree.
Flashing instructions if someone's migrating:
MD5SUM of Lineage Build: b2a0e7ee9e7359cc69f3524a7f905978
MD5SUM of Boot Image: 27b057fda3f99e202d28130485793c67
MD5SUM of DTBO Image: 402d717f20e663d88fb24f54bac1f5e8
If you are looking for Fastbootd update package use the following link
LineageOS for nabu (Xiaomi Pad 5) Stable Release
- Fixed offline charging
- Qcom powerhal
- Audio glitches
- All the above thanks to sai kiran
- Fixed aosp reccovery
- Security patches from:
- a bit of kernel tuning
LineageOS for nabu Xiaoomi Pad 5 Stable Release
- KernelSU included
- Fixed Recovery
- 420DPI artwork
- Fixed HDR and WCG
- Other misc Fixes and stuffs