A small library that adds common repository implementations
npm install @developertown/infrastructure
// core/src/townie.ts
import { BaseEntity } from "@developertown/core";
export class Townie extends BaseEntity {
public firstName: string;
public lastName: string;
// infrastructure/src/postgres/models/townie.ts
import { Column, CreatedAt, DeletedAt, Length, Model, Sequelize, Table, UpdatedAt } from "sequelize-typescript";
@Table({ tableName: "townies" })
export default class Townie extends Model<Townie> {
@Length({ min: 1, max: 255 })
@Column({ allowNull: false })
public firstName: string;
@Length({ min: 1, max: 255 })
@Column({ allowNull: false })
public lastName: string;
@Column({ type: Sequelize.DATE })
public createdAt: Date;
@Column({ type: Sequelize.DATE })
public updatedAt: Date;
@Column({ type: Sequelize.DATE })
public deletedAt: Date | null;
// infrastructure/src/townies/townieMapper.ts
import { IMapper } from "@developertown/core";
import { Townie } from "~/core";
import { Townie as SequelizeTownie } from "~/infrastructure";
class TownieMapper implements IMapper<Townie> {
public map(resource: SequelizeTownie): Townie {
// Convert DB Model to Domain Entity. In some cases a library like automapper might be a good choice.
return new Townie(resource);
// infrastructure/src/townies/townieRepository.ts
import { SequelizeRepository } from "@developertown/infrastructure";
import { Townie } from "~/core";
import { Townie as SequelizeTownie } from "~/infrastructure";
export class TownieRepository extends SequelizeRepository<Townie, SequelizeTownie> {
constructor() {
super(SequelizeTownie, new TownieMapper());
docker-compose -p typescript-infrastructure -f ./deployment/development/docker-compose.yml -f ./deployment/development/docker-compose.test.yml run app