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File metadata and controls

125 lines (82 loc) · 8.17 KB


Stactools-Pipelines is a large scale, turnkey processing framework to create STAC metadata and cloud optimized formats for data stored on S3 using stactools packages. It's goal is to make it easier for teams to develop scalable metadata pipelines by reducing the infrastructure boilerplate they need to build themselves.

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  • Python>=3.11
  • Docker
  • tox
  • awscli
  • An IAM role with sufficient permissions for creating, destroying and modifying the relevant stack resources.

Stactools packages

This framework expects that a stactools package has already been created for your dataset of interest and that the dataset is stored on S3. Check out stactools-packages to find out if a package already exists or how to create your own.

Developing Pipelines

This is a template repository. You can follow these instructions to create your organization's own repo from the template. Once you have created your own repository from the template, you develop your own pipelines.

To install for pipeline development run

pip install .["dev"]

An example pipeline structure for Sentinel 1 is included in the repo here to use as a reference for developing your own pipeline.

To develop a new pipeline create a directory in pipelines using a simple name for your pipeline dataset.

At a minimum you need to include

  • A Lambda application with a handler function defined which consumes an SQSEvent creates a STAC Item and posts it to the ingestor.

  • requirements.txt That contains the's dependencies so a container image can be built.

  • config.yaml Your pipeline's configuration settings.

  • A pytest based unit test file which exercises

  • A Lambda application with a handler function which creates a STAC Collection and posts it to the ingestor.

  • A pytest based unit test file which exercises

If you have pre-existing granules in your bucket and your bucket has S3 Inventory enabled, you can also optionally include functions which read the inventory to process these pre-existing granules. These include

  • A Lambda application which queries rows from the bucket's inventory file loaded into an Athena table.

  • A pytest based unit test file which exercises

config.yaml structure

  • id Required The pipeline name. This should be the same as the pipeline's parent folder and should use _s for separators to support Python module discovery.

  • compute Required Currently only the awslambda value is supported.

  • ingestor_url Required The ingestor API's root path with the stage value included.

  • secret_arn Required The secret manager ARN for using a Cognito JWKS implementation with the ingestor API.

  • sns Optional The SNS topic to listen to for new granule notifications.

  • inventory_location Optional The location of an S3 inventory or file listing that can be used by the pipeline to process and ingest existing granules. Include a file (and a in your pipeline which implements a query_inventory, row_to_message_body and handler method to query the inventory and send the results to the processing queue.

  • historic_frequency Optional If an inventory_location is included the historic_frequency (how often in hours the is run) must also be included. A value of 0 indicates that the function will run a single time on deployment and process the entire inventory. If a value of > 0 is specified then an initial_chunk must also be specified. The pipeline will build a stack which uses these values to incrementally chunk through the inventory file with cron executions to process until the entire inventory has been processed.

Writing your pipeline's

Your pipeline's function receives notification messages about granules to be processed and uses the information in these messages to create new STAC items (and optionally, new cloud optimized versions of the data). You'll need to understand a bit about the strcture of the files that make up a granule in your dataset and a bit about how the SNS notifications are configured for your bucket (if they are enabled).

As an example, note that the SNS topic for the Sentinel-1 bucket uses a custom message structure that includes an id and path property describing the "directory" key rather than individual file keys like most SNS configurations. Note that the Sentinel-1 has logic to correctly parse this message and that the Sentinel-1 stactools package actually expects an href value that is a "directory" rather than a file.

At a minimum the handler method in your pipeline's should create a STAC item and post that item to the ingestor endpoint.

Unit testing your pipeline's

To make unit testing easier and more consistent, stactools-pipelines includes a number of pytest fixtures and mocks which you can use to isolate your handler function from external services and verify that it behaving as expected. These fixtures use some pytest parameterization magic to patch the appropriate imports in your pipeline's when your tests are run.

Using the Sentinel-1 pipeline as an example. The test_handler [is decorated with[( the pipeline_id and module. When the test is run all the fixtures included in patch your's use of the real module allowing you to test in isolation. It is recommended to use these fixtures for unit testing and behavior verification.

To run the unit tests for your pipeline

Create an environment setting using your pipline name.

$ export PIPELINE=<Your pipeline name>

And call tox to run your unit tests

$ tox

Deploying a Pipeline

Deploying a pipeline will use the pipeline's config.yaml to deploy all the necessary infrastructure. This includes STAC Collection and Item creation Lambdas and any queues or Athena tables that are required. A new completely separate Cloudformation stack is created for each pipeline. The pipleine being deployed is controlled by the PIPELINE environment variable. The Lambda is executed automatically by the stack after deployment in order to create the STAC collection in the target STAC API. If an sns was specified in the config.yaml the Lambda will be subscribed and will begin processing notifications as soon as the stack deployment is complete.

To deploy a pipeline

Create a development virtual environment with

$ tox -e dev
$ source devenv/bin/activate

Create environment settings for your pipeline deployment

$ export PROJECT=<The project name for resource cost tracking>
$ export PIPELINE=<Your pipeline name>

With an AWS profile enabled with sufficient permissions build and push your pipeline image with

$ python

This will package your pipeline's Lambda code and the its dependencies specified in the requirements.txt into a Docker image and push it to ECR for use by the pipeline Lambdas.

Deploy the infrastructure for your pipeline with

$ cdk deploy

This will create Cloudformation stack for your pipline.

Developing stactools-pipelines

To create a development virtual environment for core repository development use

$ tox -e dev
$ source devenv/bin/activate