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Releases: devgateway/ocportal


28 Feb 12:35
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OCE-546 Merge changes from forks back into OCPortal & update dependencies


27 May 11:47
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OCPORTAL-517 GDPR compliance
OCPORTAL-909 Verify exported fields
OCPORTAL-958 Migrate away from
OCPORTAL-973 Decide how to handle OCDS award status in case award acceptance is missing
OCPORTAL-1023 Limit the total size of files attached to a form
OCPORTAL-1031 elgeyo mobile version issues
OCPORTAL-1032 Update OCDS conversion matrix
OCPORTAL-1038 JS errors in Public Portal charts
OCPORTAL-1044 List pages are slow
OCPORTAL-1064 Project tab crashes on public portal
OCPORTAL-1065 Back button in firefox
OCPORTAL-1067 Remove OCDS entries when the main tender gets deleted
OCPORTAL-1069 Cannot delete tender process
OCPORTAL-1070 Mongo import job is recreating all releases
OCPORTAL-1074 Put some padding between chart labels
OCPORTAL-1076 Pie charts should show % not total numbers
OCPORTAL-1079 Location collection in mongodb must be flushed when reimporting
OCPORTAL-1080 Receive alerts for this tender is taking to general receive alerts page
OCPORTAL-1081 Public Portal Item Filter filters out everything
OCPORTAL-1082 Save and next button misfunctions
OCPORTAL-1085 Map not showing points on staging
OCPORTAL-1086 Overview Status tender process not showing draft


27 May 11:50
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OCPORTAL-517 GDPR compliance
OCPORTAL-958 Migrate away from
OCPORTAL-973 Decide how to handle OCDS award status in case award acceptance is missing
OCPORTAL-1023 Limit the total size of files attached to a form
OCPORTAL-1031 elgeyo mobile version issues
OCPORTAL-1032 Update OCDS conversion matrix
OCPORTAL-1038 JS errors in Public Portal charts
OCPORTAL-1044 List pages are slow
OCPORTAL-1065 Back button in firefox
OCPORTAL-1067 Remove OCDS entries when the main tender gets deleted
OCPORTAL-1070 Mongo import job is recreating all releases
OCPORTAL-1071 Update videos link
OCPORTAL-1074 Put some padding between chart labels
OCPORTAL-1076 Pie charts should show % not total numbers
OCPORTAL-1079 Location collection in mongodb must be flushed when reimporting
OCPORTAL-1080 Receive alerts for this tender is taking to general receive alerts page
OCPORTAL-1081 Public Portal Item Filter filters out everything
OCPORTAL-1082 Save and next button misfunctions
OCPORTAL-1085 Map not showing points on staging
OCPORTAL-1086 Overview Status tender process not showing draft


27 May 11:54
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OCPORTAL-748 Improve public portal data export/alerts job
OCPORTAL-769 Buttons misalignment in feedback messenger
OCPORTAL-817 Replace routing with react-router
OCPORTAL-977 Create new map that pulls from contract
OCPORTAL-999 Update FROM email address for elgeyo
OCPORTAL-1001 PMC Reporter improvements
OCPORTAL-1016 Hide Procuring entity in the CRD
OCPORTAL-1030 Use OCDS prequalified extension to map prequalified suppliers
OCPORTAL-1040 [Makueni sanity] Budget spent chart coloring not fits requirements
OCPORTAL-1050 [Makueni sanity] Issue with Target group
OCPORTAL-1054 [Makueni sanity] Forget pass page leads to exception
OCPORTAL-1058 Add search option in supplier meta data
OCPORTAL-1061 [Makueni sanity] links from email is not working
OCPORTAL-1062 Typos in hardcoded OCDS extension URLs leading to OCDS validation errors


27 May 12:06
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OCPORTAL-497 Non-Public Portal pages - Mobile version - Improvements
OCPORTAL-914 Register OCDS prefix for Elgeyo with OCP
OCPORTAL-917 Investigate uses of @Cache annotation
OCPORTAL-957 Pie charts sometimes won't render
OCPORTAL-965 Non-performing suppliers
OCPORTAL-986 Deleting an alert on preprod crashes page with error
OCPORTAL-987 Create a delete button for tender processes
OCPORTAL-1004 Fix plotly display of donut charts on mobile phones
OCPORTAL-1017 Reducing the window to a certain level cuts off parts of the system


27 May 12:08
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OCPORTAL-780 footer placing is moved a bit up
OCPORTAL-950 Add tender info to sub forms
OCPORTAL-966 date formats
OCPORTAL-974 Add tooltips to fields
OCPORTAL-975 Data entry navigation improvements
OCPORTAL-978 Excel Download - Report - Direct Procurements Above Ksh 500,000 (pg 3)
OCPORTAL-982 Excel Download - Report - Six Months Report on Preference and Reservation Contracts Awards to Youth, Women and Persons with Disability - Section A: Allocations to the Preference and Reservation
OCPORTAL-984 Excel Download - Report - Six Months Report on Preference and Reservation Contracts Awards to Youth, Women and Persons with Disability - Section B: All Contracts Awards to the Target Group (youth, women, PWD)
OCPORTAL-985 Excel Download - Report - All Contract Awards under the Preferences and Reservation Scheme
OCPORTAL-989 New excel downloads
OCPORTAL-990 Improve add new prequalified supplier
OCPORTAL-994 Update procurement method mapping
OCPORTAL-1009 CRD> remove contact info
OCPORTAL-1010 Upgrade xstream to >=1.4.16
OCPORTAL-1015 Update Alerts page to say Elgeyo Marakwet
OCPORTAL-1018 NPE in abstractEditPage
OCPORTAL-1019 Exception exporting excel
OCPORTAL-1020 NPE on Tender process valdiator
OCPORTAL-1022 Add lat/long for elgeyo as script
OCPORTAL-1024 Select export dropdown alignment issue
OCPORTAL-1025 Internal error when clicking on Office of the Governor


27 May 12:10
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OCPORTAL-804 Add procurement method rationale filter to the tender page
OCPORTAL-969 Launch PMC App for Elgeyo
OCPORTAL-1008 Create new Validator that validates all
OCPORTAL-1012 All users should be able to access the Prequalified Suppliers metadata page


27 May 12:10
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OCPORTAL-1007 Exception running import job - prequalified suppliers export


27 May 12:13
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OCPORTAL-497 Non-Public Portal pages - Mobile version - Improvements
OCPORTAL-804 Add procurement method rationale filter to the tender page
OCPORTAL-879 Change translation engine on frontend to use node-js-i18n
OCPORTAL-901 Check data and remove procuring entity select from contract
OCPORTAL-910 CRD chart shows partially
OCPORTAL-939 Issues in FM in PP and CRD
OCPORTAL-940 Move existing text used in pages to use wicket i18n translations
OCPORTAL-945 Field relabeling, hiding, and adding
OCPORTAL-946 New Fields
OCPORTAL-949 Improvement to Item/bid sections
OCPORTAL-963 Chart showing budget spent
OCPORTAL-965 Non-performing suppliers
OCPORTAL-969 Launch PMC App for Elgeyo
OCPORTAL-981 Fix links for Elgeyo OCDS extensions
OCPORTAL-985 Excel Download - Report - All Contract Awards under the Preferences and Reservation Scheme
OCPORTAL-988 Add ProjectClosureHandover metadata list/edit pages
OCPORTAL-990 Improve add new prequalified supplier
OCPORTAL-993 Change Elgeyo PMC reporter app in notification email
OCPORTAL-995 [sanity] - PP payment voucher Completion Certificate downloads not works
OCPORTAL-996 CLONE - [sanity] - PP procurement plan view not loads
OCPORTAL-997 [sanity] - Open Work list not reports list of open forms


27 May 12:14
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OCPORTAL-659 Update access to changing of PMC and PMC designation metadata
OCPORTAL-787 Disable email server in development
OCPORTAL-802 mouse over popup
OCPORTAL-874 Newlines in item imported metadata breaks single selector in tender plan item
OCPORTAL-887 Browser zoom above 100% makes status overview link and count disappear
OCPORTAL-897 Add currency type to charts, tables, pages, etc.
OCPORTAL-909 Verify exported fields
OCPORTAL-916 Add Elgeyo locations and fields in Tender and Contracts
OCPORTAL-917 Investigate uses of @Cache annotation
OCPORTAL-947 Hide Fiscal Year Budget for Elgeyo
OCPORTAL-948 Internal Error when removing Procurement Plan Item
OCPORTAL-953 Prequalification - Supplier UI changes
OCPORTAL-954 Prequalification - Items schema
OCPORTAL-955 Prequalification - Prequalified Year Range
OCPORTAL-956 Prequalification - Prequalification form
OCPORTAL-959 Prequalification Feature
OCPORTAL-962 Add to Department Overview Calculation
OCPORTAL-964 Payment Form Changes
OCPORTAL-967 Move the Implementation dashboard tab to the end
OCPORTAL-971 Final Form Changes
OCPORTAL-972 Printed supplier id/address information in award notification form is not in sync with the selected supplier
OCPORTAL-976 Form lock functionality not merged into new core 2.0