CMS - Admin Login (Alert for non-admin users) - developed by DevGk
- Add products form
- title
- select a category
- description
- images
- price
- List of products -> Use Datatable with server-side
- Write Test cases in PHPUnit.
Build on Laravel 8. PHP Version used ^8. Packages used are listed below:
- Yajra Datatable: Datatable Laravel Package
- Sweet Alert: Sweet Alert Laravel Package
- bootstrap 5: Bootstrap 5 - Admin Panel Frontend
- Volt - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard: Open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard. Check for reference and further customizing the UI
- Database: Please open .env and set your database connection details and change the name of the database to your testing database.
- Run command composer install after cloning this project for the first time from the github.
- Optionally run (npm install and npm run watch)
- Run php artisan migrate - to migrate the database
- Login to the application with the below specified user
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: I_@m_CMS_@dmin
- Use Sample DB (Import into mysql database for test data - optional)
- Run Test: php artisan test