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Chapter 1.1 Introduction to Digital Marketing Course
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Chapter 1.2 Understanding Digital Marketing
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Chapter 1.3 Importance of Digital Marketing
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Chapter 1.4 Digital marketing approaches
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+ Chapter 1.1 Introduction to Digital Marketing Course
Digital Marketing Course for Business Promotion
Hello There! This course will help you to take your business online and promote it using the latest digital marketing techniques. I tried my best to simply this course as much as possible. The best part is: it does not requires any prior knowledge of IT. Basic knowledge of operating computers and smartphones is enough. This app will be your buddy (i.e. friend) for as long as you want, and will help you in your digital marketing campaigns.
What you will learn in this course:
Creating Online Presence for your business.
Learn how to promote your business on internet for free.
Learn where and how to invest on Digital Marketing to get maximum returns.
Target and reach to your potential customers.
Promote your products and services worldwide.
Learn how to create effective Digital Marketing strategies for your business.
Hire skilled Digital Marketers according to your need.
Track and monitor your Digital Marketing campaign.
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+ Chapter 1.2 Understanding Digital Marketing
Understanding Digital Marketing
In topic you will understand marketing and its components, what digital marketing is and how it can help you in your business. You can go through this topic once to understand the basics or you can skip it, if you already aware of digital marketing.
What is marketing?
Marketing is an essential part of any business. Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. In simple words, we can elaborate marketing into three Components.
Generating Awareness: Here I am talking about the consumer awareness. Business owners increase consumer awareness by employing a wide range of marketing techniques. The main reason of creating consumer awareness is to make consumers aware of particular products and services. It’s basically a passive marketing technique, where business and companies teach consumers – how to use particular product or services, how it can simply their lives etc. Companies which produces high-quality products and provides top-notch customer service, must create public awareness of these values through commercials, billboards or digital marketing campaigns.
Creating Need: If a business owner has successfully created an awareness, then the next step will be creating the need of that particular product or services in the customers mind. If someone don’t need that particular product or services, he or she won’t buy it. Don’t get confused with want. Wants are a step ahead of needs and are largely dependent on the needs of customers themselves. Customer wants particular products and services only when they are aware of particular product and services and they really need it. Creating wants is a complex procedure and depends upon the many factors. Many times it’s not in the controls of even the most expert marketing professionals.
Satisfying Demand: Generating awareness and creating need is an essential part of any marketing campaign. But it’s not just enough. To earn profit in order to run and sustain the business, we need to satisfy the demands. Satisfying the demands means identifying the potential customer (consumers who wants particular product or services) and fulfilling the demand at a profit. Big brands, companies and business often releases multiple types of discounts, offers, sales etc. to satisfy the demands.
What is digital marketing?
Doing marketing through internet on a digital platform (such as, computer, laptop, tablet, smartphones, mobile etc.) is digital marketing. Marketing also means promotion. So we can also say, Digital marketing is promotion of any company or business on the worldwide network of internet.
In Technical Terms:Digital marketing is a wide term used for the targetable, measurable, and interactive marketing process of products or services using digital technologies over a global network of internet, to reach the widest majority of audiences.
Don’t get confused! Digital marketing is known by many names, such as, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Digital Promotion, Internet Promotion, Online Promotion etc. Further you will learn more technical terms along with this course. You can use DM Reference anytime to revise this term.
How it is different than traditional marketing?
Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that has been in use by companies for years, and that has a proven success rate. Methods of traditional marketing can include print advertisements, such as newsletters, billboards, flyers, newspaper print ads etc. As we are approaching towards the future, our marketing and promotion strategies are evolving over the time. We are now moving from old traditional marketing towards digital marketing.
Digital Marketing and traditional marketing are both absolute form of marketing. The difference between traditional and digital marketing, lies on their strategies, process and platform.
Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Cost effective
Wider reach
Geographically limited
Not Measurable
Audience Targeting
Not Possible
Audience Tracking
Not Possible
Less Interactive
+ In next topic - you will understand the above given terms on the comparion table. Our next topic is - Importance of digital marketing.
+ Stuart
+ Bob can we combine traditional marketing with digital marketing?
+ Bob
+ Yes I think so. Kevin please explain!
+ Kevin
+ Yes of course! Stuart we can use traditional marketing and digital marketing at a same time. Bob is right. And it’s always a good idea to use both at a same time. It allows a business to reach to its potential customers from every possible medium.
+ stuart
+ So it is compulsory for a business to do both digital marketing and traditional marketing together.
+ Kevin
+ Nothing is compulsory, it’s just recommended. According to your business model and investment capacity. As I think you already knows how costly traditional marketing is. It requires big investments when it comes to put your ads on newspaper, television etc. Most of the small business and startups, just can’t afford it.
+ stuart
+ Oh, I see. Bob I think Kevin wants to say digital marketing is cheaper. What do you think bob?
+ Bob
+ Of course Stuart. Kevin please explain him.
+ Kevin
+ Comparatively Bob is right. Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing. I will tell you in next topic. Just remember that, there are few digital marketing techniques that requires ZERO investment.
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+ Chapter 1.3 Importance of Digital Marketing
Importance of Digital Marketing
In today’s generation, most of the people spend their, most of the time on the internet. Internet is their favorite place to find information they are looking for, search products they need to buy, hangout with a friend or family who are far way, remain connected with loved ones, play games, watch movies, listen songs and the list goes on.
Lot of companies and businesses are targeting these online users through their digital marketing campaigns. These campaigns, mostly runs on social media networks, famous websites and blogs, gaming and entertainment platforms etc. Through digital marketing, business targets users and turn them into client.
There is an exponential rise in the number of internet users. Due to affordable digital devices and wider connectivity of internet. Now it is possible to access internet from any corner of the world. So to reach the maximum number of audience, marketers are now following digital marketing practices.
Digital marketing is now considered the 6th mass media channel after print, recordings, cinema, radio and TV.
How Digital Marketing can help you in your business?
The main purpose of digital marketing is to connect with the large section of audiences who uses internet, in order to generate business. Among them a digital marketers can easily find a potential customers for their business. Targeting this potential customer through their digital devices and promoting product and services according to their preferences and interest, can really make a huge difference real market.
If you are running a business and getting businesses from newspaper, flyers and other traditional methods. Then you must consider implementing digital marketing techniques in your business in order to exponentially grow your business. I have elaborated few points below, which can strengthen the importance of digital marketing.
Wider Reach: As you already knows, internet has no limits. Using internet we can reach to each to every corners of the world. Internet is an essence of Digital marketing, thus it has no limits. Internet marketing give you the power to turn a small company into a worldwide famous brand.
Cost-Effective: As I said before, digital marketing is cost effective. Most of its strategies are free or requires negligible amount of investments. Running advertisements on digital media channels is drastically cheaper than running advertisements on traditional marketing channels such as TV, Newspaper etc.
+ Small businesses have very little resources and even capitalization. For them digital marketing is the best and most cost-effective marketing channel that delivers results in today’s market.
Effective Measuring: Measuring marketing objectives and efforts, on traditional marketing channels is really a difficult task and sometimes it's impossible. On another hand, digital marketing allows us to completely measure each and every activities related to our digital marketing campaign. It allows to effectively manage and improve our digital marketing campaigns in order to generate more business. Measuring the effectiveness of digital campaigns is an integral part of engaging, exciting and efficient marketing.
Better Targeting: There is no other marketing channels, which allows you to target your audience effectively then digital marketing. Identifying the potential customers and targeting them, can save a lot of marketing resources including time and money. It also helps to increase the chances of conversion. We can target audience based on their interest, locations, languages etc.
Accurate Tracking: Now it is possible to understand your audiences and customers before it actually becomes your client. We can effectively track those, using digital marketing tools. They use digital devices, which we can easily track and monitor our audiences on their devices and improve our digital marketing campaign accordingly.
Interaction: One of the reasons why digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing channels is the ability of Internet marketing tools to interact with targeted audiences in real time. Engagement in any form is what your customers expect to receive when interacting with your brand or business.
Remarketing: Remarketing reduces the risk of losing a customer. We will discuss this in details later. For now, just remember remarketing is a practice of targeting your users who has previously visited to your business and to show relevant offers according to their interest.
Digital marketing is applicable for all types of business. It is the best way to reach to the widest majority of audience easily. Implementing the digital marketing strategies which you will learn in this course will always be beneficial for your business.
+ Stuart
+ I have some questions
+ Bob
+ I also want to ask something. I want to ask first, please Please Please!
+ Stuart
+ Ok Bob, you go first
+ Bob
+ How can we measure digital marketing campaign?
+ Kevin
+ The brands and business uses different approaches to measuring the value of its digital marketing campaign. For direct marketing activity, where they can directly track and measures traffic, impressions, clicks, conversions etc. Bob you will understand this later, as we go on with this course.
+ Stuart
+ Don’t worry Bob. You will definitely understand this later. Now let me ask my question.
+ Stuart
+ Kevin - what is internet?
+ Bob
+ Stuart
+ Shut up!
+ Kevin
+ Guys don’t fight. Nice question Stuart. We must understand internet in order to learn digital marketing effectively. Internet in simple words is a medium of communication. We can also say it is the global network of digital devices that are connect with each other like a web. Thus we also call this network as a world wide web. A biggest network of retime data transfer.
+ Stuart
+ I see
+ Kevin
+ These devices communicate with each other using IP (Internet Protocol) Address.
+ Bob
+ Wait! I think, it’s getting too much technical.
+ Kevin
+ Ok bob, let’s get to the next question. And Stuart, if you like to know more about IP Address. Then please search it on DM References section of this app.
+ Stuart
+ Ok Kevin :D
+ Bob
+ Stop smiling, ask the next question.
+ Stuart
+ Kevin do you have any idea! What we will learn next?
+ Kevin
+ On next topic you will learn different approaches of digital marketing. But before proceeding forward, Stuart and Bob you should go through DM Reference and try to understand each and every new digital marketing terms that you guys have encountered till now. And I want you to do that, at the end of every topics from now on.
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+ Chapter 1.4 Digital marketing approaches
Different approaches of digital marketing
Till now, I can assume you had a basic idea of Digital Marketing such as what it is and its importance. As you are fully aware of its importance, then let’s discuss different approaches of digital marketing. Here I will elaborate different tactics of Digital Marketing, which you can implement on your business.
There are two different types of digital marketing approach. Those are organic and in-organic approach. In this topic we will discuss these in details.
What is organic digital marketing approach?
It is the natural and free digital marketing approach. It requires proper skills, not direct investment for digital promotion. It is very common approach, as it is mostly free. Almost all companies first go with organic promotion. The only drawback with this digital marketing approach is, it has huge competition. It includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Search Engine Optimization: It is a process of improving your website ranking on Google, when somebody search something related to your business. It’s not as simple as it sounds. But don’t worry, I will explain this SEO in complete detail.
What is in-organic digital marketing approach?
It is basically paid digital marketing approach. It requires both, proper skills and investment, for digital promotion. Most of the companies and business go with in-organic digital marketing, rather than just relying on organic approach. As it gives better result even in high competitive market. The only drawback is, there is no free alternative. It includes
Online Advertisements: It is exactly similar to as it sounds. Online advertisement means running promotional advertisements on internet. It is the most powerful approach to reach to your right audience at a right time.
Online Affiliate Marketing: If you are a manufacturer, or service provider, then you can provide affiliate to other digital marketers. For that you can create a system, from where they can join with your business and carry forward your marketing on their own channels. In return, as most of the business do, you can award them with a commission or gift. It’s up to you. Online affiliate marketing can save your resources and capital that you need to invest in order to run your own digital marketing campaigns.
Other digital marketing approach
It’s basically a mixture of organic and in-organic digital marketing approach. They provide both free and paid marketing plans to their users. It includes
Social Media Promotion: APromoting your business or brand in social media channels such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Social media promotion is a combination of SMO and SMM. Thus they provide us both free (SMO) and paid (SMM) options for business promotion.
SMO: In social networks, we can improve, enhance and optimize our presence in order to promote a business or brand. We can create attractive posts, join groups, create events and more to increase engagements. For that we don't need to pay anything and we call this SMO (Social Media Optimization).
SMM: We just can't rely on social media optimization strategies to promote of business. In order to generate business effectively we should go with SMM (Social Media Marketing). SMM is a practice of running advertisements on social media networks.
Email Marketing:
Local Listings:
Business Listings:
+ bob
+ Kevin can I start my business, and promote it using organic approach. And once I make some profit, I will start in-organic promotion also.
+ kevin
+ Yes Bob, of course you can do that. Most of the startups, do the same. But there is one thing you should know.
+ bob
+ What?
+ kevin
+ Not all business are same. If you are running a business, where you target your most of the audience through internet. Then I suggest you to go with in-organic approach too along with organic approach. It because organic approach, can some time takes time. But in-organic approach yields result instantaneously.
+ bob
+ I see
+ kevin
+ DSo if your business relies completely on internet, then you may not able to make profit, only by following organic approach. Unless you are a brilliant digital marketer.
+ Stuart
+ Like me
+ kevin
+ shut up
+ bob
+ haha
+ Stuart
+ hmm
+ Kevin
+ Stuart please don’t mind. If you have any more questions bob, do ask directly to the experts, through Ask Buddy.
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+ Chapter 1.5 Chapter 1 | Wrapping up
So far we have learned what is marketing, digital marketing, digital marketing vs. traditional marketing. We have also learned, its importance and different approaches.
We have discussed SEO an organic digital marketing approach. You have already read this term in previous topic. Now let’s elaborate SEO. Shall we!
SEO, as you already know - It stands for search engine optimization. Before going into that, you should first understand what a search engine is.
What is a Search Engine?
Search engine is a web application, which helps to find information according to our search terms. The best example is Google. You have already used Google several time. Google is one of the most famous search engine today. You will find more about search engine in DM Reference.
What is Search Engine optimization?
Technically: SEO is a process of improving websites ranking on a selected keywords in the organic rankings of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
Example: As you can see in the below image, there is a lot of websites coming up in SERP. When I searched “buy LED TV”. Now the website showing up in the first rank has done the SEO better than the website showing up at the bottom.
SEO is a comparative term. There is no specific unit of measurement, to measure the effectiveness of SEO. When we compare two website, we can compare their average rankings on keywords, codes, data, media, backlinks and more to identify which has better SEO.
What’s next?
We will create our online presence, so that search engine can find us! Creating online presence is very important for any business or company. On our next chapter, we will be providing some useful information’s, suggestions and tutorials for creating an online presence of your business.
+ bob
+ I am excited for the next chapter.
+ stuart
+ Me too Bob. Hope next chapter will be easy.
+ bob
+ Stuart come-on. It’s already easy.
+ stuart
+ I am not genius! Bob
+ bob
+ I know
+ stuart
+ You are laughing at me!
+ stuart
+ If you think, you are smarter than me. Then answer my question.
+ bob
+ Ok ask.
+ stuart
+ Tell me the name of top five search engines.
+ bob
+ Google, Bingo, Yahoo... hmm..
+ stuart
+ It’s bing not bingo you fool. And the other two?
+ bob
+ I can't remember right now!
+ kevin
+ Good try Bob. Just remember, like Google there are other search engines. They are similar to Google. Such as Bing, Yahoo, Aol, Yandex (Russian), Biadu (Chinese) etc... Bing is the second most used search engine, which is owned by Microsoft.
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+ Chapter 1.1 Introduction to Digital Marketing Course
Digital Marketing Course for Business Promotion
Hello There! This course will help you to take your business online and promote it using the latest digital marketing techniques. I tried my best to simply this course as much as possible. The best part is: it does not requires any prior knowledge of IT. Basic knowledge of operating computers and smartphones is enough. This app will be your buddy (i.e. friend) for as long as you want, and will help you in your digital marketing campaigns.
What you will learn in this course:
Creating Online Presence for your business.
Learn how to promote your business on internet for free.
Learn where and how to invest on Digital Marketing to get maximum returns.
Target and reach to your potential customers.
Promote your products and services worldwide.
Learn how to create effective Digital Marketing strategies for your business.
Hire skilled Digital Marketers according to your need.
Track and monitor your Digital Marketing campaign.
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+ Chapter 1.2 Understanding Digital Marketing
Understanding Digital Marketing
In topic you will understand marketing and its components, what digital marketing is and how it can help you in your business. You can go through this topic once to understand the basics or you can skip it, if you already aware of digital marketing.
What is marketing?
Marketing is an essential part of any business. Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit. In simple words, we can elaborate marketing into three Components.
Generating Awareness: Here I am talking about the consumer awareness. Business owners increase consumer awareness by employing a wide range of marketing techniques. The main reason of creating consumer awareness is to make consumers aware of particular products and services. It’s basically a passive marketing technique, where business and companies teach consumers – how to use particular product or services, how it can simply their lives etc. Companies which produces high-quality products and provides top-notch customer service, must create public awareness of these values through commercials, billboards or digital marketing campaigns.
Creating Need: If a business owner has successfully created an awareness, then the next step will be creating the need of that particular product or services in the customers mind. If someone don’t need that particular product or services, he or she won’t buy it. Don’t get confused with want. Wants are a step ahead of needs and are largely dependent on the needs of customers themselves. Customer wants particular products and services only when they are aware of particular product and services and they really need it. Creating wants is a complex procedure and depends upon the many factors. Many times it’s not in the controls of even the most expert marketing professionals.
Satisfying Demand: Generating awareness and creating need is an essential part of any marketing campaign. But it’s not just enough. To earn profit in order to run and sustain the business, we need to satisfy the demands. Satisfying the demands means identifying the potential customer (consumers who wants particular product or services) and fulfilling the demand at a profit. Big brands, companies and business often releases multiple types of discounts, offers, sales etc. to satisfy the demands.
What is digital marketing?
Doing marketing through internet on a digital platform (such as, computer, laptop, tablet, smartphones, mobile etc.) is digital marketing. Marketing also means promotion. So we can also say, Digital marketing is promotion of any company or business on the worldwide network of internet.
In Technical Terms:Digital marketing is a wide term used for the targetable, measurable, and interactive marketing process of products or services using digital technologies over a global network of internet, to reach the widest majority of audiences.
Don’t get confused! Digital marketing is known by many names, such as, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Digital Promotion, Internet Promotion, Online Promotion etc. Further you will learn more technical terms along with this course. You can use DM Reference anytime to revise this term.
How it is different than traditional marketing?
Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that has been in use by companies for years, and that has a proven success rate. Methods of traditional marketing can include print advertisements, such as newsletters, billboards, flyers, newspaper print ads etc. As we are approaching towards the future, our marketing and promotion strategies are evolving over the time. We are now moving from old traditional marketing towards digital marketing.
Digital Marketing and traditional marketing are both absolute form of marketing. The difference between traditional and digital marketing, lies on their strategies, process and platform.
Digital Marketing
Traditional Marketing
Cost effective
Wider reach
Geographically limited
Not Measurable
Audience Targeting
Not Possible
Audience Tracking
Not Possible
Less Interactive
+ In next topic - you will understand the above given terms on the comparion table. Our next topic is - Importance of digital marketing.
+ Stuart
+ Bob can we combine traditional marketing with digital marketing?
+ Bob
+ Yes I think so. Kevin please explain!
+ Kevin
+ Yes of course! Stuart we can use traditional marketing and digital marketing at a same time. Bob is right. And it’s always a good idea to use both at a same time. It allows a business to reach to its potential customers from every possible medium.
+ stuart
+ So it is compulsory for a business to do both digital marketing and traditional marketing together.
+ Kevin
+ Nothing is compulsory, it’s just recommended. According to your business model and investment capacity. As I think you already knows how costly traditional marketing is. It requires big investments when it comes to put your ads on newspaper, television etc. Most of the small business and startups, just can’t afford it.
+ stuart
+ Oh, I see. Bob I think Kevin wants to say digital marketing is cheaper. What do you think bob?
+ Bob
+ Of course Stuart. Kevin please explain him.
+ Kevin
+ Comparatively Bob is right. Digital marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing. I will tell you in next topic. Just remember that, there are few digital marketing techniques that requires ZERO investment.
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+ Chapter 1.3 Importance of Digital Marketing
Importance of Digital Marketing
In today’s generation, most of the people spend their, most of the time on the internet. Internet is their favorite place to find information they are looking for, search products they need to buy, hangout with a friend or family who are far way, remain connected with loved ones, play games, watch movies, listen songs and the list goes on.
Lot of companies and businesses are targeting these online users through their digital marketing campaigns. These campaigns, mostly runs on social media networks, famous websites and blogs, gaming and entertainment platforms etc. Through digital marketing, business targets users and turn them into client.
There is an exponential rise in the number of internet users. Due to affordable digital devices and wider connectivity of internet. Now it is possible to access internet from any corner of the world. So to reach the maximum number of audience, marketers are now following digital marketing practices.
Digital marketing is now considered the 6th mass media channel after print, recordings, cinema, radio and TV.
How Digital Marketing can help you in your business?
The main purpose of digital marketing is to connect with the large section of audiences who uses internet, in order to generate business. Among them a digital marketers can easily find a potential customers for their business. Targeting this potential customer through their digital devices and promoting product and services according to their preferences and interest, can really make a huge difference real market.
If you are running a business and getting businesses from newspaper, flyers and other traditional methods. Then you must consider implementing digital marketing techniques in your business in order to exponentially grow your business. I have elaborated few points below, which can strengthen the importance of digital marketing.
Wider Reach: As you already knows, internet has no limits. Using internet we can reach to each to every corners of the world. Internet is an essence of Digital marketing, thus it has no limits. Internet marketing give you the power to turn a small company into a worldwide famous brand.
Cost-Effective: As I said before, digital marketing is cost effective. Most of its strategies are free or requires negligible amount of investments. Running advertisements on digital media channels is drastically cheaper than running advertisements on traditional marketing channels such as TV, Newspaper etc.
+ Small businesses have very little resources and even capitalization. For them digital marketing is the best and most cost-effective marketing channel that delivers results in today’s market.
Effective Measuring: Measuring marketing objectives and efforts, on traditional marketing channels is really a difficult task and sometimes it's impossible. On another hand, digital marketing allows us to completely measure each and every activities related to our digital marketing campaign. It allows to effectively manage and improve our digital marketing campaigns in order to generate more business. Measuring the effectiveness of digital campaigns is an integral part of engaging, exciting and efficient marketing.
Better Targeting: There is no other marketing channels, which allows you to target your audience effectively then digital marketing. Identifying the potential customers and targeting them, can save a lot of marketing resources including time and money. It also helps to increase the chances of conversion. We can target audience based on their interest, locations, languages etc.
Accurate Tracking: Now it is possible to understand your audiences and customers before it actually becomes your client. We can effectively track those, using digital marketing tools. They use digital devices, which we can easily track and monitor our audiences on their devices and improve our digital marketing campaign accordingly.
Interaction: One of the reasons why digital marketing is taking over traditional marketing channels is the ability of Internet marketing tools to interact with targeted audiences in real time. Engagement in any form is what your customers expect to receive when interacting with your brand or business.
Remarketing: Remarketing reduces the risk of losing a customer. We will discuss this in details later. For now, just remember remarketing is a practice of targeting your users who has previously visited to your business and to show relevant offers according to their interest.
Digital marketing is applicable for all types of business. It is the best way to reach to the widest majority of audience easily. Implementing the digital marketing strategies which you will learn in this course will always be beneficial for your business.
+ Stuart
+ I have some questions
+ Bob
+ I also want to ask something. I want to ask first, please Please Please!
+ Stuart
+ Ok Bob, you go first
+ Bob
+ How can we measure digital marketing campaign?
+ Kevin
+ The brands and business uses different approaches to measuring the value of its digital marketing campaign. For direct marketing activity, where they can directly track and measures traffic, impressions, clicks, conversions etc. Bob you will understand this later, as we go on with this course.
+ Stuart
+ Don’t worry Bob. You will definitely understand this later. Now let me ask my question.
+ Stuart
+ Kevin - what is internet?
+ Bob
+ Stuart
+ Shut up!
+ Kevin
+ Guys don’t fight. Nice question Stuart. We must understand internet in order to learn digital marketing effectively. Internet in simple words is a medium of communication. We can also say it is the global network of digital devices that are connect with each other like a web. Thus we also call this network as a world wide web. A biggest network of retime data transfer.
+ Stuart
+ I see
+ Kevin
+ These devices communicate with each other using IP (Internet Protocol) Address.
+ Bob
+ Wait! I think, it’s getting too much technical.
+ Kevin
+ Ok bob, let’s get to the next question. And Stuart, if you like to know more about IP Address. Then please search it on DM References section of this app.
+ Stuart
+ Ok Kevin :D
+ Bob
+ Stop smiling, ask the next question.
+ Stuart
+ Kevin do you have any idea! What we will learn next?
+ Kevin
+ On next topic you will learn different approaches of digital marketing. But before proceeding forward, Stuart and Bob you should go through DM Reference and try to understand each and every new digital marketing terms that you guys have encountered till now. And I want you to do that, at the end of every topics from now on.
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+ Chapter 1.4 Digital marketing approaches
Different approaches of digital marketing
Till now, I can assume you had a basic idea of Digital Marketing such as what it is and its importance. As you are fully aware of its importance, then let’s discuss different approaches of digital marketing. Here I will elaborate different tactics of Digital Marketing, which you can implement on your business.
There are two different types of digital marketing approach. Those are organic and in-organic approach. In this topic we will discuss these in details.
What is organic digital marketing approach?
It is the natural and free digital marketing approach. It requires proper skills, not direct investment for digital promotion. It is very common approach, as it is mostly free. Almost all companies first go with organic promotion. The only drawback with this digital marketing approach is, it has huge competition. It includes SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Search Engine Optimization: It is a process of improving your website ranking on Google, when somebody search something related to your business. It’s not as simple as it sounds. But don’t worry, I will explain this SEO in complete detail.
What is in-organic digital marketing approach?
It is basically paid digital marketing approach. It requires both, proper skills and investment, for digital promotion. Most of the companies and business go with in-organic digital marketing, rather than just relying on organic approach. As it gives better result even in high competitive market. The only drawback is, there is no free alternative. It includes
Online Advertisements: It is exactly similar to as it sounds. Online advertisement means running promotional advertisements on internet. It is the most powerful approach to reach to your right audience at a right time.
Online Affiliate Marketing: If you are a manufacturer, or service provider, then you can provide affiliate to other digital marketers. For that you can create a system, from where they can join with your business and carry forward your marketing on their own channels. In return, as most of the business do, you can award them with a commission or gift. It’s up to you. Online affiliate marketing can save your resources and capital that you need to invest in order to run your own digital marketing campaigns.
Other digital marketing approach
It’s basically a mixture of organic and in-organic digital marketing approach. They provide both free and paid marketing plans to their users. It includes
Social Media Promotion: APromoting your business or brand in social media channels such as, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Social media promotion is a combination of SMO and SMM. Thus they provide us both free (SMO) and paid (SMM) options for business promotion.
SMO: In social networks, we can improve, enhance and optimize our presence in order to promote a business or brand. We can create attractive posts, join groups, create events and more to increase engagements. For that we don't need to pay anything and we call this SMO (Social Media Optimization).
SMM: We just can't rely on social media optimization strategies to promote of business. In order to generate business effectively we should go with SMM (Social Media Marketing). SMM is a practice of running advertisements on social media networks.
Email Marketing:
Local Listings:
Business Listings:
+ bob
+ Kevin can I start my business, and promote it using organic approach. And once I make some profit, I will start in-organic promotion also.
+ kevin
+ Yes Bob, of course you can do that. Most of the startups, do the same. But there is one thing you should know.
+ bob
+ What?
+ kevin
+ Not all business are same. If you are running a business, where you target your most of the audience through internet. Then I suggest you to go with in-organic approach too along with organic approach. It because organic approach, can some time takes time. But in-organic approach yields result instantaneously.
+ bob
+ I see
+ kevin
+ DSo if your business relies completely on internet, then you may not able to make profit, only by following organic approach. Unless you are a brilliant digital marketer.
+ Stuart
+ Like me
+ kevin
+ shut up
+ bob
+ haha
+ Stuart
+ hmm
+ Kevin
+ Stuart please don’t mind. If you have any more questions bob, do ask directly to the experts, through Ask Buddy.
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+ Chapter 1.5 Chapter 1 | Wrapping up
So far we have learned what is marketing, digital marketing, digital marketing vs. traditional marketing. We have also learned, its importance and different approaches.
We have discussed SEO an organic digital marketing approach. You have already read this term in previous topic. Now let’s elaborate SEO. Shall we!
SEO, as you already know - It stands for search engine optimization. Before going into that, you should first understand what a search engine is.
What is a Search Engine?
Search engine is a web application, which helps to find information according to our search terms. The best example is Google. You have already used Google several time. Google is one of the most famous search engine today. You will find more about search engine in DM Reference.
What is Search Engine optimization?
Technically: SEO is a process of improving websites ranking on a selected keywords in the organic rankings of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
Example: As you can see in the below image, there is a lot of websites coming up in SERP. When I searched “buy LED TV”. Now the website showing up in the first rank has done the SEO better than the website showing up at the bottom.
SEO is a comparative term. There is no specific unit of measurement, to measure the effectiveness of SEO. When we compare two website, we can compare their average rankings on keywords, codes, data, media, backlinks and more to identify which has better SEO.
What’s next?
We will create our online presence, so that search engine can find us! Creating online presence is very important for any business or company. On our next chapter, we will be providing some useful information’s, suggestions and tutorials for creating an online presence of your business.
+ bob
+ I am excited for the next chapter.
+ stuart
+ Me too Bob. Hope next chapter will be easy.
+ bob
+ Stuart come-on. It’s already easy.
+ stuart
+ I am not genius! Bob
+ bob
+ I know
+ stuart
+ You are laughing at me!
+ stuart
+ If you think, you are smarter than me. Then answer my question.
+ bob
+ Ok ask.
+ stuart
+ Tell me the name of top five search engines.
+ bob
+ Google, Bingo, Yahoo... hmm..
+ stuart
+ It’s bing not bingo you fool. And the other two?
+ bob
+ I can't remember right now!
+ kevin
+ Good try Bob. Just remember, like Google there are other search engines. They are similar to Google. Such as Bing, Yahoo, Aol, Yandex (Russian), Biadu (Chinese) etc... Bing is the second most used search engine, which is owned by Microsoft.
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+Business Promotion | Landing Page
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