Voxel engine made using Python, Pygame and OpenGL
This project enables you to generate and render voxel-based 3D worlds, which can be a foundation for various games, simulations, or interactive 3D applications.
Before you can use this program, you need to ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Python
- Poetry
To install Poetry, you can use pip:
pip install poetry
- Clone this repo.
- Navigate to the project folder.
- Run the program using Poetry:
poetry run python src/main.py
- Mouse: Control the camera's orientation. Move the mouse to look around and explore the game world from different angles.
- W: Move forward, advancing in the direction you're facing.
- A: Move to the left.
- D: Move to the right.
- S: Move backward.
- Space: Go upward or ascend.
- Left Control: Go downward or descend.
- Escape: Exit the program.