we are currently targeting 3.6 because it's latest version centos7 can easily install via EPEL.
- python3.6+
- pip
- virtualenv
to change some settings, see Makefile
and write them to local.mk
# recommend add this var to your bashrc or bash_profile
make install
# under the hood.
python3 -m venv .venv
.venv/bin/pip install -U pip
.venv/bin/pip install -U pipenv
.venv/bin/pipenv install -d
run API server.
make run
# under the hood
.venv/bin/python bin/pipelines server --workspace=test/fixtures/workspace --host
It runs on port 8888.
we now use pipenv to manage dependencies. so no more requirements.txt
please use pipenv to install packages.
# direct dependency
.venv/bin/pipenv install some-package
# dev time dependency
.venv/bin/pipenv install -d some-dev-package
after that, use pipenv-setup to sync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock
to setup.py
. because we still want it
possible to install pipelines via pip install pipelines
on servers.
make sync-requirements
## under the hood
# sync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock to setup.py
.venv/bin/pipenv-setup sync
# reformat setup.py
.venv/bin/autopep8 -i -a -a setup.py
then commit them all into git.
see README in app folder.