This Helm chart will install Prometheus (code) on a Kubernetes cluster. It is based on the community Helm chart (code).
See README for requirements.
# install with default parameters
helm upgrade --install prometheus devpro/prometheus --create-namespace \
--namespace prometheus
# checks all pods are running after some time
kubectl get pod -n prometheus
# searches for the latest version
helm search repo prometheus-community
# manual: update version number in Chart.yaml
# updates Chart.lock
helm dependency update
# checks the Kubernetes objects generated from the chart
helm template prometheus . -f values.yaml \
--namespace prometheus > temp.yaml
# applies the manifest (add "--debug > output.yaml" in case of issue)
helm upgrade --install prometheus . -f values.yaml --create-namespace \
--namespace prometheus
# forwards service port for local access
kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-server 9090:80 -n prometheus
# accesses prometheus server UI with http://localhost:9090/
curl http://localhost:9090/
# cleans up
helm uninstall prometheus -n prometheus
kubectl delete ns prometheus