Minimalistic stand-alone PHP implementation of Spring Solr Data Criteria.
The implementation is remade from scratch in PHP, but it follows 1:1 (for what is possible) the Spring API and features. The original authors are: Christoph Strobl, Philipp Jardas and Francisco Spaeth.
Criteria is a single-class (yet very powerful) library that allows to construct q="" queries for Sorl\Lucene engine.
As a low-level abstraction, it should be compatible with theoretically any client out there (Solarium etc...). It follows more or less a fluent API style, which allows to easily chain together multiple criteria.
- Fluent query-builder
- Criteria pipeling and nesting
- Multi-dimensional Array support
- Range, Fuzzy, Sloppy search
- Geospatial (!bbox, !geofilt) search
- 1-single-pulic-class, no dependencies
- Near 200 test assertions
- 100% test coverage
The string is generated with $criteria->getQuery() or casting (string) $criteria;
// foo:bar
Criteria::where('foo')->startsWith('starts')->endsWith('ends')->in(['one', 'two'])->boost(2.5);
// foo:(starts* *ends one two)^2.5
// -foo:bar AND zoo:zar
$nearNorthPole = Criteria::where('position')->nearCircle(38.116181, -86.929463, 100.5);
// "{!bbox pt=38.116181,\\-86.929463 sfield=position d=100.5}"
$santaClaus = Criteria::where('santa-name')->contains(['Noel', 'Claus', 'Natale', 'Baba', 'Nicolas'])
->andWhere('santa-beard-lenght')->between(5.5, 10.0)
// "santa-name:(*Noel* *Claus* *Natale* *Baba* *Nicolas*)
// AND santa-beard-exists:true
// AND santa-beard-lenght:[5.5 TO 10]
// AND santa-beard-color:(whi* *te)
// AND {!bbox pt=38.116181,\\-86.929463 sfield=position d=100.5}"
$goodPeople = Criteria::where('good-actions')->greaterThanEqual(10)
// 'good-actions:[10 TO *] OR bad-actions:[* TO 5]'
$gifts = Criteria::where('gift-name')->sloppy('LED TV GoPro Oculus Tablet Laptop', 2)
->andWhere('gift-type')->fuzzy('information', 0.4)->startsWith('tech')
->andWhere('__query__')->expression('{!dismax qf=myfield}how now brown cow');
// 'gift-name:"LED TV GoPro Oculus Tablet Laptop"~2
// AND gift-type:(information~0.4 tech*)
// AND __query__:{!dismax qf=myfield}how now brown cow'
// **Warning: Things escalates very fast here :)**
$christmas = new DateTime('2016-12-25');
$contributors = ['Christoph', 'Philipp', 'Francisco', 'Fabio'];
$giftReceivers = Criteria::where('gift-received')->is(null)
->andWhere('date')->is($christmas)->greaterThanEqual(new \Datetime('1970-01-01'))
// "-gift-received:[* TO *]
// AND chimney:[* TO *]
// AND date:(2016\\-12\\-25T00\\:00\\:00Z [1970\\-01\\-01T00\\:00\\:00Z TO *])
// AND (santa-name:(*Noel* *Claus* *Natale* *Baba* *Nicolas*)
// AND santa-beard-exists:true
// AND santa-beard-lenght:[5.5 TO 10]
// AND santa-beard-color:(whi* *te)
// AND {!bbox pt=38.116181,\\-86.929463 sfield=position d=100.5}
// )
// AND (gift-name:\"LED TV GoPro Oculus Tablet Laptop\"~2
// AND gift-type:(information~0.4 tech*)
// AND __query__:{!dismax qf=myfield}how now brown cow
// )
// AND (name:(Christoph Philipp Francisco Fabio)^2.0
// OR (good-actions:[10 TO *]
// OR bad-actions:[* TO 5]
// )
// )"
And there is more features... See CriteriaReadmeTest for hundreds examples.