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136 lines (90 loc) · 3.06 KB


Scrutinizer Code Quality


This bundle add a database driven swiftmailer spool to your symfony 2 project. It requires Symfony 2.4+ and usage of entities with Doctrine ORM.


  • Auto Retrying: set a maximum number of retries that spool will try to send in case of failure
  • Dashboard to list the email spool and perform some actions
  • Retry sending an email
  • Cancelling an email sending
  • Resending an email


Add composer

Add the dependency to your composer.json

    "require": {
	    "dextervip/database-swiftmalier-bundle" : "dev-master"

Add bundle class in kernel

Register the bundle class and its dependencies in your AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
        new Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\KnpPaginatorBundle(),
        new Stof\DoctrineExtensionsBundle\StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle(),
        new Citrax\Bundle\DatabaseSwiftMailerBundle\CitraxDatabaseSwiftMailerBundle(),

Add routes

If you want to have a spool dashboard, add the following routes.

    resource: "@CitraxDatabaseSwiftMailerBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /


Update database

Update your database schema to create the necessary entities.

$ php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Update swiftmailer config

Change your spool type from memory to db in your config.yml

    spool:     { type: db }

Overriding default templates

You may want to override the default template to have the look and feel of your application. You can do it by creating a new bundle and defining its parent as CitraxDatabaseSwiftMailerBundle.

  1. Create a new empty bundle E.g. EmailBundle

  2. Edit its bundle class and add a getParent() method returning 'CitraxDatabaseSwiftMailerBundle'

class EmailBundle extends Bundle
    public function getParent()
        return 'CitraxDatabaseSwiftMailerBundle';
  1. Create a twig template inside your new bundle in Resources/views/layout.html.twig and edit it to fit into your application layout. See the example below:
{% extends 'AppBundle::base.html.twig' %}

{% block title %}Email Spool{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
    {% block database_swiftmailer_content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
  1. All done!

Extra config



To send emails that are in the database spool, just run the following command:

$ php app/console swiftmailer:spool:send

You may add a cron job entry to run it periodically.

You can check the spool status with all emails at http://your_project_url/email-spool

To Do's

  • Filter emails
  • Insert error message once it reaches the maximum of retries
  • Last run date
  • Count total sent
