Releases: dfir-iris/iris-web
Releases · dfir-iris/iris-web
This is a beta version - do not use in production
Introduces heavy improvements in the backend and API v2.
What's Changed
- [ADD] DevContainer Configuration by @lowlandghost in #507
- Architecture improvements by @c8y3 in #528
- Import coding rule by @c8y3 in #529
- add-feature: add resources limits by @lelianthorel in #540
- Rest improvement by @c8y3 in #545
- Link IOC directly to case by @Matthijsy in #486
- [ADD] option to select Number of child processes processing the queue by @lelianthorel in #541
- Git workflow description by @c8y3 in #559
- Homogenizing blueprints structure by @c8y3 in #564
- Fixing regression on POST /user/update and adding a test by @c8y3 in #560
- Rest improvement assets by @c8y3 in #562
- Set development dockers version to develop. by @c8y3 in #565
- [IMP] Added security contexts, changed values file and resource confi… by @temmishy in #566
- Removed pin down of cheerio by @c8y3 in #568
- Fix missing form feedbacks on case creation by @c8y3 in #569
- Split UI backend by @c8y3 in #574
- Svelte setup by @DevCyberT in #578
- Added endpoint GET /api/v2/cases/{identifier}/iocs and other REST related improvements by @c8y3 in #587
- Create customer should not require administrator rights by @c8y3 in #589
- Rest finalization by @c8y3 in #597
- Feature/OIDC auth by @lukerosser in #591
- Refuse duplicate iocs creation by @c8y3 in #600
- Api v2 regression fixes by @c8y3 in #603
- Apiv2 new dir by @whikernel in #611
- More fine tuning by @c8y3 in #614
- Added customer ID to table by @sandervandegeijn in #618
- Add config hint for OIDC by @sandervandegeijn in #621
- Api v2 tweaks by @c8y3 in #622
- Deleted asset should not be accessible via REST by @c8y3 in #623
- Small cleanups provided by ruff by @c8y3 in #643
- [647][IMP] alert_owner_id autofill by @BogatikovM in #648
- [#665][ADD] Load IRIS_SESSION_TIMEOUT as an integer by @FideliusFalcon in #667
- [sveltekit_support] py3.12 related bug fixes; rest improvements by @lowlandghost in #671
- Ruff by @c8y3 in #685
- Issue 678 api v2 cases put by @c8y3 in #690
- Temporarily unplug unfinished endpoints by @c8y3 in #695
- Api v2 update task by @c8y3 in #698
- Fixed regression on GET /user/tasks/list by @c8y3 in #700
- Update frontend in dev compose to use env keys by @lowlandghost in #701
- [FIX] UI logout was not working anymore by @c8y3 in #704
- Api v2 get paginated tasks by @c8y3 in #705
- Api v2 update asset by @c8y3 in #709
- Api v2 paginated assets by @c8y3 in #715
- Hotfix 2.4.20 by @whikernel in #716
- [#722][IMP]Fix date parsing bug in case timeline (time badge) by @slw07g in #724
New Contributors
- @lowlandghost made their first contribution in #507
- @lelianthorel made their first contribution in #540
- @temmishy made their first contribution in #566
- @DevCyberT made their first contribution in #578
- @lukerosser made their first contribution in #591
- @sandervandegeijn made their first contribution in #618
- @BogatikovM made their first contribution in #648
- @FideliusFalcon made their first contribution in #667
- @slw07g made their first contribution in #724
Full Changelog: v2.4.20...v2.5.0-beta.1
What's Changed
- Hotfix 2.4.17 by @whikernel in #655
- Issue with and_ conditions in alerts by @whikernel in #656
- Issue when logging out in local auth mode
Full Changelog: v2.4.17...v2.4.19
What's Changed
- Upgraded
to latest version to avoid the issue "SCRAM authentication" by @rios0rios0 in #637 - Added severity_id for creating cases by @Vladimir-A in #653
- Fixed OIDC login issue
- Added filtering options in timeline
New Contributors
- @rios0rios0 made their first contribution in #637
Full Changelog: v2.4.16...v2.4.17
What's Changed
- Fixes an issue preventing to use hybrid mode with OIDC / Local when MFA is enabled
Full Changelog: v2.4.15...v2.4.16
What's Changed
- Fixes memory issues in alerts leading to memory exhaustion
- Adds filter fir alert source ref
- Adds new relations in alerts for future use
- Better UI for comments indicators
- Change reference POSTGRES_USER kubernetes template by @tvandenabbeel-spotit in #606
- Fixed report template language by @Vladimir-A in #632
New Contributors
- @tvandenabbeel-spotit made their first contribution in #606
Full Changelog: v2.4.14...v2.4.15
What's changed
- Fixes error when deleting a case with notes revisions
- Fixes alerts similarities associated with alternate customers
- Improves alerts graph by adding more info at a glance
- Adds additional filters on alerts
Full Changelog: v2.4.13...v2.4.14
What's Changed
- Added OIDC in beta
- Fixed broken merge of alerts in assets by @gbyx3 in #577
- Improvements for the iris-webhooks-module patch by @Vladimir-A in #585
- Fixed alerts and customers checks
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.12...v2.4.13
What's Changed
- Add GraphQL support on some endpoints
- Add MFA support
- Add Notes versioning
- Automatically create data directories by @Matthijsy in #432
- Graphql iocs by @c8y3 in #453
- Graphql cases by @Elise17 in #461
- Update case.notes.js to allow auto image upload from copy and paste by @LoneWolf-96 in #465
- Add pool_pre_ping option by @smgrol in #468
- Add graphql queries and mutations of cases by @Elise17 in #479
- Graphql filters query ioc by @Elise17 in #483
- Add custom X-IRIS-AUTH header by @Matthijsy in #506
- GitHub workflows for image build and helm chart release by @tylerobara in #420
- CICD to push to gchr in #511
- CI/CD: GraphQL documentation spectaql by @Elise17 in #513
- Datastore files upload issue
- Case status error
- Fix Lookup of custom API Key header
- Datastore files upload issue
New Contributors
- @MikaelFangel made their first contribution in #414
- @Elise17 made their first contribution in #461
- @smgrol made their first contribution in #468
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #472
- @BorislavChernev made their first contribution in #471
- @jtagcat made their first contribution in #404
- @tylerobara made their first contribution in #420
Full Changelog: v2.4.7...v2.4.11