This repository provides a ROS2 wrapper for the ugv_nav4d library, which is a path planning library designed for autonomous vehicle navigation. The ugv_nav4d_ros2
package enables easy integration of ugv_nav4d into ROS2 environments and provides visualizations for MLS (Multilayered Surface Maps) and TravMap3D (Traversability Map 3D).
- ROS2 integration of the ugv_nav4d library.
- Visualization tools for MLS and TravMap3D in RViz.
- ROS2: Ensure you have
ROS2 Humble
installed on your system. - ugv_nav4d: You will need the original
library. Install it using the instructions here. Source
after installation to make ugv_nav4d library visible for ROS2. See details in documentation of ugv_nav4d. - Build: Build the ROS2 workspace
colcon build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Launch:
Hint: Adjust the arguments pointcloud_topic and goal_topic. The pointcloud_topic expects a pointcloud map generated and corrected based on a SLAM algorithm. Alternatively, one could also use a PLY file to generate a MLS. See example files here. Most of the parameters in the params.yaml are explained in the original documentation of ugv_nav4d.
ros2 launch ugv_nav4d_ros2
Publish the MLS Map
ros2 service call /ugv_nav4d_ros2/map_publish std_srvs/srv/Trigger
Save MLS Map as a file
ros2 action send_goal /ugv_nav4d_ros2/save_mls_map ugv_nav4d_ros2/action/SaveMLSMap filename:\ \'\'\
Parameter | Type | Default Value | Description |
read_pose_from_topic |
Boolean | true |
If false , the pose is read using TF2 with robot_frame and world_frame . |
load_mls_from_file |
Boolean | false |
If false , then a slam corrected pointcloud is expected on a topic. |
mls_file_type |
String | ply |
Options: bin or ply . |
mls_file_path |
String | default_value |
Full path to the MLS file. |
mls_gap_size |
Double | 0.1 |
The gap size used to decide on whether stacked MLS patches can be merged into one patch |
robot_frame |
String | robot |
Frame name of the robot in TF2. Use when read_pose_from_topic is false |
world_frame |
String | world |
Frame name of the world in TF2. Use when read_pose_from_topic is false |
grid_resolution |
Double | 0.3 |
Grid resolution of the MLS and Traversability3d Map |
dist_max_x |
Double | 50 |
Maximum length of MLS along x-axis (in meters) |
dist_max_y |
Double | 50 |
Maximum length of MLS along y-axis (in meters) |
dist_max_z |
Double | 50 |
Maximum length of MLS along z-axis (in meters) |
dist_min_x |
Double | -50 |
Mininum length of MLS along x-axis (in meters) |
dist_min_y |
Double | -50 |
Mininum length of MLS along y-axis (in meters) |
dist_min_z |
Double | -50 |
Mininum length of MLS along z-axis (in meters) |
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