diff --git a/docs/src/release-notes-js.md b/docs/src/release-notes-js.md
index ce2250f4706b78..1a2d49ee8c98cf 100644
--- a/docs/src/release-notes-js.md
+++ b/docs/src/release-notes-js.md
@@ -6,6 +6,102 @@ toc_max_heading_level: 2
import LiteYouTube from '@site/src/components/LiteYouTube';
+## Version 1.45
+### Clock
+Utilizing the new [Clock] API allows to manipulate and control time within tests to verify time-related behavior. This API covers many common scenarios, including:
+* testing with predefined time;
+* keeping consistent time and timers;
+* monitoring inactivity;
+* ticking through time manually.
+// Initialize clock and let the page load
+// naturally.
+await page.clock.install({ time: new Date('2024-02-02T08:00:00') });
+await page.goto('http://localhost:3333');
+// Pretend that the user closed the laptop lid and opened it again at 10am,
+// Pause the time once reached that point.
+await page.clock.pauseAt(new Date('2024-02-02T10:00:00'));
+// Assert the page state.
+await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:00:00 AM');
+// Close the laptop lid again and open it at 10:30am.
+await page.clock.fastForward('30:00');
+await expect(page.getByTestId('current-time')).toHaveText('2/2/2024, 10:30:00 AM');
+See [the clock guide](./clock.md) for more details.
+### HTML report
+You can now filter tests by [text in annotations](./test-annotations.md).
+![HTML report](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/assets/9881434/4ef7c183-2aed-42d4-9fd4-78a87fe1d5c8)
+### Test runner
+- New CLI option `--fail-on-flaky-tests` that fails the test run upon any flaky tests. Note that by default, the test run will succeed when all failed tests recovered upon a retry. With this option, the test run will fail in such case.
+- New enviroment variable `PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY` controls whether built-in `list`, `line` and `dot` reporters assume a live terminal. You can force enable or disable tty behavior depending on your CI needs, or even set a specific tty width in columns.
+ ```sh
+ # Avoid TTY features that require ANSI control sequence support
+ # when your CI environment does not handle them well.
+ PLAYWRIGHT_FORCE_TTY=0 npx playwrigh test
+ ```
+- New options [`property: TestConfig.respectGitIgnore`] and [`property: TestProject.respectGitIgnore`] control whether files matching `.gitignore` patterns are excluded when searching for tests.
+- New property `timeout` is now available for custom expect matchers. This property takes into account `playwright.config.ts` and `expect.configure()`.
+ ```ts
+ import { expect as baseExpect } from '@playwright/test';
+ export const expect = baseExpect.extend({
+ async toHaveAmount(locator: Locator, expected: number, options?: { timeout?: number }) {
+ // When no timeout option is specified, use the config timeout.
+ const timeout = options?.timeout ?? this.timeout;
+ // ... implement the assertion ...
+ },
+ });
+ ```
+### Miscellaneous
+- Method [`method: Locator.setInputFiles`] now supports uploading a directory for `` elements.
+ ```ts
+ await page.getByLabel('Upload directory').setInputFiles(path.join(__dirname, 'mydir'));
+ ```
+- Multiple methods like [`method: Locator.click`] or [`method: Locator.press`] now support a `ControlOrMeta` modifier key. This key maps to `Meta` on macOS and maps to `Control` on Windows and Linux.
+ ```ts
+ // Press the common keyboard shortcut Control+S or Meta+S to trigger a "Save" operation.
+ await page.keyboard.press('ControlOrMeta+S');
+ ```
+- New property `httpCredentials.send` in [`method: APIRequest.newContext`] that allows to either always send the `Authorization` header or only send it in response to `401 Unauthorized`.
+- New option `reason` in [`method: APIRequestContext.dispose`] that will be included in the error message of ongoing operations interrupted by the context disposal.
+- New option `host` in [`method: BrowserType.launchServer`] allows to accept websocket connections on a specific address instead of unspecified ``.
+- Playwright now supports Chromium, Firefox and WebKit on Ubuntu 24.04.
+- v1.45 is the last release to receive WebKit update for macOS 12 Monterey. Please update macOS to keep using the latest WebKit.
+### Browser Versions
+* Chromium 127.0.6533.5
+* Mozilla Firefox 127.0
+* WebKit 17.4
+This version was also tested against the following stable channels:
+* Google Chrome 126
+* Microsoft Edge 126
## Version 1.44