BDD testing using Cucumber
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
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flutter_gherkin: ^1.0.5
sdk: flutter
your_project_directory 📁
test_driver 📁
feature 📁
Login_test.feature 📄
steps 📁
test_steps.dart 📄
app.dart 📄
test_config.dart 📄
This file contain the actual test cases that will be written in very simple understandable language.
Feature: Main Screen Validates and then Logins and Checks if each product clicks are ok
Scenario: Validates the email when text is entered
When I fill the "clientCodeEditText" field with "TB15219"
Then I tap the "loginBtn" button
Then I have "PasswordPage" on screen
When I fill the "passwordEditText" field with "Akshat@78902"
Then I tap the "passwordButton" button
All the test cases written above will be handle by test_steps.dart file.
This file is very important to run the actual test case