DBT-2 is a TPC-C like benchmark popular among SQL users. Setting it up is not terribly well documented, so let me detail how this ought to be done below.
You can download the cleaned up version of DBT-2 from Github here:
Install R-core, and Python. For Python install the latest version of rpy2 using the pip installation procedure. You should have:
- Python version 2.7.2
- R version 2.15.2 Ubuntu: apt-get install r-base CentOS: yum install R
- rpy2 version 2.3.1 Ubuntu: apt-get install python-rpy2 pip: pip install rpy2
You will also need a GNU compiler, CMake (the latest version possible).
The build procedure is simple:
export NUODB_INCLUDE_DIR=/Users/rbuck/tmp/nuodb/include
export NUODB_LIB_DIR=/Users/rbuck/tmp/nuodb/lib64
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DDBMS=nuodb -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/local/dbt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
If you want to use make install
, then set your prefix too:
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DDBMS=nuodb -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/opt/local/dbt -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
To install it locally:
make install
To create a redistributable package:
make package
Modify the bin/nuodb/dbt2-nuodb-profile file so that your NuoDB installation location is properly identified:
: ${NUODB_ROOT:="/home/rbuck/tmp/nuodb"}
In order to test you have to generate data files which are imported into NuoDB via NuoSQL. The tool that automates this is dbt2-nuodb-load-db:
-g - generate data files -w - number of warehouses (example: -w 3)
dbt2-nuodb-start-db -f
dbt2-nuodb-load-db -w 3 -g
n.b. stop db before running a workload as running workload itself will start the database.
Modify the bin/dbt2-nuodb-profile to match your environment setup.
Add the lib64 directory of your NuoDB installation to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH if you are using a pre-built distribution; otherwise, for local builds the RPATH is set so you should not have to configure anything in that case.
The benchmark is run using the run_workload script. Usage is as follows:
dbt2-run-workload -a nuodb -c <number of database connections> -d <duration of test> -w <number of warehouses>
Other options:
-c # - Set the number of database connections. -d <database name. (default dbt2)> -h <database host name. (default localhost)> -l <database port number> -o <enable oprofile data collection> -s <delay of starting of new threads in milliseconds> -n <no thinking or keying time (default no)> -w # - Set the warehouse scale factor. -z <comments for the test>
Example: dbt2-run-workload -a nuodb -c 20 -d 100 -w 1 -s 100 -o /var/tmp/results-1
Test will be run for 120 seconds with 20 database connections and scale factor (num of warehouses) 1
For measuring maximum throughput, use the -n option.
Helpful hints provided here:
Sample output follows:
$ dbt2-run-workload -a nuodb -c 16 -d 300 -w 1 -s 100 -o /var/tmp/results21
No matching processes belonging to you were found
[INFO] Shutting down chorus and monitors
Domain entry failed: Connection refused, localhost/
[INFO]: Starting broker
Execute: java -jar /Users/rbuck/tmp/nuodb/jar/nuoagent.jar --broker --port 48004 --domain domain --password bird --verbose --bin-dir /Users/rbuck/tmp/nuodb/bin --port-range 48010,48999 >> /var/tmp/dbt2/logs/dbt2-broker.log 2>&1 &
[INFO] Starting archive manager and recreating database
Started: [SM] Roberts-MacBook-Pro-3.local/ [ pid = 8117 ] ACTIVE
[INFO] Starting transaction engine
Started: [TE] Roberts-MacBook-Pro-3.local/ [ pid = 8124 ] ACTIVE
DBT-2 test for nuodb started...
DURATION OF TEST (in sec): 300
1 client stared every 100 millisecond(s)
Stage 1. Starting up client...
Sleeping 1 seconds
collecting database statistics...
Stage 2. Starting up driver...
100 threads started per millisecond
-n estimated rampup time:
Sleeping 2 seconds
estimated rampup time has elapsed
-n estimated steady state time:
Sleeping 300 seconds
Stage 3. Processing of results...
Killing client...
/usr/local/bin/dbt2-run-workload: line 648: 8166 Terminated: 15 dbt2-driver ${DRIVER_COMMAND_ARGS} > ${DRIVER_OUTPUT_DIR}/`hostname`/driver-${SEG}.out 2>&1
/usr/local/bin/dbt2-run-workload: line 575: 8135 Terminated: 15 dbt2-client ${CLIENT_COMMAND_ARGS} -p ${PORT} -o ${CDIR} > ${CLIENT_OUTPUT_DIR}/`hostname`/client-${SEG}.out 2>&1
[INFO] Shutting down chorus and monitors
Shutdown database dbt2
Test completed.
Results are in: /var/tmp/results21
Response Time (s)
Transaction % Average : 90th % Total Rollbacks %
------------ ----- --------------------- ----------- --------------- -----
Delivery 2.80 0.282 : 0.364 4 0 0.00
New Order 47.55 0.067 : 0.148 68 4 5.88
Order Status 4.20 0.113 : 0.243 6 0 0.00
Payment 39.16 0.023 : 0.048 56 0 0.00
Stock Level 3.50 0.111 : 0.289 5 0 0.00
------------ ----- --------------------- ----------- --------------- -----
13.55 new-order transactions per minute (NOTPM)
5.0 minute duration
0 total unknown errors
0.0 seconds(s) ramping up