diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md index c65da4a..3b11747 100644 --- a/changelog.md +++ b/changelog.md @@ -1,5 +1,36 @@ # Changelog +## v4.1.0 + +### New + +- Added `normalize` function + - This function strips out special characters and trims the phone number, much like uglify but skips non-digit characters + - Example: `normalize('555.444.3333 x 123') // => '5554443333x123'` vs `uglify('555.444.3333 x 123') // => 5554443333123` +- Added `validate` function + - This is a validation function, but works better for world wide phone numbers as well. Expects the full number + - Example: `333-444-5555` comes back valid but `444-5555` is invalid to this function +- Added `isValidWithFormat` function + - This takes a string phone number and a format string and validates the phone using the format + - It's also passed through the `validate` function for an extra step of validation +- Added `findSeparators` function + - A simple function that finds the separators in a phone number and returns them as an array +- Added `breakdownWithFormat` function + - Works a lot like `breakdown` but follows a strict format provided by the user to breakdown the number into an object + - This allows for a wider range of phone number support for breakdown + + +### Changed + +- `Phone-fns` is no longer dependant on `Kyanite` and is dependency free! +- `isValid` description to explain that it mostly focused on NANP numbers +- `breakdown` description to better explain that it's main focus is NANP numbers and its gachas +- We more than doubled our unit tests! Woo! + +### Chore + +- Renamed test files to `*.spec.js` instead of just `*.js` + ## v4.0.2 ### Fixed