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executable file
137 lines (89 loc) · 5 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
137 lines (89 loc) · 5 KB


Genthor is about integrating generative models and Bayesian techniques with thor.

Genthor setup

  • Clone and install genthor:
git clone
cd genthor
python install
  • Copy to your ~/.skdata/genthor path:
mkdir ~/.skdata/genthor
cp PATH_TO_GENTHOR/genthor/genthor/modeltools/ ~/.skdata/genthor
  • Add genthor dependencies to your Python path. On mh17, they are already available at /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages. Otherwise, read about installing dependencies

Installing dependencies

General packages

(You must have root to install these packages)

apt-get install bison flex
apt-get install -y -q libgl1-mesa-dev
apt-get install -y -q libtiff4-dev
apt-get install -y -q libsdl1.2-dev


  • Extract: tar jxf blender-2.68a-linux-glibc211-x86_64.tar.bz2

  • Copy the modified folders io_scene_egg and io_scene_obj from the genthor install to Blender's addons:

    • If using a local installation
    cp -r PATH_TO_GENTHOR/genthor/io_scene_egg PATH_TO_BLENDER_INSTALL/2.68/scripts/addons/
    cp -r PATH_TO_GENTHOR/genthor/io_scene_obj PATH_TO_BLENDER_INSTALL/2.68/scripts/addons/
    # For example:
    # cp -r ~/genthor/io_scene_obj ~/render/blender-2.68a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.68/scripts/addons/ 
    • If using a system-wide installation (check Blender version using /usr/local/bin/blender --version):
    cp -r PATH_TO_GENTHOR/genthor/io_scene_egg ~/.config/blender/2.68/scripts/addons/
    cp -r PATH_TO_GENTHOR/genthor/io_scene_obj ~/.config/blender/2.68/scripts/addons/

    NOTE: If you previously have used your local installation of blender and wish to use the global one, you need to delete ~/bin/blender.Otherwise, your local version will be continued to be used.

  • (Local installation only) Link /bin/blender to your install location:

ln -s ~/PATH_TO_BLENDER_INSTALL/blender ~/bin/blender
# For example:
# ln -s ~/render/blender-2.68a-linux-glibc211-x86_64/blender ~/bin/blender


  • Download panda from source: wget

  • Unzip: tar -zxvf panda3d-1.8.1.tar.gz

  • Make: python makepanda/ --everything --no-vision (make sure you are in the folder where you installed/extracted panda before you run makepanda)

  • Edit panda's Config.prc file (locate or find Config.prc, nano or vi the file) so it looks like this:

#load-display pandagl
#load-display pandadx9
#load-display pandadx8
#load-display pandagles
load-display p3tinydisplay

NOTE: The point of making this change is to allow panda to render to an off-screen buffer, so that it can run on machines without displays (e.g. servers). This is an installation-specific thing that, if you were running on your own personal desktop and wanted to see things on the screen as they rendered, you could leave it as it was (e.g. pandagl).

  • You can then install it in the same location (path to install has to be the same as path you called makepanda):
python makepanda/ --prefix=/[PATHYOUWANTTOINSTALLIN]
  • Add [PATH_TO_PANDA_INSTALL]/usr/local/share/panda3d and [PATH_TO_PANDA_INSTALL]/usr/local/share/panda3d to your Python path in your .profile so this is done automatically at login:

Bare minimum testing (in Python)

import genthor.datasets as gd
# When you run genthor for the first time, it will need to load background and models. 
# You can do this by:
meta = dataset.meta
# after define your models, you will need to load models

Converting .obj to .egg

To convert .obj to .egg, you need Blender and the Yabee exporter add-on. The code was tested on Blender 2.63 and Yabee r12 for Blender2.63a. See and for those versions.

Resource organization

Here is the organization for your models and backgrounds that you must observe if you want model/background loading to work properly.

The resources directory is the root of all models and backgrounds, and within resources there are up to 5 sub-directories:

  • resources/backgrounds stores images for backgrounds.

  • objs / eggs / bams stores mesh models, each within a subdirectory with the model's name, e.g.: resources/eggs/bloodhound/bloodhound.egg. Within each model directory, there is a sub-directory called tex that stores texture images. The objs directory can contain .tgz or other tar-zip readable files instead.

  • raw_models contains .obj/ .tgz files that you can use to add to the official model directories above.