- README.md general README
- README.i2c I2C bus usage for sensor modules
- README.mqtt installation of mosquitto server (optional)
- README.mysense MySense.py usage help
- README.pi Pi3 Jessie OS installation guide
docs directory:
- INSTALL.sh Installs (bash) the dependencies and OS support: try
./INSTALL.sh help
- bme280.md Adafruit / Grove BME280 humidity/temp/air pressure sensor
- dht.md Adafruit / Grove DHT11/22 humidity/temp sensor
- dylos.md Dylos DC1100 Pro dust sensor
- gps.md Grove Ultimate GPS locator
- grove_dB.md Grove loudness sensor
- shinyei.md Grove Shinyei PPD42NS dust sensor
- db.md MySQL database output channel
- gspread.md Google gspread output channel
- http To be done: template
- console to be done: just console output
- led.md led/relay/button for Pi poweroff/wifi access point search
- wifi.md wifi/utp client and wifi access point installation
- backdoor.md install remote access to the Pi
- grovepi.md GrovePi shield
- help Try:
python ./MySense.py --help
- MySense.py Main python script: command line handling, input/output plugins
- MySense.conf MySense configuration/init file
- MyBME280.py BME280 humidity/temp sensor
- MyDBGROVE.py Grove loudness sensor
- MyDHT.py Grove humidity/temp sensor
- MyDYLOS.py Dylos DC1100 Pro (USB serial) dust sensor
- MyMQTTSUB.py Input from Mosquitto server (relay/broker function)
- MyGPS.py Grove GPS sensor
- MyARDUINO.py Connection to Arduino Uno (for Shinyei)
- MyArduino.ino Firmware for Arduino Uno with Shinyei PPD42NS dust sensor
- MyRSSI.py Input wifi signal strength
- MyMQTTPUB.py Output channel via Mosquitto (MQTT)
- MyCONSOLE.py Output channel to console (or file)
- MyDB.py Output channel to MySQL database
- MyCSV.py Output channel in CVS format
- MyGSPREAD.py Output Google gspread (credential access not tested)
- MyEMAIL.py Output (description sensor kit) via email
- MyBROKER.py HTTP output channel (template)
- MyLogger.py Logging of MySense info
- MyInternet.py Use of internet connectivity
- MyI2C.py Sensors via I2C bus
- MyThreading.py Multi threading library for input plugins
- MyLed.py Script to use led/relay/button
- statistics/Calibrate.py Script to calculate best fit polynomial between two measurement data
- dylos-input.txt Debugging MySense.py test data (imitating Dylos sensor)