The Connected Asset OMAS implements the ConnectedAssetProperties API that is available on every Open Connector Framework (OCF) connector.
An OCF connector has 3 APIs:
- An API to return properties about the connector and its connection
- An API to access the asset it connects to
- An API to access the metadata about the asset the connector is used to access
The Connected Asset OMAS supports the third API on an OCF connector - the one for the metadata about the asset. It is a generic API for all types of open metadata assets. However, it assumes the asset's metadata model inherits from Asset (see model 0010 in Area 0).
The Connected Asset OMAS returns metadata about the asset at three levels of detail:
- returns the summary information organized in theassetSummary
- returns detailed information about the asset organized in theassetDetail
- returns all of the common metadata properties connected to the asset such as its schema, meanings and platform.
These structures are defined in the OCF module as POJO property objects (aka beans).
The module structure for the Connected Asset OMAS is as follows:
- connected-asset-client supports the client library.
- connected-asset-api supports the common Java classes that are used both by the client and the server.
- connected-asset-server supports in implementation of the access service and its related event management.
- connected-asset-spring supports the REST API using the Spring libraries.