The OMAG server platform provides the server environment for running open metadata and governance services.
It is included in the ODPi Egeria Distribution TAR file which can be installed on your machine by following the Installing ODPi Egeria Tutorial.
The OMAG server platform supports two broad groups of services:
- Administration Services - used to configure and manage logical OMAG servers running inside the OMAG server platform.
- Open Metadata and Governance Services - used to work with metadata and govern the assets of an organization.
Figure 1 shows the OMAG server platform when it first starts up.
Figure 1: OMAG server platform at start up
The administration services are active at this point, while the open metadata and governance services will return an error if called since there are no logical OMAG servers running.
The configuration services are used to create configuration documents. Each configuration document describes the open metadata and governance services that should be activated in a logical OMAG server.
Figure 2 shows the configuration services creating three configuration documents:
- one for the cdoMetadataRepository OMAG server
- one for the stewardshipServer OMAG Server
- one for the dataLakeDiscoveryEngine OMAG Server
Figure 2: Creating configuration documents for logical OMAG Servers
The Administration Services User Guide provides detailed instructions on creating configuration documents.
Once a configuration document for a logical OMAG server is defined, the operational services use it to initialize a logical OMAG server. The logical OMAG server can be started in any OMAG server platform. It does not have to be the OMAG server platform that created the configuration document.
Figure 3 shows an OMAG server platform with the cdoMetadataRepository local OMAG server running.
Figure 3: Starting a logical OMAG Server through the operational services
Once the logical OMAG server has initialized successfully, the open metadata and governance services can route requests to it.
An OMAG server platform can run multiple logical OMAG servers at one time. Figure 4 shows an OMAG server platform running multiple servers.
Figure 4: An OMAG server platform running multiple logical OMAG servers
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