lesson plan:
#jake talks
#let's talk about programming #programming is a set of instructions that a computer follows #there's syntax and concepts #across languages syntax changes but concepts stay very much the same #understanding concepts is far ore important than syntx, you can always look syntax up #let's talk about web development #web development is building software that runs on the web #ther is a client and a server #client is generally your computer and your browser #also known as frontend, javascript, html, css, xml #server is a computer that lives on a farm in virginia #ruby, python, php # HAML SASS coffeescript # java scala etc # needs to be interpretted or compiled #let's talk about ruby
#input output #puts/print #get.chomp
#blackjack game
#lets talk about github #version control wat? why? #git vs gtihub
#lets talk about the command line
#lets talk about github #local #git add ., git rm / git reset #git commit -m"if #git push #remote #pull request