This project is the source for the blog of the DINI-AG-KIM. This project was created with the gatsby template gatsby-starter-blog.
We have a few conventions for adding a new blog post:
Each post has an own folder under content/blog
starting with the date of the blog post (YYYY-MM-DD). In this folder we add all images used in the blog post. The blog post itself is written as a markdown file named
so we'll get nice urls.
Gatsby is build with Node.js.
Download and install the latest Node.js version from the official Node.js website.
Download the lastest nvm version.
curl -o- | bash
Set default Node.js version. When nvm is installed, it does not default to a particular node version. You’ll need to install the version you want and give nvm instructions to use it. This example uses the version 15 release, but more recent version numbers can be used instead.
nvm install 15
nvm use 15
npm install -g gatsby-cli
The site runs with:
cd curricula-blog
npm install
gatsby develop
The site is now running at http://localhost:8000
To create a production build and output the built static files into the public directory, run:
cd curricula-blog
gatsby build
If you want to view the production build locally, run:
gatsby serve
Once this starts, you can view your site at http://localhost:9000.