diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator.rs index e4f1dd222..0b5db2a66 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator.rs @@ -39,10 +39,11 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ #[cfg(feature = "test-util")] use janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{self, HpkeApplicationInfo, HpkeKeypair, Label}, http::response_to_problem_details, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, time::{Clock, DurationExt, IntervalExt, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ problem_type::DapProblemType, @@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Count; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1091,7 +1092,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Sum; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1099,7 +1100,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1107,7 +1108,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Histogram; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1117,7 +1118,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1137,7 +1138,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -1145,7 +1146,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_ops_dispatch { let $vdaf = vdaf; let $verify_key = verify_key; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::poplar1::Poplar1<::prio::vdaf::xof::XofShake128, 16>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -3132,9 +3133,9 @@ mod tests { self, test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key_with_id, HpkeApplicationInfo, HpkeKeypair, Label, }, - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::install_test_trace_subscriber, time::{Clock, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::TimeInterval, Duration, Extension, HpkeCiphertext, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigId, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregate_init_tests.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregate_init_tests.rs index 3487c0ba1..6c6a182c7 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregate_init_tests.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregate_init_tests.rs @@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance, DAP_AUTH_HEADER}, + auth_tokens::{AuthenticationToken, DAP_AUTH_HEADER}, test_util::{dummy_vdaf, install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf, VdafTranscript}, time::{Clock, MockClock, TimeExt as _}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::TimeInterval, AggregationJobId, AggregationJobInitializeReq, AggregationJobResp, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_continue.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_continue.rs index aff1a5e5c..d529db38d 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_continue.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_continue.rs @@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ mod tests { test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::install_test_trace_subscriber, time::{IntervalExt, MockClock}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::TimeInterval, AggregationJobContinueReq, AggregationJobId, AggregationJobResp, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_creator.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_creator.rs index cf13736e4..786276f8f 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_creator.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_creator.rs @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ task::{self, Task}, }; use janus_core::{ - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, time::{Clock, DurationExt as _, TimeExt as _}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, TimeInterval}, @@ -706,9 +706,9 @@ mod tests { test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::{dummy_vdaf, install_test_trace_subscriber}, time::{Clock, DurationExt, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ codec::ParameterizedDecode, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_driver.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_driver.rs index af0e8730a..14efa0a3e 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_driver.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/aggregation_job_driver.rs @@ -931,9 +931,9 @@ mod tests { self, test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeApplicationInfo, Label, }, report_id::ReportIdChecksumExt, - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf, runtime::TestRuntimeManager}, time::{Clock, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, Runtime, }; use janus_messages::{ diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_driver.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_driver.rs index 50b8bab7e..72f109943 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_driver.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_driver.rs @@ -545,13 +545,13 @@ mod tests { test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{ dummy_vdaf::{self, AggregationParam}, install_test_trace_subscriber, runtime::TestRuntimeManager, }, time::{Clock, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, Runtime, }; use janus_messages::{ diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_tests.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_tests.rs index a190200dd..960f79293 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_tests.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/collection_job_tests.rs @@ -20,16 +20,17 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{ self, test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeApplicationInfo, HpkeKeypair, Label, }, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, test_util::{ dummy_vdaf::{self, AggregationParam}, install_test_trace_subscriber, }, time::{Clock, IntervalExt, MockClock}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, QueryType as QueryTypeTrait, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/garbage_collector.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/garbage_collector.rs index 82468fd70..02d23ef0b 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/garbage_collector.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/garbage_collector.rs @@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ mod tests { task::{self, test_util::TaskBuilder}, }; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{ dummy_vdaf::{self, AggregateShare, AggregationParam}, install_test_trace_subscriber, }, time::{Clock, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/http_handlers.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/http_handlers.rs index 6581bf7a9..716a2355c 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/http_handlers.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/http_handlers.rs @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ use async_trait::async_trait; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use janus_aggregator_core::{datastore::Datastore, instrumented}; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::{AuthenticationToken, DAP_AUTH_HEADER}, http::extract_bearer_token, - task::{AuthenticationToken, DAP_AUTH_HEADER}, taskprov::TASKPROV_HEADER, time::Clock, }; @@ -679,6 +679,7 @@ mod tests { test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{ self, test_util::{ @@ -688,9 +689,9 @@ mod tests { HpkeApplicationInfo, HpkeKeypair, Label, }, report_id::ReportIdChecksumExt, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::{dummy_vdaf, install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf}, time::{Clock, DurationExt, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::TimeInterval, AggregateShare as AggregateShareMessage, AggregateShareAad, diff --git a/aggregator/src/aggregator/taskprov_tests.rs b/aggregator/src/aggregator/taskprov_tests.rs index 0681435e5..772623eb7 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/aggregator/taskprov_tests.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/aggregator/taskprov_tests.rs @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ use janus_core::{ HpkeKeypair, Label, }, report_id::ReportIdChecksumExt, - task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH, taskprov::TASKPROV_HEADER, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf, VdafTranscript}, time::{Clock, DurationExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH, }; use janus_messages::{ codec::{Decode, Encode}, diff --git a/aggregator/src/bin/aggregator.rs b/aggregator/src/bin/aggregator.rs index c4428b214..828696431 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/bin/aggregator.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/bin/aggregator.rs @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use janus_aggregator::{ }; use janus_aggregator_api::{self, aggregator_api_handler}; use janus_aggregator_core::datastore::Datastore; -use janus_core::{task::AuthenticationToken, time::RealClock}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, time::RealClock}; use serde::{de, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize}; use std::{ future::{ready, Future}, diff --git a/aggregator/src/bin/janus_cli.rs b/aggregator/src/bin/janus_cli.rs index f69597d8b..c8fa7fd44 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/bin/janus_cli.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/bin/janus_cli.rs @@ -467,9 +467,9 @@ mod tests { task::{test_util::TaskBuilder, QueryType, Task}, }; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{kubernetes, roundtrip_encoding}, time::RealClock, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{Role, TaskId}; use ring::aead::{UnboundKey, AES_128_GCM}; diff --git a/aggregator/src/binary_utils/job_driver.rs b/aggregator/src/binary_utils/job_driver.rs index 84174fccf..3de1ccdaf 100644 --- a/aggregator/src/binary_utils/job_driver.rs +++ b/aggregator/src/binary_utils/job_driver.rs @@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ mod tests { test_util::noop_meter, }; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, runtime::TestRuntimeManager}, time::MockClock, + vdaf::VdafInstance, Runtime, }; use janus_messages::{AggregationJobId, TaskId}; diff --git a/aggregator/tests/graceful_shutdown.rs b/aggregator/tests/graceful_shutdown.rs index f3eba3720..b1c90e064 100644 --- a/aggregator/tests/graceful_shutdown.rs +++ b/aggregator/tests/graceful_shutdown.rs @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ datastore::test_util::ephemeral_datastore, task::{test_util::TaskBuilder, QueryType}, }; -use janus_core::{task::VdafInstance, test_util::install_test_trace_subscriber, time::RealClock}; +use janus_core::{test_util::install_test_trace_subscriber, time::RealClock, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_messages::Role; use reqwest::Url; use serde_yaml::{Mapping, Value}; diff --git a/aggregator_api/src/lib.rs b/aggregator_api/src/lib.rs index f69827ab4..dd11a72ee 100644 --- a/aggregator_api/src/lib.rs +++ b/aggregator_api/src/lib.rs @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ datastore::{self, Datastore}, instrumented, }; -use janus_core::{hpke, http::extract_bearer_token, task::AuthenticationToken, time::Clock}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke, http::extract_bearer_token, time::Clock}; use janus_messages::{HpkeConfigId, RoleParseError, TaskId}; use routes::*; use std::{str::FromStr, sync::Arc}; diff --git a/aggregator_api/src/models.rs b/aggregator_api/src/models.rs index d7e1625af..83615b8fb 100644 --- a/aggregator_api/src/models.rs +++ b/aggregator_api/src/models.rs @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ task::{QueryType, Task}, taskprov::{PeerAggregator, VerifyKeyInit}, }; -use janus_core::task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_messages::{ query_type::Code as SupportedQueryType, Duration, HpkeAeadId, HpkeConfig, HpkeKdfId, HpkeKemId, Role, TaskId, Time, diff --git a/aggregator_api/src/tests.rs b/aggregator_api/src/tests.rs index baf5ee0a6..c787a0c9a 100644 --- a/aggregator_api/src/tests.rs +++ b/aggregator_api/src/tests.rs @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ SecretBytes, }; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{ generate_hpke_config_and_private_key, test_util::{ @@ -31,12 +32,12 @@ use janus_core::{ }, HpkeKeypair, HpkePrivateKey, }, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, test_util::{ dummy_vdaf::{self, AggregationParam}, install_test_trace_subscriber, }, time::MockClock, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::TimeInterval, AggregationJobStep, Duration, HpkeAeadId, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigId, diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/datastore.rs b/aggregator_core/src/datastore.rs index 25b9eecf5..8ac957579 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/datastore.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/datastore.rs @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ use crate::{ use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use futures::future::try_join_all; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{HpkeKeypair, HpkePrivateKey}, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, time::{Clock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, QueryType, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/datastore/models.rs b/aggregator_core/src/datastore/models.rs index 21994c369..db2b709b9 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/datastore/models.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/datastore/models.rs @@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ use base64::{display::Base64Display, engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD}; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use derivative::Derivative; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::HpkeKeypair, report_id::ReportIdChecksumExt, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, time::{DurationExt, IntervalExt, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, QueryType, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/datastore/tests.rs b/aggregator_core/src/datastore/tests.rs index bcd88abef..e03ddd5ae 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/datastore/tests.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/datastore/tests.rs @@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ use janus_core::{ hpke::{ self, test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeApplicationInfo, Label, }, - task::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::{ dummy_vdaf::{self, AggregateShare, AggregationParam}, install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf, }, time::{Clock, DurationExt, IntervalExt, MockClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, QueryType, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/query_type.rs b/aggregator_core/src/query_type.rs index 3b7696ea7..a4f6c6ebe 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/query_type.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/query_type.rs @@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ mod tests { query_type::CollectableQueryType, task::{test_util::TaskBuilder, QueryType}, }; - use janus_core::task::VdafInstance; + use janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance; use janus_messages::{query_type::TimeInterval, Duration, Interval, Role, Time}; #[test] diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/task.rs b/aggregator_core/src/task.rs index ff2230c33..54a3a85e0 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/task.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/task.rs @@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ use crate::SecretBytes; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use derivative::Derivative; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{generate_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeKeypair}, - task::{url_ensure_trailing_slash, AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, time::TimeExt, + url_ensure_trailing_slash, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ taskprov, AggregationJobId, CollectionJobId, Duration, HpkeAeadId, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigId, @@ -626,9 +628,10 @@ pub mod test_util { SecretBytes, }; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeKeypair}, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, time::DurationExt, + vdaf::{VdafInstance, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, }; use janus_messages::{Duration, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigId, Role, TaskId, Time}; use rand::{distributions::Standard, random, thread_rng, Rng}; @@ -874,10 +877,11 @@ mod tests { }; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeKeypair, HpkePrivateKey}, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH}, test_util::roundtrip_encoding, time::DurationExt, + vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH, }; use janus_messages::{ Duration, HpkeAeadId, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigId, HpkeKdfId, HpkeKemId, HpkePublicKey, Role, diff --git a/aggregator_core/src/taskprov.rs b/aggregator_core/src/taskprov.rs index ce7c4cdee..eb4e71ea3 100644 --- a/aggregator_core/src/taskprov.rs +++ b/aggregator_core/src/taskprov.rs @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::{ }; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use derivative::Derivative; -use janus_core::task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_messages::{Duration, HpkeConfig, Role, TaskId, Time}; use rand::{distributions::Standard, prelude::Distribution}; use ring::hkdf::{KeyType, Salt, HKDF_SHA256}; @@ -341,7 +341,8 @@ impl From for task::Task { #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-util")))] pub mod test_util { use janus_core::{ - hpke::test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, task::AuthenticationToken, + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, + hpke::test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, }; use janus_messages::{Duration, HpkeConfig, Role}; use rand::random; diff --git a/client/src/lib.rs b/client/src/lib.rs index 49ca5caac..16543a8ff 100644 --- a/client/src/lib.rs +++ b/client/src/lib.rs @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ use janus_core::{ hpke::{self, HpkeApplicationInfo, Label}, http::response_to_problem_details, retries::{http_request_exponential_backoff, retry_http_request}, - task::url_ensure_trailing_slash, time::{Clock, TimeExt}, + url_ensure_trailing_slash, }; use janus_messages::{ Duration, HpkeConfig, HpkeConfigList, InputShareAad, PlaintextInputShare, Report, ReportId, diff --git a/collector/src/lib.rs b/collector/src/lib.rs index aad4399c2..6c46bc71c 100644 --- a/collector/src/lib.rs +++ b/collector/src/lib.rs @@ -57,13 +57,13 @@ use backoff::{backoff::Backoff, ExponentialBackoff}; use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, TimeZone, Utc}; use derivative::Derivative; use http_api_problem::HttpApiProblem; -pub use janus_core::task::AuthenticationToken; +pub use janus_core::auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken; use janus_core::{ hpke::{self, HpkeApplicationInfo, HpkePrivateKey}, http::response_to_problem_details, retries::{http_request_exponential_backoff, retry_http_request}, - task::url_ensure_trailing_slash, time::{DurationExt, TimeExt}, + url_ensure_trailing_slash, }; use janus_messages::{ problem_type::DapProblemType, @@ -637,11 +637,11 @@ mod tests { #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] use fixed_macro::fixed; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::{ self, test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeApplicationInfo, Label, }, retries::test_http_request_exponential_backoff, - task::AuthenticationToken, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, run_vdaf, VdafTranscript}, }; use janus_messages::{ diff --git a/core/src/auth_tokens.rs b/core/src/auth_tokens.rs new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1bf3ce6a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/core/src/auth_tokens.rs @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; +use derivative::Derivative; +use http::{header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue}; +use rand::{distributions::Standard, prelude::Distribution}; +use ring::constant_time; +use serde::{de::Error, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize}; +use std::str; + +/// HTTP header where auth tokens are provided in messages between participants. +pub const DAP_AUTH_HEADER: &str = "DAP-Auth-Token"; + +/// Different modes of authentication supported by Janus for either sending requests (e.g., leader +/// to helper) or receiving them (e.g., collector to leader). +#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] +#[derivative(Debug)] +#[serde(tag = "type", content = "token")] +#[non_exhaustive] +pub enum AuthenticationToken { + /// A bearer token, presented as the value of the "Authorization" HTTP header as specified in + /// [RFC 6750 section 2.1][1]. + /// + /// The token is not necessarily an OAuth token. + /// + /// [1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1 + Bearer(BearerToken), + + /// Token presented as the value of the "DAP-Auth-Token" HTTP header. Conforms to + /// [draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03][1], sections [4.3.3][2] and [4.4.2][3], and + /// [draft-ietf-dap-ppm-01 section 3.2][4]. + /// + /// [1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03 + /// [2]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03#section-4.3.3 + /// [3]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03#section-4.4.2 + /// [4]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ppm-dap-01#name-https-sender-authentication + DapAuth(DapAuthToken), +} + +impl AuthenticationToken { + /// Attempts to create a new bearer token from the provided bytes. + pub fn new_bearer_token_from_bytes>(bytes: T) -> Result { + BearerToken::try_from(bytes.as_ref().to_vec()).map(AuthenticationToken::Bearer) + } + + /// Attempts to create a new bearer token from the provided string + pub fn new_bearer_token_from_string>(string: T) -> Result { + BearerToken::try_from(string.into()).map(AuthenticationToken::Bearer) + } + + /// Attempts to create a new DAP auth token from the provided bytes. + pub fn new_dap_auth_token_from_bytes>(bytes: T) -> Result { + DapAuthToken::try_from(bytes.as_ref().to_vec()).map(AuthenticationToken::DapAuth) + } + + /// Attempts to create a new DAP auth token from the provided string. + pub fn new_dap_auth_token_from_string>( + string: T, + ) -> Result { + DapAuthToken::try_from(string.into()).map(AuthenticationToken::DapAuth) + } + + /// Returns an HTTP header and value that should be used to authenticate an HTTP request with + /// this credential. + pub fn request_authentication(&self) -> (&'static str, String) { + match self { + Self::Bearer(token) => (AUTHORIZATION.as_str(), format!("Bearer {}", token.as_str())), + // Cloning is unfortunate but necessary since other arms must allocate. + Self::DapAuth(token) => (DAP_AUTH_HEADER, token.as_str().to_string()), + } + } + + /// Returns the token as a string. + pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { + match self { + Self::DapAuth(token) => token.as_str(), + Self::Bearer(token) => token.as_str(), + } + } +} + +impl AsRef<[u8]> for AuthenticationToken { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { + match self { + Self::DapAuth(token) => token.as_ref(), + Self::Bearer(token) => token.as_ref(), + } + } +} + +impl Distribution for Standard { + fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> AuthenticationToken { + AuthenticationToken::Bearer(Standard::sample(self, rng)) + } +} + +/// A token value used to authenticate HTTP requests. This token is used in the "DAP-Auth-Token" +/// HTTP request header. +/// +/// This token is used directly in HTTP request headers without further encoding and so must be a +/// legal HTTP header value. The literal value is the canonical form of the token and is used +/// directly, without any additional encoding or decoding, in configuration files, Janus aggregator +/// API requests, and HTTP authentication headers. +/// +/// This opaque type ensures it's impossible to construct an [`AuthenticationToken`] whose contents +/// are invalid. +#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize)] +#[derivative(Debug)] +#[serde(transparent)] +pub struct DapAuthToken(#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")] String); + +impl DapAuthToken { + /// Returns the token as a string. + pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { + &self.0 + } + + /// Validate that a DAP-Auth-Token value is a valid HTTP header value. + fn validate(value: &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { + HeaderValue::try_from(value)?; + Ok(()) + } +} + +impl AsRef for DapAuthToken { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { + &self.0 + } +} + +impl AsRef<[u8]> for DapAuthToken { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { + self.0.as_bytes() + } +} + +impl TryFrom for DapAuthToken { + type Error = anyhow::Error; + + fn try_from(value: String) -> Result { + Self::validate(&value)?; + Ok(Self(value)) + } +} + +impl TryFrom> for DapAuthToken { + type Error = anyhow::Error; + + fn try_from(value: Vec) -> Result { + Self::try_from(String::from_utf8(value)?) + } +} + +impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DapAuthToken { + fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result + where + D: Deserializer<'de>, + { + String::deserialize(deserializer) + .and_then(|string| Self::try_from(string).map_err(D::Error::custom)) + } +} + +impl PartialEq for DapAuthToken { + fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { + // We attempt constant-time comparisons of the token data to mitigate timing attacks. Note + // that this function still leaks whether the lengths of the tokens are equal -- this is + // acceptable because we expect the content of the tokens to provide enough randomness that + // needs to be guessed even if the length is known. + constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(self.0.as_ref(), other.0.as_ref()).is_ok() + } +} + +impl Eq for DapAuthToken {} + +impl Distribution for Standard { + fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> DapAuthToken { + DapAuthToken(URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(rng.gen::<[u8; 16]>())) + } +} + +/// A token value used to authenticate HTTP requests. This token is used in "Authorization: Bearer" +/// HTTP request headers. +/// +/// Token values must follow the syntax in +/// . Its literal value is the canonical +/// form of the token and is used directly, without any additional encoding or decoding, in +/// configuration files, Janus aggregator API requests, and HTTP authentication headers. +/// +/// This opaque type ensures it's impossible to construct an [`AuthenticationToken`] whose contents +/// are invalid. +#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize)] +#[derivative(Debug)] +#[serde(transparent)] +pub struct BearerToken(#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")] String); + +impl BearerToken { + /// Returns the token as a string. + pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { + &self.0 + } + + /// Validate that a bearer token value matches the format in + /// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1. + fn validate(value: &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { + let mut iter = value.chars(); + let mut any_non_equals = false; + // First loop: consume "normal" characters, stop when we see an equals sign for padding or + // reach the end of the input. + for c in &mut iter { + match c { + 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' | '+' | '/' => { + any_non_equals = true; + } + '=' => { + if !any_non_equals { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("bearer token may not start with '='")); + } + break; + } + _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("bearer token may not contain '{c}'")), + } + } + // Second loop: consume any further padding characters, if present. + for c in &mut iter { + match c { + '=' => {} + _ => { + return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( + "bearer token may only contain '=' at the end" + )) + } + } + } + Ok(()) + } +} + +impl AsRef for BearerToken { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { + &self.0 + } +} + +impl AsRef<[u8]> for BearerToken { + fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { + self.0.as_bytes() + } +} + +impl TryFrom for BearerToken { + type Error = anyhow::Error; + + fn try_from(value: String) -> Result { + Self::validate(&value)?; + Ok(Self(value)) + } +} + +impl TryFrom> for BearerToken { + type Error = anyhow::Error; + + fn try_from(value: Vec) -> Result { + Self::try_from(String::from_utf8(value)?) + } +} + +impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for BearerToken { + fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result + where + D: Deserializer<'de>, + { + String::deserialize(deserializer) + .and_then(|string| Self::try_from(string).map_err(D::Error::custom)) + } +} + +impl PartialEq for BearerToken { + fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { + // We attempt constant-time comparisons of the token data to mitigate timing attacks. Note + // that this function still leaks whether the lengths of the tokens are equal -- this is + // acceptable because we expect the content of the tokens to provide enough randomness that + // needs to be guessed even if the length is known. + constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(self.0.as_bytes(), other.0.as_bytes()).is_ok() + } +} + +impl Eq for BearerToken {} + +impl Distribution for Standard { + fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> BearerToken { + BearerToken(URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(rng.gen::<[u8; 16]>())) + } +} + +#[cfg(test)] +mod tests { + use crate::auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken; + + #[test] + fn valid_dap_auth_token() { + serde_yaml::from_str::( + "{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"correct-horse-battery-staple-!@#$\"}", + ) + .unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn valid_bearer_token() { + serde_yaml::from_str::( + "{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"AAAAAAA~-_/A===\"}", + ) + .unwrap(); + } + + #[test] + fn reject_invalid_auth_token_dap_auth() { + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"\\x0b\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"\\x00\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + } + + #[test] + fn reject_invalid_auth_token_bearer() { + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"é\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"^\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"=\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"AAAA==AAA\"}") + .unwrap_err(); + } +} diff --git a/core/src/http.rs b/core/src/http.rs index bb7eca117..190c350ae 100644 --- a/core/src/http.rs +++ b/core/src/http.rs @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -use crate::task::AuthenticationToken; +use crate::auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken; use anyhow::{anyhow, Context}; use http_api_problem::{HttpApiProblem, PROBLEM_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE}; use reqwest::{header::CONTENT_TYPE, Response}; diff --git a/core/src/lib.rs b/core/src/lib.rs index c1a88a10c..7a3b79a80 100644 --- a/core/src/lib.rs +++ b/core/src/lib.rs @@ -2,16 +2,18 @@ use std::future::Future; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; +use url::Url; +pub mod auth_tokens; pub mod hpke; pub mod http; pub mod report_id; pub mod retries; -pub mod task; #[cfg(feature = "test-util")] #[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "test-util")))] pub mod test_util; pub mod time; +pub mod vdaf; /// This trait provides a mockable facade for [`tokio::task::spawn`]. pub trait Runtime { @@ -39,3 +41,15 @@ impl Runtime for TokioRuntime { pub mod taskprov { pub const TASKPROV_HEADER: &str = "dap-taskprov"; } + +/// Returns the given [`Url`], possibly modified to end with a slash. +/// +/// Aggregator endpoint URLs should end with a slash if they will be used with [`Url::join`], +/// because that method will drop the last path component of the base URL if it does not end with a +/// slash. +pub fn url_ensure_trailing_slash(mut url: Url) -> Url { + if !url.as_str().ends_with('/') { + url.set_path(&format!("{}/", url.path())); + } + url +} diff --git a/core/src/task.rs b/core/src/vdaf.rs similarity index 53% rename from core/src/task.rs rename to core/src/vdaf.rs index 3d24f4cb2..a3b754b72 100644 --- a/core/src/task.rs +++ b/core/src/vdaf.rs @@ -1,15 +1,7 @@ -use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use derivative::Derivative; -use http::{header::AUTHORIZATION, HeaderValue}; use janus_messages::taskprov; -use rand::{distributions::Standard, prelude::Distribution}; -use ring::constant_time; -use serde::{de::Error, Deserialize, Deserializer, Serialize}; +use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::str; -use url::Url; - -/// HTTP header where auth tokens are provided in messages between participants. -pub const DAP_AUTH_HEADER: &str = "DAP-Auth-Token"; /// The length of the verify key parameter for Prio3 & Poplar1 VDAF instantiations. pub const VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH: usize = 16; @@ -107,39 +99,39 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_base { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match base $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Count; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { length } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { bits } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { bits } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Sum; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { bits, length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { bits, length } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { buckets } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { buckets } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Histogram; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { bits } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { bits } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::poplar1::Poplar1<::prio::vdaf::prg::PrgSha3, 16>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -150,14 +142,14 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_base { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match base $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_count(2)?; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Count; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { length, chunk_length, } => { @@ -169,18 +161,18 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_base { *chunk_length, )?; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { bits } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { bits } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_sum(2, *bits)?; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Sum; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { bits, length, chunk_length, @@ -192,24 +184,24 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_base { *chunk_length, )?; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3SumVecMultithreaded; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { length, chunk_length, } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_histogram(2, *length, *chunk_length)?; type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3Histogram; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { bits } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { bits } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::poplar1::Poplar1::new_shake128(*bits); type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::poplar1::Poplar1<::prio::vdaf::xof::XofShake128, 16>; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -225,27 +217,27 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2 { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI16<::fixed::types::extra::U15>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI32<::fixed::types::extra::U31>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI64<::fixed::types::extra::U63>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -256,7 +248,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2 { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded( 2, *length, @@ -264,11 +256,11 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2 { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI16<::fixed::types::extra::U15>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded( 2, *length, @@ -276,11 +268,11 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2 { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI32<::fixed::types::extra::U31>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length } => { let $vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded( 2, *length, @@ -288,7 +280,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2 { type $Vdaf = ::prio::vdaf::prio3::Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded< ::fixed::FixedI64<::fixed::types::extra::U63>, >; - const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; + const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = ::janus_core::vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH; $body } @@ -304,19 +296,19 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match test_util $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake => { type $Vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf; const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = 0; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit => { type $Vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf; const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = 0; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { type $Vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf; const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = 0; $body @@ -329,14 +321,14 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match test_util $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake => { let $vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf::new(); type $Vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf; const $VERIFY_KEY_LEN: usize = 0; $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit => { let $vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf::new().with_prep_init_fn( |_| -> Result<(), ::prio::vdaf::VdafError> { ::std::result::Result::Err(::prio::vdaf::VdafError::Uncategorized( @@ -349,7 +341,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util { $body } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { let $vdaf = ::janus_core::test_util::dummy_vdaf::Vdaf::new().with_prep_step_fn( || -> Result< ::prio::vdaf::PrepareTransition< @@ -381,24 +373,24 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2!(impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util!(impl match test_util $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -409,24 +401,24 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2!(impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util!(impl match test_util $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -442,18 +434,18 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2!(impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -464,18 +456,18 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_fpvec_bounded_l2!(impl match fpvec_bounded_l2 $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -491,18 +483,18 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util!(impl match test_util $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -513,18 +505,18 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Fake - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Fake + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepInit + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::FakeFailsPrepStep => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_test_util!(impl match test_util $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -540,12 +532,12 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Provide the dispatched type only, don't construct a VDAF instance. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, (_, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, (_, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -556,12 +548,12 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { // Construct a VDAF instance, and provide that to the block as well. (impl match all $vdaf_instance:expr, ($vdaf:ident, $Vdaf:ident, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN:ident) => $body:tt) => { match $vdaf_instance { - ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } - | ::janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { + ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3CountVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Sum { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3SumVec { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Histogram { .. } + | ::janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Poplar1 { .. } => { ::janus_core::vdaf_dispatch_impl_base!(impl match base $vdaf_instance, ($vdaf, $Vdaf, $VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => $body) } @@ -588,7 +580,7 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch_impl { /// # Ok(()) /// # } /// # fn test() -> Result<(), prio::vdaf::VdafError> { -/// # let vdaf = janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3Count; +/// # let vdaf = janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3Count; /// vdaf_dispatch!(&vdaf, (vdaf, VdafType, VERIFY_KEY_LEN) => { /// handle_request_generic::(&vdaf) /// }) @@ -607,303 +599,9 @@ macro_rules! vdaf_dispatch { }; } -/// Different modes of authentication supported by Janus for either sending requests (e.g., leader -/// to helper) or receiving them (e.g., collector to leader). -#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] -#[derivative(Debug)] -#[serde(tag = "type", content = "token")] -#[non_exhaustive] -pub enum AuthenticationToken { - /// A bearer token, presented as the value of the "Authorization" HTTP header as specified in - /// [RFC 6750 section 2.1][1]. - /// - /// The token is not necessarily an OAuth token. - /// - /// [1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1 - Bearer(BearerToken), - - /// Token presented as the value of the "DAP-Auth-Token" HTTP header. Conforms to - /// [draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03][1], sections [4.3.3][2] and [4.4.2][3], and - /// [draft-ietf-dap-ppm-01 section 3.2][4]. - /// - /// [1]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03 - /// [2]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03#section-4.3.3 - /// [3]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-dcook-ppm-dap-interop-test-design-03#section-4.4.2 - /// [4]: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-ppm-dap-01#name-https-sender-authentication - DapAuth(DapAuthToken), -} - -impl AuthenticationToken { - /// Attempts to create a new bearer token from the provided bytes. - pub fn new_bearer_token_from_bytes>(bytes: T) -> Result { - BearerToken::try_from(bytes.as_ref().to_vec()).map(AuthenticationToken::Bearer) - } - - /// Attempts to create a new bearer token from the provided string - pub fn new_bearer_token_from_string>(string: T) -> Result { - BearerToken::try_from(string.into()).map(AuthenticationToken::Bearer) - } - - /// Attempts to create a new DAP auth token from the provided bytes. - pub fn new_dap_auth_token_from_bytes>(bytes: T) -> Result { - DapAuthToken::try_from(bytes.as_ref().to_vec()).map(AuthenticationToken::DapAuth) - } - - /// Attempts to create a new DAP auth token from the provided string. - pub fn new_dap_auth_token_from_string>( - string: T, - ) -> Result { - DapAuthToken::try_from(string.into()).map(AuthenticationToken::DapAuth) - } - - /// Returns an HTTP header and value that should be used to authenticate an HTTP request with - /// this credential. - pub fn request_authentication(&self) -> (&'static str, String) { - match self { - Self::Bearer(token) => (AUTHORIZATION.as_str(), format!("Bearer {}", token.as_str())), - // Cloning is unfortunate but necessary since other arms must allocate. - Self::DapAuth(token) => (DAP_AUTH_HEADER, token.as_str().to_string()), - } - } - - /// Returns the token as a string. - pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { - match self { - Self::DapAuth(token) => token.as_str(), - Self::Bearer(token) => token.as_str(), - } - } -} - -impl AsRef<[u8]> for AuthenticationToken { - fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { - match self { - Self::DapAuth(token) => token.as_ref(), - Self::Bearer(token) => token.as_ref(), - } - } -} - -impl Distribution for Standard { - fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> AuthenticationToken { - AuthenticationToken::Bearer(Standard::sample(self, rng)) - } -} - -/// A token value used to authenticate HTTP requests. This token is used in the "DAP-Auth-Token" -/// HTTP request header. -/// -/// This token is used directly in HTTP request headers without further encoding and so must be a -/// legal HTTP header value. The literal value is the canonical form of the token and is used -/// directly, without any additional encoding or decoding, in configuration files, Janus aggregator -/// API requests, and HTTP authentication headers. -/// -/// This opaque type ensures it's impossible to construct an [`AuthenticationToken`] whose contents -/// are invalid. -#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize)] -#[derivative(Debug)] -#[serde(transparent)] -pub struct DapAuthToken(#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")] String); - -impl DapAuthToken { - /// Returns the token as a string. - pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { - &self.0 - } - - /// Validate that a DAP-Auth-Token value is a valid HTTP header value. - fn validate(value: &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { - HeaderValue::try_from(value)?; - Ok(()) - } -} - -impl AsRef for DapAuthToken { - fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { - &self.0 - } -} - -impl AsRef<[u8]> for DapAuthToken { - fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { - self.0.as_bytes() - } -} - -impl TryFrom for DapAuthToken { - type Error = anyhow::Error; - - fn try_from(value: String) -> Result { - Self::validate(&value)?; - Ok(Self(value)) - } -} - -impl TryFrom> for DapAuthToken { - type Error = anyhow::Error; - - fn try_from(value: Vec) -> Result { - Self::try_from(String::from_utf8(value)?) - } -} - -impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for DapAuthToken { - fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result - where - D: Deserializer<'de>, - { - String::deserialize(deserializer) - .and_then(|string| Self::try_from(string).map_err(D::Error::custom)) - } -} - -impl PartialEq for DapAuthToken { - fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { - // We attempt constant-time comparisons of the token data to mitigate timing attacks. Note - // that this function still leaks whether the lengths of the tokens are equal -- this is - // acceptable because we expect the content of the tokens to provide enough randomness that - // needs to be guessed even if the length is known. - constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(self.0.as_ref(), other.0.as_ref()).is_ok() - } -} - -impl Eq for DapAuthToken {} - -impl Distribution for Standard { - fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> DapAuthToken { - DapAuthToken(URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(rng.gen::<[u8; 16]>())) - } -} - -/// A token value used to authenticate HTTP requests. This token is used in "Authorization: Bearer" -/// HTTP request headers. -/// -/// Token values must follow the syntax in -/// . Its literal value is the canonical -/// form of the token and is used directly, without any additional encoding or decoding, in -/// configuration files, Janus aggregator API requests, and HTTP authentication headers. -/// -/// This opaque type ensures it's impossible to construct an [`AuthenticationToken`] whose contents -/// are invalid. -#[derive(Clone, Derivative, Serialize)] -#[derivative(Debug)] -#[serde(transparent)] -pub struct BearerToken(#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")] String); - -impl BearerToken { - /// Returns the token as a string. - pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { - &self.0 - } - - /// Validate that a bearer token value matches the format in - /// https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6750#section-2.1. - fn validate(value: &str) -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> { - let mut iter = value.chars(); - let mut any_non_equals = false; - // First loop: consume "normal" characters, stop when we see an equals sign for padding or - // reach the end of the input. - for c in &mut iter { - match c { - 'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' | '-' | '.' | '_' | '~' | '+' | '/' => { - any_non_equals = true; - } - '=' => { - if !any_non_equals { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("bearer token may not start with '='")); - } - break; - } - _ => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("bearer token may not contain '{c}'")), - } - } - // Second loop: consume any further padding characters, if present. - for c in &mut iter { - match c { - '=' => {} - _ => { - return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( - "bearer token may only contain '=' at the end" - )) - } - } - } - Ok(()) - } -} - -impl AsRef for BearerToken { - fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { - &self.0 - } -} - -impl AsRef<[u8]> for BearerToken { - fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] { - self.0.as_bytes() - } -} - -impl TryFrom for BearerToken { - type Error = anyhow::Error; - - fn try_from(value: String) -> Result { - Self::validate(&value)?; - Ok(Self(value)) - } -} - -impl TryFrom> for BearerToken { - type Error = anyhow::Error; - - fn try_from(value: Vec) -> Result { - Self::try_from(String::from_utf8(value)?) - } -} - -impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for BearerToken { - fn deserialize(deserializer: D) -> Result - where - D: Deserializer<'de>, - { - String::deserialize(deserializer) - .and_then(|string| Self::try_from(string).map_err(D::Error::custom)) - } -} - -impl PartialEq for BearerToken { - fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { - // We attempt constant-time comparisons of the token data to mitigate timing attacks. Note - // that this function still leaks whether the lengths of the tokens are equal -- this is - // acceptable because we expect the content of the tokens to provide enough randomness that - // needs to be guessed even if the length is known. - constant_time::verify_slices_are_equal(self.0.as_bytes(), other.0.as_bytes()).is_ok() - } -} - -impl Eq for BearerToken {} - -impl Distribution for Standard { - fn sample(&self, rng: &mut R) -> BearerToken { - BearerToken(URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(rng.gen::<[u8; 16]>())) - } -} - -/// Returns the given [`Url`], possibly modified to end with a slash. -/// -/// Aggregator endpoint URLs should end with a slash if they will be used with [`Url::join`], -/// because that method will drop the last path component of the base URL if it does not end with a -/// slash. -pub fn url_ensure_trailing_slash(mut url: Url) -> Url { - if !url.as_str().ends_with('/') { - url.set_path(&format!("{}/", url.path())); - } - url -} - #[cfg(test)] mod tests { - use super::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}; + use super::VdafInstance; use serde_test::{assert_tokens, Token}; #[test] @@ -1001,40 +699,4 @@ mod tests { }], ); } - - #[test] - fn valid_dap_auth_token() { - serde_yaml::from_str::( - "{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"correct-horse-battery-staple-!@#$\"}", - ) - .unwrap(); - } - - #[test] - fn valid_bearer_token() { - serde_yaml::from_str::( - "{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"AAAAAAA~-_/A===\"}", - ) - .unwrap(); - } - - #[test] - fn reject_invalid_auth_token_dap_auth() { - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"\\x0b\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"DapAuth\", token: \"\\x00\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - } - - #[test] - fn reject_invalid_auth_token_bearer() { - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"é\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"^\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"=\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - serde_yaml::from_str::("{type: \"Bearer\", token: \"AAAA==AAA\"}") - .unwrap_err(); - } } diff --git a/integration_tests/src/client.rs b/integration_tests/src/client.rs index 07154f266..54fc8550c 100644 --- a/integration_tests/src/client.rs +++ b/integration_tests/src/client.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use crate::TaskParameters; use anyhow::anyhow; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use janus_client::{aggregator_hpke_config, default_http_client, Client, ClientParameters}; -use janus_core::{task::VdafInstance, time::RealClock}; +use janus_core::{time::RealClock, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_interop_binaries::ContainerLogsDropGuard; use janus_messages::{Duration, Role, TaskId}; use prio::{ diff --git a/integration_tests/src/lib.rs b/integration_tests/src/lib.rs index ad57c0fdd..0e6cfad95 100644 --- a/integration_tests/src/lib.rs +++ b/integration_tests/src/lib.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::task::QueryType; use janus_collector::AuthenticationToken; -use janus_core::{hpke::HpkePrivateKey, task::VdafInstance}; +use janus_core::{hpke::HpkePrivateKey, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_messages::{Duration, HpkeConfig, TaskId}; use url::Url; diff --git a/integration_tests/tests/common/mod.rs b/integration_tests/tests/common/mod.rs index a4a8b63c2..450473560 100644 --- a/integration_tests/tests/common/mod.rs +++ b/integration_tests/tests/common/mod.rs @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ use janus_collector::{Collection, Collector, CollectorParameters}; use janus_core::{ hpke::test_util::generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, retries::test_http_request_exponential_backoff, - task::VdafInstance, time::{Clock, RealClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_integration_tests::{ client::{ClientBackend, ClientImplementation, InteropClientEncoding}, diff --git a/integration_tests/tests/daphne.rs b/integration_tests/tests/daphne.rs index 03f7e57a5..3127f165c 100644 --- a/integration_tests/tests/daphne.rs +++ b/integration_tests/tests/daphne.rs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ use common::{submit_measurements_and_verify_aggregate, test_task_builders}; use janus_aggregator_core::task::{QueryType, Task}; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, testcontainers::container_client}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_integration_tests::{client::ClientBackend, daphne::Daphne, janus::Janus}; use janus_interop_binaries::test_util::generate_network_name; diff --git a/integration_tests/tests/divviup_ts.rs b/integration_tests/tests/divviup_ts.rs index 9066db970..3766b1024 100644 --- a/integration_tests/tests/divviup_ts.rs +++ b/integration_tests/tests/divviup_ts.rs @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ use common::{submit_measurements_and_verify_aggregate, test_task_builders}; use janus_aggregator_core::task::QueryType; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, testcontainers::container_client}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_integration_tests::{ client::{ClientBackend, InteropClient}, diff --git a/integration_tests/tests/in_cluster.rs b/integration_tests/tests/in_cluster.rs index 23a8dbd39..7d7678df1 100644 --- a/integration_tests/tests/in_cluster.rs +++ b/integration_tests/tests/in_cluster.rs @@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ use divviup_client::{ }; use janus_aggregator_core::task::QueryType; use janus_core::{ - task::AuthenticationToken, - task::VdafInstance, + auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, test_util::{ install_test_trace_subscriber, kubernetes::{Cluster, PortForward}, }, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_integration_tests::{client::ClientBackend, TaskParameters}; use janus_messages::TaskId; diff --git a/integration_tests/tests/janus.rs b/integration_tests/tests/janus.rs index 0ff5171b9..396aa8071 100644 --- a/integration_tests/tests/janus.rs +++ b/integration_tests/tests/janus.rs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ use common::{submit_measurements_and_verify_aggregate, test_task_builders}; use janus_aggregator_core::task::QueryType; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, testcontainers::container_client}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_integration_tests::{client::ClientBackend, janus::Janus, TaskParameters}; use janus_interop_binaries::test_util::generate_network_name; diff --git a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_aggregator.rs b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_aggregator.rs index b038a00bb..2785abfbd 100644 --- a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_aggregator.rs +++ b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_aggregator.rs @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use janus_aggregator_core::{ task::{self, Task}, SecretBytes, }; -use janus_core::{task::AuthenticationToken, time::RealClock}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, time::RealClock}; use janus_interop_binaries::{ status::{ERROR, SUCCESS}, AddTaskResponse, AggregatorAddTaskRequest, AggregatorRole, HpkeConfigRegistry, Keyring, diff --git a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_client.rs b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_client.rs index d418f6969..a7b3a1b26 100644 --- a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_client.rs +++ b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_client.rs @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ use fixed::types::extra::{U15, U31, U63}; use fixed::{FixedI16, FixedI32, FixedI64}; use janus_client::ClientParameters; use janus_core::{ - task::VdafInstance, time::{MockClock, RealClock}, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_interop_binaries::{ install_tracing_subscriber, diff --git a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_collector.rs b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_collector.rs index e7b971f97..b72d5f8dd 100644 --- a/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_collector.rs +++ b/interop_binaries/src/bin/janus_interop_collector.rs @@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ use fixed::types::extra::{U15, U31, U63}; #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] use fixed::{FixedI16, FixedI32, FixedI64}; use janus_collector::{Collector, CollectorParameters}; -use janus_core::{ - hpke::HpkeKeypair, - task::{AuthenticationToken, VdafInstance}, -}; +use janus_core::{auth_tokens::AuthenticationToken, hpke::HpkeKeypair, vdaf::VdafInstance}; use janus_interop_binaries::Keyring; use janus_interop_binaries::{ install_tracing_subscriber, @@ -377,7 +374,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::TimeInterval(batch_interval), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) @@ -400,7 +397,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::TimeInterval(batch_interval), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) @@ -423,7 +420,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::TimeInterval(batch_interval), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) @@ -484,7 +481,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::FixedSize(fixed_size_query), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint16BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) @@ -507,7 +504,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::FixedSize(fixed_size_query), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint32BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) @@ -530,7 +527,7 @@ async fn handle_collection_start( #[cfg(feature = "fpvec_bounded_l2")] ( ParsedQuery::FixedSize(fixed_size_query), - janus_core::task::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, + janus_core::vdaf::VdafInstance::Prio3FixedPoint64BitBoundedL2VecSum { length }, ) => { let vdaf: Prio3FixedPointBoundedL2VecSumMultithreaded> = Prio3::new_fixedpoint_boundedl2_vec_sum_multithreaded(2, length) diff --git a/interop_binaries/src/lib.rs b/interop_binaries/src/lib.rs index 38c40fe85..85d252e52 100644 --- a/interop_binaries/src/lib.rs +++ b/interop_binaries/src/lib.rs @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use janus_aggregator_core::task::{QueryType, Task}; use janus_core::{ hpke::{generate_hpke_config_and_private_key, HpkeKeypair}, - task::VdafInstance, + vdaf::VdafInstance, }; use janus_messages::{ query_type::{FixedSize, QueryType as _, TimeInterval}, diff --git a/interop_binaries/tests/end_to_end.rs b/interop_binaries/tests/end_to_end.rs index 3d57c0518..a49a20287 100644 --- a/interop_binaries/tests/end_to_end.rs +++ b/interop_binaries/tests/end_to_end.rs @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ use backoff::{backoff::Backoff, ExponentialBackoffBuilder}; use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use futures::future::join_all; use janus_core::{ - task::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH, test_util::{install_test_trace_subscriber, testcontainers::container_client}, time::{Clock, RealClock, TimeExt}, + vdaf::VERIFY_KEY_LENGTH, }; use janus_interop_binaries::{ test_util::{await_ready_ok, generate_network_name, generate_unique_name}, diff --git a/tools/src/bin/collect.rs b/tools/src/bin/collect.rs index c182b72de..832466c40 100644 --- a/tools/src/bin/collect.rs +++ b/tools/src/bin/collect.rs @@ -602,11 +602,11 @@ mod tests { use base64::{engine::general_purpose::URL_SAFE_NO_PAD, Engine}; use clap::{error::ErrorKind, CommandFactory, Parser}; use janus_core::{ + auth_tokens::{BearerToken, DapAuthToken}, hpke::{ test_util::{generate_test_hpke_config_and_private_key, SAMPLE_DIVVIUP_HPKE_CONFIG}, DivviUpHpkeConfig, HpkeKeypair, }, - task::{BearerToken, DapAuthToken}, }; use janus_messages::{BatchId, TaskId}; use prio::codec::Encode;