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Automatic bar plots with groups, whiskers, bridges

Requires for automatic constraint satisfaction which places the bridges and labels automatically.

Bar plots are built by construct objects one by one, rather than creating a giant array of all the required data, confidence intervals, etc., which becomes tedious. Instead, you create one BarPlot object and create groups and bars one at a time. At the end, call .render() on the BarPlot object. See below for a brief example and look at advanced usage in BarPlot.demo for an idea of how to use this.

Rectangular bar plots with whiskers / confidence intervals, as well as violin plots are supported. Significance bridges can connect any two bars to indicate a comparison.

Brief example

From example.m:

bp = BarPlot('ylabel', 'Value');

cmap = parula(8);

% create the first group of 2 bars
g = bp.addGroup('Group 1');
b1 = g.addBar('Bar 1', 24, 'confInt', [20 28], 'FaceColor', cmap(1, :));
b2 = g.addBar('Bar 2', 18, 'error', 3, 'labelAbove', '*', 'FontSizeAbove', 12, 'FaceColor', cmap(2, :));

% add the bridge connecting bar 1 and bar 2
g.addBridge('*', b1, b2, 'FontSize', 12);

% create the second group of bars, using violin bars
g = bp.addGroup('Group 2');
g.addBar('Bar 1', 24, 'confInt', [20 28], 'FaceColor', cmap(1, :));
g.addBar('Bar 2', 18, 'error', 3, 'labelAbove', '*', 'FontSizeAbove', 12, 'FaceColor', cmap(2, :));

% make a third bar, hold onto the BarPlot.Bar object returned, and change
% its properties
b3 = g.addBar('Bar 3', 18, 'errorLow', 3, 'errorHigh', 5, 'labelAbove', '*', 'FontSizeAbove', 12, 'FaceColor', cmap(3, :));
b3.FaceColor = 'r';

% make a violin bar that shows the distribution
vals = 25 + 4*randn(30, 1);
b4 = g.addViolinBar('Bar 4', vals, 'FaceColor', cmap(4, :), 'locationType', 'median');

% add the bridge connecting bar 3 and bar 4
g.addBridge('*', b3, b4, 'FontSize', 12);

% add the bridge connecting bar 1 and bar 4, spanning groups
% here we call addBridge on the root bar plot instead
bp.addBridge('**', b1, b4, 'FontSize', 12);


Demo gallery

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![Demo](/testBarPlot.png?raw=true =300x200 "Demo" )

BarPlot.demo('bridgesExtendToBars', true);


BarPlot.demo('labelRotation', 45, 'labelAlignment', 'right');


BarPlot.demo('style', 'violin');
