For the Madrid CESP 2018 workshop we have created an image that can be used to quickly start up a few ALA components.
These images are only intended for demonstration purposes. For production installation we recommend using the Ansible scripts with inventories for your environment.
This can be used by logging into Amazon EC2 and searching for "livingatlases-cesp-madrid-feb2018" in the community AMIs in the Frankfurt data centre.
The recommended VM to use is t2.2xlarge ro equivalebt for the running the demo. The main requirement is a machine with 32GB of RAM as this demo runs a number of components/
The taxonomy used in these demos is the GBIF backbone taxonomy as downloaded on the early 2018.
The taxonomy has been imported into the BIE, and name indexes have also been generated.
The following components are deployed in this demo
- Collectory - ALA's data registry
- Biocache services - Occurrence webservices, JSON, WMS
- Biocache UI - Occurrence search UI
- Biocache CLI - unix command line tool for loading, processing & indexing data
- Logger services - recording user download details
- BIE UI - species pages
- BIE Index - species/taxonomy web services
- Images - image service for hosting large images
- Nameindexer CLI - unix command line tool for generating name indexes
- Apache SOLR 6.6.2
- Apache Cassandra 3.11.1
- MySQL 5.7
- Postgresql 9
The demo was built using the following:
- Ansible playbook: ansible/ala-demo-cassandra3-solr6.yml
- Inventory: ansible/inventory/ala-demo