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Releases: dl-solarity/hardhat-migrate


07 Feb 14:19
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Release notes v2.1.1 🎉

This is bugfix release

  • Fixed a bug with a shallow copy of the deployment overrides that lead to their ignorance.


01 Feb 12:46
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Release notes v2.1.0 🎉

This is a minor feature release

  • Added save function to deployer that allows to write the contract to local storage and associate a new name with it without deploying a new instance. This enables complex migration flows if one of the contracts has already been deployed (external libraries, for example).
  • Updated dependencies to new versions.


23 Dec 21:37
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Release notes v2.0.1 🎉

This is a bugfix release

  • Fixed a bug where an instance of a storage object overwrote the state of another object in the file.
  • Changed the way of naming Truffle transactions to txName.


23 Dec 10:45
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Release notes v2.0.0 🎉

This is a major release with significant changes

The 2.0.0 version introduces a significant upgrade over 1.0.0 that completely refactors the operability of the plugin.

With sleek UX, the 2.0.0 enables users to:

  • Specify custom smart contracts deployment rules and configuration via @ethers.
  • Relax from the source code verification hassle due to seamless integration with @nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify.
  • Enjoy full Typechain support for Ethers-v6, Ethers-v5, and Truffle.
  • Leverage the "migration recovery mode" that automatically syncs up the deployment to the last failed transaction.
  • Observe the real-time status of transactions being executed.
  • Benefit from "reconnection spinner" if the network goes down during the deployment.
  • Simplify the libraries usage via auto-linking mechanics.
  • And much more.


We completely refactored the plugin's architecture which allowed us to step aside from Truffle dependencies and migrate over to Ethers.

The architecture is built around the concept of MinimalContract and Adapters that take typed instances of contracts and convert them to their minimal deployable representation for further propagation.

This enables new adapted to be added fairly simply, bringing forward compatibility to the table.


The appropriate tests have been written to cover the majority of use cases faced in real-world applications.


Check out README for more information and tests for code examples.

Special thanks



22 Aug 15:36
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Release notes v1.5.6

This is a bugfix release


  • Removed extra chainid DB queries when they are not needed. This allowed local contracts deployment without an internet connection.


27 Apr 13:19
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Release notes v1.5.5

This is a minor feature release

What's new

  • Added Logger ability to identify the symbol of the chain where the migrations deploy contracts to
  • Exported Deployer, Logger, and Verifier in the index.ts


  • Fixed README typos


25 Jan 11:08
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  • Added deployProxy function to the deployer class in order to deploy and verify proxy contracts. Additional proxy verification is done via etherscan API "verifyproxycontract" endpoint.

  • Added verifyProxy function to the verifier class in order to verify already deployed proxies.



22 Dec 16:14
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  • Renamed task from deploy to migrate.


  • Added migrate:verify task that may be used to verify already deployed contracts in a batch manner.
  • Added Logger class that can be used inside the deploy migrations.
  • Added Verifier class that can be used inside the verify migrations.
  • Added total transactions cost to the migrations final summary.


20 Dec 15:18
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  • There were several problems with the verificationAttempts flag, so it has been renamed to simply attempts

  • force flag has been added to specify the initial compilation condition

  • The code has been massively refactored & README has been updated with new sections

  • The sample-project has been added

  • There is a potential hardhat bug under scrutiny that messes up with the contracts metadata. Basically, the hardhat does not update the metadata settings section upon force recompilation, leaving obsolete external libraries from the previously deployed contract there. This breaks the verification of the following contracts that deploy other contracts inside due to the different metadata hashes of these internal contracts 🙄 So to remedy the situation the compilation after the verification has been removed


12 Dec 17:46
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The first stable version release

This plugin helps you deploy and automatically verify the source code for your Solidity contracts on Etherscan.


npx hardhat migrate

Parameter explanation

  • from : The migration number from which the migration will be applied.
  • to : The migration number up to which the migration will be applied.
  • only : The number of the migration that will be applied. Overrides from and to parameters.
  • skip: The number of migration to skip. Overrides only parameter.
  • confirmations : The number defining after how many blocks the verification should start.
  • verificationAttempts: The number of attempts to verify the contract.
  • pathToMigrations : The path to the folder with the specified migrations.
  • skipVerificationErrors : The user can specify custom verification errors that will be omitted and just be printed
    to the log instead of stopping the program completely.
    By default, if this parameter is not specified, the already verified error is omitted.
  • verify : The flag indicating whether the verification of the contract is needed.