The following dictionary was added:
- Countries Dictionary
After nearly two years of collecting and developing various Russian lexicons, polarity tables, stop words lists, lemmatization tables and etc. for text analysis, version 1.0.0 was assigned to the package. In the future, the version number will change in accordance with the recommendations described here, as well as the following rules:
- the major version (X.00.00) will increase after a sufficiently large number of new dictionaries are accumulated in the package or any other significant changes are made
- the minor version (0.XX.00) will increase after each new dictionary is added
- the patch number (0.00.XX) will increase with minor changes in the package (corrections and clarifications of the documentation, correction of minor errors in dictionaries, changes in the website configuration, etc.)
The following dictionary was added:
- Dictionary of Climate Change Disclosure of Fedorova and Martynova
The following dictionaries were added:
- Dictionary of Innovation Activities Disclosurekey_innov_activ_en
- Dictionary of Innovation Activities Disclosure of Garechana et al. and Libaers et al. (English)key_innov_activ_oecd
- Dictionary of Innovation Activities Disclosure by OECD Types of Innovationskey_innov_activ_oecd_en
- Dictionary of Innovation Activities Disclosure by OECD Types of Innovations (English)
The following dictionary was added:
- Dictionary of Forward-Looking Statements of Caserio
The following dictionary and polarity table were added:
- Sentiment-Thematic Dictionary of Economic Terms - EcSentiThemeLexhash_sentiment_ecsentithemelex
- Polarity Table of Sentiment-Thematic Dictionary of Economic Terms - EcSentiThemeLex
The following dictionary was added:
- Dictionary of Public Company Information Disclosure of Fedorova, Grishenko and Demin (Regulation No. 454-P)
The following dictionary was added:
- Dictionary of Economic Terms of Tochka Bank
The following frequencies tables were added:
- Frequency Table of Russian First Namesfreq_last_names
- Frequency Table of Russian Last Names
This is the first release of rulexicon
package that includes the following Russian lexicons, polarity tables, lemmatization tables and etc.:
- Lemmatization Table based on OpenCorpora Morphological Dictionaryhash_product_senti_rus
- Opinion Orientation Probability Table of Lexicon ProductSentiRushash_rusentilex_2016
- General Russian Sentiment Lexicon RuSentiLex 2016hash_rusentilex_2017
- General Russian Sentiment Lexicon RuSentiLex 2017hash_sentiment_afinn_ru
- Polarity Table of Translated AFINN Based Lexiconhash_sentiment_chen_skiena
- Polarity Table of Chen and Skiena (2014) Lexicon Multilingualsentimenthash_sentiment_linis_crowd_2015
- Polarity Table of Social-Political Oriented Lexicon "LINIS Crowd SENT" 2015hash_sentiment_linis_crowd_2016
- Polarity Table of Social-Political Oriented Lexicon "LINIS Crowd SENT" 2016hash_sentiment_nrc_emolex_ru
- Polarity Table of Translated NRC Emotion Lexiconhash_sentiment_rusentilex_2016
- Polarity Table of General Russian Sentiment Lexicon RuSentiLex 2016hash_sentiment_rusentilex_2017
- Polarity Table of General Russian Sentiment Lexicon RuSentiLex 2017hash_valence_shifters_ru
- Russian Valence Shifters Tablekey_nonfinance_report_standard
- Dictionary of Non-financial Information Disclosure of Fedorova, Khrustova and Demin (GRI based)key_legal_forms
- Firms Legal Forms Dictionaryprofanity_bally
- Profane Words List of bally_36 LiveJournal usersw_nltk_ru
- Stopwords List of Python's NLTK Library (augmented)