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Awelon Language

Vision and Design Overview

Awelon is a programming language and environment designed to empower individuals to control, create, comprehend, customize, extend, and share computation artifacts.

Major design elements:

  • A scalable concrete codebase, represented as a log-structured merge tree over content addressable storage with prefix-aligned indexing. This data structure can support massive volumes, lazy downloads, incremental synchronizations, lightweight backups, and atomic updates. Further, we can amortize physical storage and network costs within a community via proxy or content delivery network.

  • A purely functional language evaluated via rewriting semantics to encode structured data and computations. The intention is to simplify sharing, caching, multi-stage programming, and user ability to inspect and comprehend computation through deterministic replay and rendering. Source, intermediate states, and final values can all use the same tooling.

  • Automation is achieved by defining bots in the dictionary. Bots in Awelon are modeled as transactions that repeat indefinitely, implicitly waiting when unproductive. Effects are asynchronous via manipulation of system variables, such as adding a task to a system queue or some data to a network output buffer. This design is fail-safe, resilient, idempotent, securable, extensible, and safe to modify at runtime - which is convenient for live coding, runtime upgrade, and robust administrative process control.

  • User interfaces build upon projectional editing over code and transactional memory. This design allows us to easily extend our interface with additional views and controllers. The relationship between a projection and the underlying data is easily inspected for comprehension. Further, combined with rewriting semantics, we can project not only code and results but every intermediate step for debugging. Conventional GUIs can be supported indirectly by 'editing' a task queue that's handled by a bot shortly after we commit.

The Awelon language is a just one aspect of the Awelon system. Its lightweight syntax and local rewrite semantics are essential in context of Awelon's vision and design goals. In contrast, performance and static type safety were secondary concerns, although still valuable (and addressed below).

Language Basics

Awelon builds upon a semantic foundation of four concatenative combinators:

    [B][A]a == A[B]         (apply)
    [B][A]b == [[B]A]       (bind)
       [A]c == [A][A]       (copy)
       [A]d ==              (drop)

Besides these primitives, Awelon has specialized support for efficient embedding of data - natural numbers, texts, and binaries. Further, programmers may define a directed acyclic graph of words in a dictionary. Overall, Awelon has the look and feel of a stack-oriented programming language. However, evaluation is based on rewriting. Thus, a program that is shorted some arguments, such as [A]a, is not an error - it simply doesn't rewrite further.

The minimal syntax and semantics supports stability, projections, and rewriting. However, for practical use, Awelon further supports Annotations indicated by parenthetical words such as (par) or (trace). Annotations formally have identity semantics, like whitespace. However, they may influence performance, static analysis, debugging, and rendering. Accelerators are an important subset of annotations that request a function be replaced by a built-in equivalent. Accelerators enable an interpreter or compiler to extend Awelon with performance primitives.


Words identify functions in Awelon. Aside from Awelon's four primitive words, words are user-defined in a key-value database we call a Dictionary.

Syntactically, Awelon words are intended to be URL friendly, visually distinct, sortable, and easily partitioned into prefix-aligned packages and directories. Unicode was rejected both for URLs and because it's easy to have distinct encodings that are visually similar, which hinders debugging. However, it is feasible to leverage Projectional Editing to support CJK or iconographic presentations of words and operators. Regex:

    Word = Frag('-'Frag)*
    Frag = [a-z]+(Nat)?
    Nat  = '0' | [1-9][0-9]*

Semantically, a defined word is equivalent to its definition. Definitions must be acyclic. Thus, we could transitively expand any Awelon program into a finite stream of primitives. However, evaluation normally rewrites words lazily, preserving human-meaningful symbols and structure, and avoiding exponential expansion. Because definitions must be acyclic, loops are expressed through a fixpoint combinators (see Loops).

An Awelon system may enforce ad-hoc constraints on words and definitions. For example, an integrated development environment might assume that foo-meta-doc should define documentation for foo. The development environment might complain to the programmers if this word computes a value that it does not recognize as documentation. Similarly, we can simulate package private definitions by warning when foo-local-* words are used outside of foo-*. In some sense, the Awelon dictionary gives words a denotation while the development environment gives words their connotation.

Aside: Depending on context, it may be convenient to think of words as compressing a program stream, words as hypertext links within a smart filesystem, and words as functions or software components. Unlike conventional PLs, Awelon encourages embedding of data - forums, almanacs, databases, full text of books, etc. - within the dictionary.

Natural Numbers

Awelon has limited support for natural numbers. Syntactically, natural numbers are represented by regex Nat = '0' | [1-9][0-9]*. Natural numbers are modeled as a syntactic sugar or projection over a recursive construction:

    0 = [zero]
    1 = [0 succ]
    2 = [1 succ]
    42 = [41 succ]

Definition of succ and zero - and hence our model for natural numbers - is in theory left to programmers. For example, we could favor a recursive sum encoding (type Nat = μN.(1+N) where type (A+B) = ∀r.(A→r)→(B→r)→r). Or we could favor a Church encoding (type Nat = ∀x.(x→x)→x→x). Or we could model naturals using an optional list of bits. In practice, this choice will depend on runtime support for Accelerators.

Awelon does not provide a rich numeric tower. Instead, it's left to Projectional Editing and Accelerators to build upon natural numbers.

Embedded Texts

Awelon provides limited support for embedding textual information like "Hello, world!". This is motivated for embedded comments, label values, and some lightweight DSLs. Text is modeled as a projection over a recursive construction:

    "" = [null]
    "hello" = [104 "ello" cons]

Definition of cons and null are left to programmers, and presumably construct a simple list of bytes. Embedded texts are limited to ASCII minus C0, DEL and " (bytes 32-33, 35-126). There are no character escape sequences. However, it wouldn't be difficult to support post-process text - something like "multi-line\ntext" lit such that lit rewrites the \n to a linefeed (byte 10).

Note: For large texts or binary data, developers are encouraged to bypass the Awelon parser. The Awelon dictionary provides specialized support for binary references, with the same semantics as embedded texts but without any byte-level constraints.


Annotations are special parenthetical words, such as (par) or (error).

Annotations always have the same formal semantics: identity. That is, adding or removing annotations should not affect a correct program's observable behavior. However, within this limitation, annotations are assigned ad-hoc informal semantics by the runtime or compiler. For example, [A](par) might request parallel evaluation of [A], while [A](trace) could output [A] to a debug log, and (error) would simply not evaluate further and thus cause computation to fail fast. In general, annotations augment performance, safety, debugging, and display of programs.

Annotations encode programmer intentions rather than functional behavior.

Some potential annotations:

  • (a3) - await at least three arguments on stack
  • (trace) - print argument to debug console or log
  • (error) - barrier for progress within a computation
  • (par) - evaluate argument in parallel, in background
  • (eval) - evaluate argument before progressing further
  • (lazy) - defer computation, but share across copies
  • (stow) - move large values to disk, load on demand
  • (optimize) - rewrite function for efficient evaluation
  • (jit) - compile a function for multiple future uses
  • (memo) - memoize a computation for incremental computing
  • (nat) - assert argument should be a natural number
  • (type) - describe type of stack at given location
  • (seal) - wrap types for safety or modularity
  • (quota) - impose limits on argument evaluation effort

Awelon does not limit annotations much beyond the need for identity semantics.


Accelerators are built-in functions, accessed via annotation of a reference implementation. Use of accelerators enables Awelon compilers or interpreters to extend the set of "performance primitives" available to Awelon programmers. For example, Awelon systems should accelerate natural numbers. We might use (nat) to indicate that a value should use an optimized representation for natural numbers under the hood. A function to add two natural numbers could be annotated via [reference impl] (accel-nat-add). This tells our interpreter or compiler to replace the reference implementation by the specified built-in operator.

We aren't limited to conventional data types. Carefully designed accelerators can leverage cloud computing or GPGPU resources, making Awelon usable for problem domains like machine learning, and graphics processing. See later section on High Performance Computing for an expansion on this.

The main risk with accelerators is diminished portability between runtimes (and versions thereof). Fortunately, because acceleration is always driven by explicit annotations with reference implementations, there is very little risk of silent performance degradation or semantic drift. It's easy to detect and inform developers when an accelerator is not recognized or doesn't mean what we think it should mean.

Aside: When bootstrapping the language or developing new accelerators, we might temporarily accept acceleration without validation of the reference implementation. For example ["todo! nat add" (error)] (accel-nat-add) might work until we're ready to provide the reference implementation.


Awelon words are defined in a codebase called a "dictionary". A dictionary is essentially a key-value database, associating words to definitions. To support Awelon project's various goals, Awelon specifies a standard dictionary representation with convenient properties for import/export, versioning, sharing, scaling, etc.. Legibility is also a goal, to simplify debugging or inference of implementation. Awelon dictionaries can feasibly scale to many gigabytes or terabytes, support distributed representation, and feasibly integrate with block-chains.

The proposed representation is simple:

    /prefix1 secureHash1
    /prefix2 secureHash2
    :symbol1 definition1
    :symbol2 definition2

Each dictionary 'node' is represented by line-oriented ASCII text, with one line per entry, representing the update log. Each line uses a character prefix to indicate a definition (:), deletion (~), or indirection (/). Indirection uses radix indexing and identifies a binary node by secure hash. The prefix is removed from deeper nodes, so :poke moved into /p would become :oke. Entries are logically applied in order, as an update log. On lookup, it's sufficient to apply the final entry matching a symbol (whether it's /p or :poke). We will usually normalize a dictionary by removing masked entries then sorting.

This design gives us a persistent log-structured merge radix tree over content-addressed storage. It's feasible to share structure and storage with similar dictionaries. When synchronizing, we can incrementally download just the difference in dictionary nodes. Updates to deep tree nodes are buffered near the root, supporting lightweight updates and implicit working sets. In case of 'live' dictionaries, it is feasible to stream updates over a network and occasionally checkpoint via / secureHash. Also, we can inspect a dictionary node or stream via conventional ASCII processing tools.

Note: Dictionaries nodes do not directly support comments. Instead, developers will use associative words (foo-meta-doc as documentation for foo) or embed descriptions within definitions ("comment" (a2) d). This ensures metadata is preserved independently of dictionary indexing, and is accessible for further computation or abstraction.

Secure Hash Resources and Binary Large Objects

Besides use in the /prefix secureHash dictionary tree nodes, Awelon dictionaries may embed arbitrary binary large objects via %secureHash or oversized Awelon definitions via $secureHash.

    :my-binary-large-object %secureHashOfBinary
    :my-oversized-function $secureHashOfDefinition

Use of secure hashes gives us many nice properties: immutable, acyclic, cacheable, securable, provider-independent, self-authorizing, self-authenticating, structure sharing, automatic naming, uniformly sized. In some contexts, such as synchronizing with a remote dictionary, we might download the unknown hashes lazily. Support for binary large objects is convenient for importing external data resources - image and sound data, CVS databases, and so on - while maintaining exact versions and snapshots.

The favored secure hash is currently the 320-bit BLAKE2b algorithm, represented as 64 characters in a variant base32 alphabet.

    Base32 Alphabet: bcdfghjklmnpqrstBCDFGHJKLMNPQRST
        encoding 0..31 respectively

    Example hashes, chained from "test":


Security Notes: The secure hash is essentially a bearer token, identifying and authorizing access to the binary resource. Any lookup must be careful to resist timing attacks that could iteratively discover stored hashes. Further, we might wish to salt sensitive data with entropy fields (or comments) to resist brute-force 'does data with this hash exist?' attacks.

Software Distributions and Packages

Awelon does not optimize for package-based software distribution. Instead, I encourage developers to favor holistic dictionary distribution models, taking inspiration from community wikis or github pull-requests. Many technical advantages attributed to packages - sharing, incremental compilation, download only what we need, etc. - can be adequately achieved via secure hash resources and caching. Holistic distribution can simplify problems related to package version configuration management and dependency hell. Socially, it also shifts control from package providers to dictionary users, who can freely extend or adjust the code and share it with their chosen communities.

However, Awelon systems can represent package-based software distribution by aligning packages with word prefixes. For example, a one-line entry /packagename- secureHash can install or update a specific version for an entire package. This might be suitable in cases where packages involve special licenses or subscriptions. Namespaces can be supported via projectional editing to mitigate verbosity from hierarchical names. For dynamic systems, developers can arrange for a bot to synchronize packages from a trusted source (see Bots, Effects, and Applications).


By annotation, large values could be moved from memory to environment:

    [large value](stow)    => [stow-id]
    [small value](stow)    => [small value]

Here stow-id must be a word representing large value. The stowage word should also be much smaller than the value. Further, it should be stable in the sense that the the same word tends to correspond to the same value or location even after minor changes to a computation. Stability is valuable for reusable memoization and also simplifies stable layout when rendering live computed views.

Stowage can serve as a controlled variation of virtual memory enabling larger than memory computations. Stowage also interacts nicely with Memoization, reducing large value comparisons to simple word version comparisons. Most importantly for Awelon's goals, stowage supports progressive disclosure when rendering large computed values in a user-interface. Without stowage, we have an inconvenient distinction between source data versus computed values.

The main weakness of stowage: it is not obvious how long to remember stowed values after performing a computation that produces them. This would depend very much on our evaluation context. We might need to model evaluation 'sessions' which can track (stow) and (trace) outputs.


Evaluation will rewrite an Awelon program to an equivalent Awelon program. In context of annotations like (stow) or (trace), we might produce auxiliary outputs, but not in a way that can be observed within the Awelon computation. Awelon is a pure language, but effects will be modeled explicitly in some limited contexts (cf. Bots, Effects, and Applications).

Primitives rewrite by simple pattern matching:

        [B][A]a => A[B]         (apply)
        [B][A]b => [[B]A]       (bind)
           [A]c => [A][A]       (copy)
           [A]d =>              (drop)

Words simply rewrite to their definitions. However, for both performance and projections, we'll generally avoid rewriting a word unless doing so heuristically results in useful progress. These heuristics may be runtime dependent, and guided by annotations - Arity Annotations are especially useful in this role. Ultimately, evaluated programs will usually contain user-defined words.

Awelon does not specify an evaluation strategy. Neither strictness nor laziness are part of Awelon's semantics. Program developers may guide evaluation through annotations such as (par), (lazy), and (eval) where it's important for consistent performance.

Arity Annotations

Arity annotations help control evaluation. They have simple rewrite rules:

    [B][A](a2) == [B][A]
    [C][B][A](a3) == [C][B][A]

Arity annotations can mitigate poor heuristics for early evaluation of words. For example, given swap function w = [] b a, we might evaluate [A]w => [[A]]a. However, since this isn't very useful, we could instead define w = (a2) [] b a to ensure we have two arguments before we rewrite. Arity annotations also support call-by-need computation. For example, [[A](a2)F] has the same observable behavior and type of [[A]F], but the former will defer computation until another operand is supplied.

Note: Positional arguments do not scale nicely for human usability. Beyond three arguments, developers should favor aggregation of data into structures, at least for public APIs.


Awelon rejects recursive definitions. Instead, we build on fixpoint combinators:

    [X][F]z == [X][[F]z]F
    z = [[(a3) c i] b (eq-z) [c] a b w i] (a3) c i

        [def of foo](eq-foo) == [foo]
        [B][A]w == [A][B]       w = (a2) [] b a
           [A]i == A            i = [] w a d

This defines the strict fixpoint combinator, commonly called the z-combinator. We use (eq-z) to recover the z name, and we use arity annotations to prevent premature expansion of [F]z. We can develop further loop combinators above z using simple patterns like foreach = (a2) [[[(a2)] a i] b (eq-foreach) foreach-body]z to control arity and recover the loop combinator name in each iteration.

Explicit use of fixpoint combinators is awkward. In practice, this isn't what normal programmers should be doing. Instead, we'll develop a few widely useful loop combinators as part of our dictionary, akin to the for or while loops of imperative languages, then use those to implement specific loops as needed. Also, we could pursue collections-oriented programming styles, building upon a few common collection types.

Aside: The benefit of avoiding recursive definitions is that Awelon's semantics are simpler. An Awelon program may be understood as a finite stream or tree of primitives, logically disentangled from the codebase. Conversely, the codebase can be understood as a compression model for concrete Awelon streams.

Garbage Collection

Awelon does not specify garbage collection. In theory, we could deeply copy values and recover memory on drop. In practice, deep copy of large values is inefficient, so we'll favor shallow reference copy. In that case, reference counting garbage collection is a natural fit with Awelon's explicit copy and drop operations and acyclic value structure. An implementation of Awelon could use reference counting or any other model (tracing, hybrid, etc.) to recover memory resources.


We can support memoization via annotations.

For example, [Function](memo2) might express that we should memoize the function together with its next two arguments. The runtime would find or create a memoization table specific to the function. Of course, memoization does impose significant overheads, especially in context of parallel or lazy arguments. Thus, it must be applied carefully or performance will suffer.

Awelon can weakly support incremental computing via caching of a word's evaluated definition. However, full support for incremental computing requires use of explicit memoization together with cache-friendly patterns: compositional views over persistent data structures, use of stowage for shared tree nodes, etc..

Error Reporting

Expected errors should instead be modeled as explicit return values, usually via sum types. This allows the errors to be handled by the function's client, rather than halting computation. However, for errors without recovery, we might use (error) annotations, which act as an explicitly undefined words and do not rewrite further.


Awelon debugging is based largely around replay. Because Awelon evaluates by local rewriting, it's easy to render (or even animate) the intermediate steps required to reach the current state. We also don't need breakpoints to introspect intermediate states. However, debugging by logging is also convenient, and we can support this via (trace) annotations, perhaps using (trace-logname) to allow easier filtering.

In context of effectful code (per Bots, Effects, and Applications), the challenges of debugging stateful behavior is ameliorated by transactional memory, the simple application model, and the ability to simulate execution of command sequences in a variety of sample environments.

Static Typing and Safety Analysis

Awelon doesn't depend on static types insofar as there is no type-driven dispatch or overloading. However, the language does imply a simple structural type model. If programmers can discover errors earlier by static analysis, that's a good thing. Awelon's stack-like environment can easily be typed as a tuple, and values as functions. Record constructors are typed using row polymorphism. Types for our primitive operations:

    a           ((s * x) * (s → s')) → (s' * x)
    b           ((s * x) * ((e * x) → e')) → (s * (e → e'))
    c           (s * x) → ((s * x) * x)
    d           (s * x) → s
    [F]         s → (s * type(F))

Type annotations can be expressed using Awelon annotations. For simple cases, we can use specific type annotations like (nat) or (bool), or encode a simple type within the annotation symbol. However, in general we will need a parameterized annotation, like [Type Descriptor](type)d. This enables flexible abstraction and composition of type descriptions. In context of the Awelon dictionary, we might also favor a naming convention where foo-meta-type should describe the type of foo.

TODO: I think Awelon would greatly benefit from a lightweight, dynamically enforceable stack notation.

Opaque and Nominative Data Types

Awelon can simulate nominative data types via paired symbolic annotations:

    (seal-foo)      (s * x) → (s * foo:x)
    (unseal-foo)    (s * foo:x) → (s * x)

This would resist accidental access to data, and provide a better debugging experience by attaching symbolic tags to values. To support opaque data types, we additionally constrain where sealers are used, e.g. restricting use of (seal-foo) and (unseal-foo) to the foo-* volume of the dictionary. Enforcing this constraint is trival, and it would effectively give us package-private data types. Opaque data types can serve as a second-class approximation of abstract data types.

We should combine this with a restriction that foo-local-* words should only be used from foo-*, so we can implement package-private utility functions to work with our package-private data types.

Aside: These annotations operate on the top value of the stack. But we could have a variation that seals the entire stack type, to help guard stack 'frames'. Perhaps (stack-seal-foo) and (stack-unseal-foo).

Multi-Stage Programming

Multi-stage programming (MSP) is about robust, type-safe control of when a compution occurs. This is useful for predictable performance. For Awelon, we might leverage annotations to express programmer intentions and assumptions. Consider paired annotations:

    [A](step-foo) => [A]
    [F](stage-foo) => [F]   iff [F] does not contain (step-foo)

A step is complete when it has a value. A stage is complete when all steps in that stage are complete. These annotations allow us to describe some second-class staging assumptions and assert that a stage should be complete. In context of static safety analysis, we could warn the developer whenever we cannot easily prove at compile-time that a stage is complete. To effectively use MSP will further require abstractions and projections.

Static Computation and Deferred Typing

In context of compile-time metaprogramming (input macros, templates, embedded DSLs, etc.) it can be convenient to defer static type analysis until after partial evaluation with some static program inputs. This would allow "lightweight" dependent types that only depend on static values.

In a conventional language, we might use a distinct API-level syntax for static parameters vs runtime parameters - such that invokations are like foo<bar>(baz,qux). In Awelon, we must introduce an annotation like [A](static) => [A] to insist that [A] can be computed statically or depends only on parameters explicitly marked static within the caller (giving us a simple contagion model). This is a lot easier to check than type information, and is a lot weaker than full multi-stage programming.

Advanced Types and Gradual Typing in Awelon

Ideally, we can ensure type-safe indexing of arrays, support 'unboxed' data types on stacks and in collections, protect uniqueness of memory references for efficient in-place mutation, ensure termination or big-O performance, track units for scientific computing, and guarantee the expected types are exchanged in an interaction between computations.

Support for all this will require a "sufficiently advanced" type system with features like phantom types, existential types, generalized algebraic data types, session types, indexed types, dependent types, types tracking termination assumptions, and so on. Developing these features is certainly a long-term project for Awelon systems.

In the mean time, we should enable programmers to work with partially type-safe codebases. The overall strategy I'm favoring for static safety in Awelon is Gradual Typing.

Structural Equivalence

Annotations might assert two functions are structurally equivalent:

    [A][B](eq) => [A][B]     iff A and B are structurally equivalent

A motivating case for structural equivalence assertions is merging two sorted data structures. Our assumption is that the key-comparison function is equivalent. With (eq), we could represent this assertion. This could also be useful for lightweight unit testing, or for verifying our assumptions when defining projections.

Behavioral equivalence is not something we can generally test in a Turing complete language. But structural equivalence could include limited forms of behavioral equivalence comparisons.

Projectional Editing

Awelon's simple syntax must be augmented by projectional editing techniques to support richer programming interfaces, DSLs, namespaces, application models, and larger programs. As a simple example, we could develop a numeric tower:

    #42         == Awelon's natural 42
    42          == [#42 int]
    -7          == [[7 int] negate]
    3.141       == [3141 -3 decimal]
    -0.0070     == [-70 -4 decimal]
    2.998e8     == [2998 5 decimal]
    -4/6        == [-4 #6 rational]

In this example, I build one view upon another, but we also have a comprehensible representation in without the view. For example, if our projectional editor lacks support for rationals, users would still see the [-4 #6 rational] representation. This is convenenient for iterative development of extensible views. Further, if carefully designed our data views be normal forms (evaluate to themselves) such that we can also render -7 as an output from a computation. This may involve careful use of arity annotations. Besides numeric towers, projections can support command sequences, infix operators, lists and records, embedded comments via "comment" (a2) d, and other ad-hoc syntax extensions.

Ideally, projections must be designed in coordination with definitions and Accelerators to ensure the same projections can be reused after rewriting evaluations. A consistent projection for input, output, and intermediate computations contributes to Awelon's vision for user interfaces. This supports user comprehension and control, enabling users to trace displayed data to its source or extend processing with further computations.

Beyond textual projections, graphical projections are feasible - forms with sliders, checkboxes, and buttons. A color picker widget for a color value, a date picker widget for a date value. By developing some specialized projections, we can effectively provide an application user-interface. We can project over multiple dictionary definitions, perhaps modeling a spreadsheet or worksheet. See Bots, Effects, and Applications.

Infix and Prefix Operators

Infix and prefix expression of operations can be convenient insofar as they reduce explicit nesting and contribute to concision, legibility, and familiarity. They may be worth pursuing in sophisticated textual projections over Awelon code. For projections over singular operators, we have three options:

    A + B == [A] [B] plus           (infix)
      + B ==     [B] plus           (prefix)
      +   ==         plus           (postfix)

In context of Awelon, I favor prefix and trivial postfix operators rather than true infix. Prefix operators don't affect anything we see before the operator and thus don't interfere with a Named Local Variables projection. We can do a lot with prefix operations, such as a lightweight projection over lists:

    , B == [B] cons
    .   == [null] cons
    [1,2,3.] == [1 [2 [3 [null] cons] cons] cons]

The cost of introducing prefix or infix operators is eventual need to deal with precedence and associativity, and to occasionally work around it. We could favor parentheses for precedence and escape our annotations (e.g. #(trace)). Or we could just require explicit blocks and inlining.

Note: Awelon cannot overload words or operators. In some cases, a context-dependent projection might be appropriate. But Generic Programming requires separate attention.

Named Local Variables

We can implement let and lambda expressions as an editable projection.

Consider a lightweight syntax where \x indicates we "pop" a value from the stack and assign it to a local variable x, scoped to the remainder of our current definition or block (modulo shadowing). Thus [\x EXPR] serves the same role as (λx.EXPR), while [X] \x BODY serves the same role as let x = X in BODY. We can represent this via bidirectional rewriting:

    \x EXPR == (let-x) T(x,EXPR) 
      assuming `x` represents a function value
    T(x,E) | E does not contain x       == d E
    T(x,[x])                            == 
    T(x,x)                              == [[]] a a d
    T(x,[E])                            == [T(x,E)] b
    T(x,F G)                            
        | only F contains x             == T(x,F) G
        | only G contains x             == [F] a T(x,G)
        | F and G contain x             == c [T(x,F)] a T(x,G)

In this projection, [x] refers to the original value, while naked x refers to an inline call. This is simply the arrangement I've found convenient in practice. To ensure a robust interpretation, the above projection does not use any user-defined words. However, to improve concision, we could easily tweak the projection to use the word i in place of [[]] a a d.

Unfortunately, this projection is not optimal for conditional behaviors (if then else, match case, etc.) because it will copy the x into each path as a closure. What we usually want is closer to leaving x on the stack at a predictable location then ensuring each branch knows where to find it. To solve this, we would need to integrate common conditional expressions with the local variables projection. Meanwhile, programmers must carefully handle conditionals.

Despite caveats, local variables are a convenient projection for cases where tacit programming would become a mess of closures and data shuffling words.


It is trivial for a projection to support qualified namespaces, i.e. such that we declare lp to represent long-prefix for the remainder of a program. However, I don't recommend this! Namespace declarations too easily become boiler-plate overhead and an implicit, inconsistent context.

Instead, I propose to move namespaces to the editor layer. A projectional editor could be configured with a package of nicknames at the scope of a session, project, or user. This projection would offer a consistent view without the boiler-plate. Where necessary, we could model first-class namespaces as objects or records (see below).

Object Oriented Awelon

Ignoring static analysis, we can easily model objects in a functional language:

    type Object = Request → (Response * Object)

It's just a function, albeit often with a fixpoint closure for stateful objects.

However, in context of static type safety, we usually want the response to depend on the request. This can be achieved by dependent types. But dependent types are more sophisticated than I would prefer to deal with in many cases. An alternative is to specialize type analysis for a Request model where requests include static method labels like "draw-to-canvas" as the top element on the stack. This essentially supports a 'lightweight' dependent type system where we only depend on static information.

Beyond type safety, we mostly need projections common object invocation and constructor patterns. This would easily build upon the static method labels, e.g. with !draw-to-canvas representing a method call to the object on the top of our stack, or x!draw-to-canvas representing a linear method invocation in context of Named Local Variables (a convenient equivalent to x !draw-to-canvas \x).

Between fixpoint closures, lightweight dependent types, projections, and accelerators, Awelon can support most object-oriented patterns. We can further introduce Command Sequences to model shared objects, and objects that could interact with a network or other external device.

Intriguingly, an [Object] can support Projectional Editing at two layers. First, we can project over the object constructor - the [Object] string - like we do for any other value. Second, we build projections above the interface to the object, i.e. invoking "draw-to-canvas" to produce a view, or invoking some methods that rewrite the object to represent user input events.

Labeled Data

Labeled data types, such as records and variants (aka tagged unions) are a staple of conventional programming languages. I've frequently contemplated built-in support for labeled data in Awelon. However, projections and accelerators should be adequate to the task without requiring new primitives.

I propose to model records as accelerated objects. Concretely, we could represent a record as a function with a constructor of form:

    [[A] "a" rset [B] "b" rset [C] "c" rset](rec)

Here rset would be a function that receives a label-value pair and a simple request, then outputs a modified record and perhaps an additional result. The semantics of records would be primarily determined by the rset definition. A projection could easily rewrite "a" rset to :a or similar. The final (rec) annotation would allow acceleration of this object, and perhaps a specialized type analysis.

The Church-encoded sum type is essentially type (A + B) = ∀r. (((A → r) * (B → r)) → r). That is, a sum is modeled by a function that receives a pair of handlers and picks one. Following this example, a labeled variant should receive a record of handlers and pick one. This might be concretely represented as something like [[A] "a" case].

Importantly, by using opaque objects instead of a concrete representation like a trie or association list, we can precisely control which properties of a record or variant are observable. This is convenient for acceleration, which must preserve observable behavior. With a sufficient level of acceleration, and a few simple projections, we could treat records and variants as a built-in feature of Awelon.

Arrays and In-Place Mutation

In Awelon, arrays could be modeled as an accelerated list representation, or alternatively as an accelerated object similar to records. We could have accelerated functions to access or edit the array at some offset. Naively, editing the array at some offset involves copying the array with the edit in place. However, if an array has only one memory reference, we could save ourselves some trouble and instead mutate in-place.

This is related to the concept of linear type systems and uniqueness types. However, this could be applied even in a dynamic system, implicitly performing copy-on-write for shared arrays. With a few annotations, we could express our assumptions and stabilize performance.

Support for in-place mutation of arrays would be valuable for a variety of data structures (like hashtables) and algorithms (like union-find), and could also enhance initial construction performance for a trie or rope where we use arrays of children. We also benefit from in-place mutation of tuples or records, albeit to a lesser degree.

Aside: Accelerators could theoretically use a persistent array implementation. But I believe we should keep arrays simple, and discourage huge arrays. Developers can explicitly model a persistent data structure when they want one, to better interact with stowage, memoization, parallelism, and laziness.

Ephemeron Tables

To model a system of variables in a purely functional system naively involves representing variable references as natural numbers, and variable state with a hashmap. Unfortunately, this naive approach swiftly encounters a performance problem: we cannot garbage-collect the variable state.

To solve this, it is feasible to support ephemeron tables as an accelerated object with specialized type safety properties. Ephemeron tables would be value objects that accept requests to allocate, read, write, and compare opaque 'variables'. Further, we must constrain variable references for use with the tables in which they were allocated (or future versions thereof). This is vaguely similar to substructural or uniqueness typing, but I'm uncertain how to formalize it.

Between opaque structure and reference constraints, we can garbage collect variable state associated with references which have been dropped. Further, linear ephemeron tables could also support in-place mutation, like arrays. Between these properties, ephemeron tables could easily support single-threaded imperative algorithms or OOP.

Command Sequences

Command Sequences are a projection for sequential interactive programs. The interactive model is a function that returns either a command-continuation pair or a final result. For example, a command might be "read foo.txt". The host should interpret the command then provide file content (or error) as an argument to the continuation. However, explicit continuations easily result in a deeply nested mess of syntax. The command sequence projection will flatten the nesting and hide the continuation management.

    X ; Y ; Z == X [Y;Z] cseq == X [Y [Z] cseq] cseq

In general, we assume that each command X may also be a command sequence X1 ; X2. We will want associativity such that X1 [X2] cseq [Y] cseq has the same observable behavior as X1 [X2 [Y] cseq] cseq. For terminal behaviors, we might return a value or yield a command. To faithfully abstract the empty sequence, it is convenient if return is an identity element, such that return ; Y and Y ; return have the same observable behavior as Y.

Performance is a significant concern. In context of deep procedural abstractions, patterns such as [X2] cseq [Y] cseq [Z] cseq are common, corresponding to a call stack. Naive composition of continuations will rebuild this call stack directly, and thus touch [Z] for every operation in X, resulting in per-operation overheads that depend on call stack depth. To avoid this, we should instead rewrite our continuation as [X2 [Y [Z] cseq] cseq]. Further, for partial evaluation optimizations, it is convenient if return ; Y locally rewrites to Y.

A minimum viable implementation:

    return  = [none] 
    yield   = [[null] some]
    cseq    = w [i] [w [cons] b b [some] b] if

        [L][R]none == L             none = w a d
        [L][R][X]some == [X]R       some = w b a d
        [C][L][R]if == [L][R]C      if = [] b b a i
        [F]i == F                   i = [] w a d
        [A][B]w == [B][A]           w = [] b a

This constructs an intermediate list of cseq continuations, which the host may fold into the desired [X2 [Y [Z] cseq] cseq] form. However, exposing this list is semantically awkward, difficult to accelerate or type check. We can address this concern by merging the list fold directly into the intermediate continuation.

    return  = [none]
    yield   = [[[return][]if] some]
    cseq    = (a2) [[[(a2)] a i] b (eq-cseq) cseq-body] z
    cseq-body = \c

A remaining concern is static type safety. A command sequence should have a corresponding command model that describes commands in terms of parameters, expected result type, and intended consequences. To simplify static type checking, we could utilize static method labels like "read" vs "fork", similarly to how we propose to type objects (see Object Oriented Awelon).

Note: Command sequences can be understood as an free monad. However, I'm intentionally avoiding the monad abstraction or branding for Awelon, as it's historically been a tripping hazard for FP newcomers. We only need one concrete implementation of command sequences.

Pattern Matching

Awelon does not have built-in support for pattern matching. However, it is feasible to model first-class patterns - and parser combinators in general - using command sequences with a try/abort command model:

    type M e a -- a match that fails with `e` or returns `a`
    try     : M e a -> (e -> M e' a) -> M e' a
    abort   : e -> M e a 
    return  : a -> M e a

The failure result e may provide metadata to optimize the fallback behavior.

First-class patterns are expressive and extensible. The challenge is to develop convenient and efficient projections for working with lists and records, handling variants, and support for pattern guards and active patterns. The weakness of first-class patterns is that we won't have much compiler support to optimize pattern matching, beyond what we can achieve by partial evaluation and conventional function optimizations.

TODO: Concrete examples, as they're developed.

Constraint Logic Programming

Constraint and logic programming are convenient styles for some problems, albeit terribly inefficient for the general use case. We can leverage command sequences to interleave expression of a constraint model with processing into an acceptable return value. However, we'll need concurrency to mitigate our rigid sequence ordering. A preliminary command model:

    type CC v a -- concurrent constraints
    new     : CC v (v a)
    write   : v a -> a -> CC v ()
    read    : v a -> CC v a
    fork    : CC v () -> CC v ()
    amb     : CC v a -> CC v a -> CC v a
    fail    : CC v a

Single-assignment variables and fork support deterministic concurrency, allowing us to defer reads until information is available. The amb operator models a non-deterministic choice, and provides our search space. A computation may explicitly fail, indicating that requirements are not met. A computation will implicitly fail if it writes to an assigned variable, enters a datalock on read, or if a forked subcomputation fails.

Use of amb, fork, and single-assignment variables is quite expressive. For example, we can model a channel as a linked list with an unassigned variable at tail position. Writing a shared channel would involve amb to choose between writing vs reading the tail variable, iterating forward after read. The resulting channel would model all possible input permutations, including interactive ones between threads.

Searching all permutations is too expensive. Performance would benefit from design patterns and command model extensions that guide search or swiftly eliminate irrelevant search. For example, we could introduce cost : Nat -> CC v a command to focus search on low-cost solutions, or assoc : v a -> Label -> CC v (v b) to support permutation-independent labels and extensible metadata when computing a variable.

A constraint-logic command model will ultimately be interpreted, perhaps by a function of form runCC : forall v . CC v a -> Stream of a. Efficient implementation would benefit from Ephemeron Tables to erase intermediate states produced during evaluation. The order of results and efficiency of this computation will depend on search heuristics within runCC. Relevantly, we cannot observe race conditions between forked threads.

Generic Programming

Awelon directly supports parametric polymorphism, which serves as a simplistic form of generic programming. Together with Multi Stage Programming for static parameters, we could get quite far with parametric polymorphism. However, parametric polymorphism can be verbose and awkward for many use cases.

Constraint Logic Programming offers an intriguing foundation for generic programming. Generic programming is essentially programming in terms of requirements, and constraints are as direct a representation of requirements as it's feasible to achieve without ad-hoc reflection. However, we would need to develop a layer above constraint programming to easily track shared registries and component metadata.

High Performance Computing

High Performance Computing (HPC) requires taking advantage of GPGPU and cloud computation resources. This is important for a variety of problem domains - machine learning, image recognition, graphics processing, physics simulations, scientific computing, and so on.

For Awelon, we approach HPC via Acceleration. This constrains us to purely functional computations - deterministic, confined, and independent of physical configuration. Although this may hinder some use cases, it does reduce setup overheads and ensure the computations are repeatable, cacheable, sharable, and verifiable.

Accelerated Vector Processing

To utilize GPGPU hardware from Awelon, we can model an abstract remote processor specialized for structured binaries. For example, we might push two binaries representing floating point matrices, ask the processor to multiply them, then request the result as another binary.

In Awelon, we could model this remote processor as a purely functional object (see Object Oriented Awelon). Importantly, we can accelerate an object if we arrange for the same accelerated handler function to be used for every request with a hidden internal state. Pseudocode:

    type Object = Request -> (Object * Response)

    process :: State -> Request -> (Object * Response)
    process st req = 
        let (st',resp) = ... a pure computation ...
        ((process st'), resp)

Here, process would be accelerated, and the State type (beyond the initial state) is hidden from external observers, which allows our accelerator to compute alternative state values, assuming observable behavior is preserved.

For accelerated vector processing, we must use requests and state model that are easy to implement on a GPGPU. Most of our design effort would be developing this set of requests.

However, one especially important consideration is our ability to register some code with the remote processor, such that we can invoke it later. By registering code ahead of time, we benefit in two ways: we can invoke the code many times without repeating the load effort, and our accelerated implementation of the processor may compile and cache code for the physical hardware.

Aside: We can extend our processor to a network of communicating processors with streaming binaries, using a model like Kahn Process Networks to preserve observable determinism. This would allow partitioning of a streaming computation across multiple GPGPUs. We might also benefit from an abstract processor for low-level bit-banging.

Kahn Process Networks

Kahn Process Networks (KPNs) model deterministic, distributed computation. KPNs are excellent for event stream processing, task parallelism, and cloud computing. KPNs are monotonic, so it's feasible to interactively add input and extract output while the computation is ongoing in the background.

A KPN process could be developed against a command model. Here, we use second-class port and process names instead of first-class channels and processes in order to simplify connectivity and abstraction.

    type KPN a -- command model for KPNs
    read : Port -> KPN Msg
    write : Port -> Msg -> KPN ()
    wire : Port -> Port -> (Msg -> Msg) -> KPN ()
    fork : ProcName -> KPN () -> KPN ()
    type Port = Outer PortName | Inner (ProcName * PortName)

We can fork child processes and declaratively wire inputs to outputs. The process may read or write ports that haven't been wired. In classic KPNs, read is the synchronous operation: it waits for data if none is available. We could extend this API with bounded buffers (so writes can wait), logical time (so reads can time out), and perhaps logical copy and drop of ports (for performance).

When we're done describing our KPN, we implement an accelerated object to "run" the KPN. The API for this might be simple like runKPN : KPN () -> Object (cf Accelerated Vector Processing). This object should accept read and write requests for the outer KPN ports, enabling pure code to interact with a deterministic process network computing in the background. The accelerated implementation can leverage threads and shared queues with in-place mutations, insofar as linearity is respected (cf Arrays and In-Place Mutation).

A significant challenge for KPNs is developing an adequate static safety analysis. Ideally, we want distinct message types per port, to statically forbid reading and writing of wired ports, and perhaps some variation on session types to ensure interactions won't get stuck. Like command models and object interface types, this could benefit from specialized annotations and type descriptors. Minimally, we could tag KPN process descriptions with (kpn).

Bots, Effects, and Applications

Awelon applications are modeled as bots that publish projections to users.

Bot Definition

An Awelon bot process is a deterministic transaction, repeated indefinitely.

Process coordination is implicit: Deterministic repetition of a read-only or failed transaction is obviously unproductive. Thus, we can improve system efficiency by waiting for a change among the observed variables. For example, a stream processing bot might voluntarily abort if an input queue is empty or output queue is full. Compared to locks and signals, this provides a robust means to wait for arbitrary conditions, and makes it relatively easy to preserve system consistency.

Preliminary API in pseudo-Haskell:

    type DebugName = String -- for debugging!
    type TX v e a -- command model for bots
    type Env v = ... -- model of host system
    type Bot = forall v e a . Env v -> TX v e a
    type EQ a = a -> a -> Bool -- conservative equality

    new     : DebugName -> a -> TX v e (v a)
    read    : v a -> TX v e a
    write   : v a -> a -> TX v e ()
    try     : TX v e a -> (e -> TX v e' a) -> TX v e' a
    abort   : e -> TX v e a
    fork    : DebugName -> TX v e a -> TX v e' ()

We will construct Command Sequences to abstract these operations. The initial forall v . Env v provides a set of variables. We can manipulate variables via read and write operations. The new operation creates fresh unassigned variables. The try and abort operations support hierarchical transactions with strong exception safety, which simplifies partial failure and graceful degradation. The abort value may carry ad-hoc information about why the transaction failed. The try operation only handles abort - it would not catch a runtime type error or reading an unassigned variable.

The fork operation specifies a 'one-off' operation to attempt in unspecified order upon commit. This is intended for use in read-fork patterns, where the operation may be repeated until a variable observed by the parent transaction changes. With recursive use of read-fork, we can form a tree with read-write loops at the leaves, expand a single bot into multiple component bots. This supports task-concurrency, multi-stage programming, and convenient packaging of behaviors. Use of assoc is convenient for declaration of variables from a read-fork transaction. Note: If fork is used from a read-write transaction, I propose to abort the transaction and warn the programmer.

Bots are installed by simply defining app-* words in the dictionary. This ensures that the set of active behaviors in an Awelon system is easily discovered, managed, and extended. In the general case, we can modify bot definitions at runtime, which supports live programming, continuous deployment, and system administration.

Effectful Environment

Bots operate upon a collection of environment variables, forall v . Env v.

Effects, such as network access, are achieved through manipulation of specific environment variables. For example, the environment may include a system task queue. After the write is committed, the system may process the request. A response is written back into the environment - a location would usually be specified in the request. This would be accessed by a future bot transaction. Hence, effects are always asynchronous.

A typical environment might support network access, a pseudo-filesystem or database, a time service to defer simple operations, reflection over the dictionary, a shared registry so bots can publish 'services' for other bots, and so on. Any state that should survive a transaction should be written to this environment.

By default, variables are ephemeral, not durable. A subset of variables may be backed by a durable store, e.g. our pseudo-filesystem or database variables, similar to memory-mapped files. For those cases, we could support explicit synch requests to ensure writes are committed. There are significant performance benefits when we defer serialization - i.e. we preserve accelerated representations, parallelism, linearity. We benefit from batched updates, and we avoid serializing intermediate states. Further, an ephemeral environment can safely be 'reset' after it enters a bad state.

All app-* root bots will initially receive the same global environment. This greatly simplifies extension and auditing of system behavior. However, we can leverage patterns to sandbox distrusted bot behavior and restrict direct access to the environment. In practice, bot behaviors should be developed against extended command models and restricted environments which we indirectly configure and interpret to the forall v . Env v -> TX v e a model. (This would transitively apply to forked behaviors.)

User Interfaces

In general, bots may add some 'services' to a shared registry. Some of these services would be intended for other bots (as a plug-in pattern), but we would also register services that the user will interact with to obtain a projection over the environment. This supports tight integration between a projection and bot-created variables, active interfaces with notifications, and a simple security model insofar as administrators constrain bots and bots constrain lesser users.

Users will be able to interact with multiple projections, e.g. across multiple widgets or windows. These projections may be provided by multiple different bots. However, they should all use the same transaction. That is, users should be able to perform updates in multiple windows then 'commit' them all together. Further, even before committing, every time we perform an edit we should be able to reactively observe the change in every other window that depends on the modified variables. This supports lightweight, robust extension of user interfaces with alternative views, controllers, macros, etc. by adding new bots. It also simplifies debugging - a debugger interface is essentially just another UI extension.

Dictionary access is achieved via reflection through the effectful environment.

Of course, there will be a lot of scaffolding and bootstrapping required before we reach the level where we can define all interfaces via bots via Awleon codebase. Meanwhile, we must develop ad-hoc specialized development environments, which mostly focus on projections over the dictionary.

Separate Compilation

Awelon's bots and user-interfaces can be compiled separately insofar as reflection features are not used. Of course, the compiler must provide a lightweight runtime that implements the 'system' implicit to the effectful environment. But it is quite feasible to develop bots that don't use reflection and can be separately compiled and installed in the manner of conventional servers or end user applications.