Yii extension for the flowplayer plugin.
This is an alpha version of the extension.
It supports only the basic configuration.
Here are some examples on how to use this extension.
The most minimal code to get a video.Example:
$this->widget('ext.EFlowPlayer.EFlowPlayer', array(
####With style and id
If we want to set some html options to the video container.Example:
$this->widget('ext.EFlowPlayer.EFlowPlayer', array(
'style'=>'width: 320px; height: 160px;',
####I need more videos
#####Asceding style
If we want to set some html options to the video container.Example:
$this->widget('ext.EFlowPlayer.EFlowPlayer', array(
'style'=>'width: 320px; height: 160px;',
Result of this code will be 3 containers with id video-
+ key of the video url position in the array, like:
- container with id
points tod182.flv
- container with id
points tod181.flv
- container with id
points tod180.flv
#####Associative array
If we want to set some html options to the video container.Example:
$this->widget('ext.EFlowPlayer.EFlowPlayer', array(
'style'=>'width: 320px; height: 160px;',
This is a way to use associative array and asceding style.
Although i think of something dangarous and akwark there still a
posibility. Example:
$this->widget('ext.EFlowPlayer.EFlowPlayer', array(
'style'=>'width: 320px; height: 160px;',
- Version 0.3 alpha
- Dimitrios Mengidis
- Yii 1.1.x
- flowplayer 3.2.6
(This base code was generated with the gii-extension-generator)