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Running Docker Flow Proxy With Automatic Reconfiguration

Docker Flow Proxy running in the Swarm Mode is designed to leverage the features introduced in Docker v1.12+.

The examples that follow assume that you have Docker Machine version v0.8+ that includes Docker Engine v1.12+. The easiest way to get them is through Docker Toolbox.

!!! info If you are a Windows user, please run all the examples from Git Bash (installed through Docker Toolbox). Also, make sure that your Git client is configured to check out the code AS-IS. Otherwise, Windows might change carriage returns to the Windows format.

Please note that Docker Flow Proxy is not limited to Docker Machine. We're using it as an easy way to create a cluster.


To setup an example environment using Docker Machine, please run the commands that follow.

git clone

cd docker-flow-proxy

chmod +x scripts/


Right now we have three machines running (node-1, node-2, and node-3). Each of those machines runs Docker Engine. Together, they form a Swarm cluster. Docker Engine running in the first node (node-1) is the leader.

We can see the cluster status by running the following command.

eval $(docker-machine env node-1)

docker node ls

We'll skip a detailed explanation of the Swarm cluster that is incorporated into Docker Engine 1.12. If you're new to it, please read Docker Swarm Introduction. The rest of this article will assume that you have, at least, basic Docker 1.12+ knowledge.

Now we're ready to deploy a service.

Automatically Reconfiguring the Proxy

We'll start by creating two networks.

docker network create --driver overlay proxy

docker network create --driver overlay go-demo

The first network (proxy) will be dedicated to the proxy container and services that should be exposed through it. The second (go-demo) is the network used for communications between containers that constitute the go-demo service.

Next, we'll create the swarm-listener service. It is companion to the Docker Flow: Proxy. Its purpose is to monitor Swarm services and send requests to the proxy whenever a service is created or destroyed.

Let's create the swarm-listener service.

!!! info A note to Windows users

For mounts to work, you will have to enter one of the machines before executing the `docker service create` command to work. To enter the Docker Machine, execute the `docker-machine ssh node-1` command. Please exit the machine once you finish executing the command that follows.
docker service create --name swarm-listener \
    --network proxy \
    --mount "type=bind,source=/var/run/docker.sock,target=/var/run/docker.sock" \
    -e DF_NOTIFY_CREATE_SERVICE_URL=http://proxy:8080/v1/docker-flow-proxy/reconfigure \
    -e DF_NOTIFY_REMOVE_SERVICE_URL=http://proxy:8080/v1/docker-flow-proxy/remove \
    --constraint 'node.role==manager' \

The service is attached to the proxy network, mounts the Docker socket, and declares the environment variables DF_NOTIFY_CREATE_SERVICE_URL and DF_NOTIFY_REMOVE_SERVICE_URL. We'll see the purpose of the variables soon. The service is constrained to the manager nodes.

The next step is to create the proxy service.

docker service create --name proxy \
    -p 80:80 \
    -p 443:443 \
    --network proxy \
    -e LISTENER_ADDRESS=swarm-listener \

We opened the ports 80 and 443. External requests will be routed through them towards destination services. The proxy is attached to the proxy network. The proxy must belong to the same network as the listener. They will exchange information whenever a service is created or removed.

!!! info If you name the service something other than proxy, you have to pass the environment variable SERVICE_NAME on creation. The value of SERVICE_NAME has to be the same as the name of the service.

Let's deploy the demo service. It consists of two containers; mongo is the database and vfarcic/go-demo is the actual service that uses it. They will communicate with each other through the go-demo network. Since we want to expose only vfarcic/go-demo to the "outside" world and keep the database "private", only the vfarcic/go-demo container will attach itself to the proxy network.

docker service create --name go-demo-db \
    --network go-demo \

Let's run up the second service.

docker service create --name go-demo \
    -e DB=go-demo-db \
    --network go-demo \
    --network proxy \
    --label com.df.notify=true \
    --label com.df.servicePath=/demo \
    --label com.df.port=8080 \

The details of the go-demo service are irrelevant for this exercise. What matters is that it was deployed somewhere inside the cluster and that it does not have any port exposed outside of the networks go-demo and proxy.

Please note the labels. They are a crucial part of the service definition. The com.df.notify=true tells the Swarm Listener whether to send a notifications whenever a service is created or removed. The rest of the labels match the query arguments we would use if we'd reconfigure the proxy manually. The only difference is that the labels are prefixed with com.df. For the list of the query arguments, please see the Reconfigure section.

Now we should wait until all the services are running. You can see their status by executing the command that follows.

docker service ls

Once all the replicas are set to 1/1, we can see the effect of the com.df labels by sending a request to the go-demo service through the proxy.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The output is as follows.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 18:26:18 GMT
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

hello, world!

We sent a request to the proxy (the only service listening to the port 80) and got back the response from the go-demo service. The proxy was configured automatically as soon as the go-demo service was created.

The way the process works is as follows.

Docker Flow: Swarm Listener is running inside one of the Swarm manager nodes and queries Docker API in search for newly created services. Once it finds a new service, it looks for its labels. If the service contains the com.df.notify (it can hold any value), the rest of the labels with keys starting with com.df. are retrieved. All those labels are used to form request parameters. Those parameters are appended to the address specified as the DF_NOTIFY_CREATE_SERVICE_URL environment variable defined in the swarm-listener service. Finally, a request is sent. In this particular case, the request was made to reconfigure the proxy with the service go-demo (the name of the service), using /demo as the path, and running on the port 8080.

Please see the Reconfigure section for the list of all the arguments that can be used with the proxy.

Since Docker Flow: Proxy uses new networking features added to Docker 1.12, it redirects all requests to the Swarm SDN (in this case called proxy). As a result, Docker takes care of load balancing, so there is no need to reconfigure it every time a new instance is deployed. We can confirm that by creating a few additional replicas.

docker service update --replicas 5 go-demo

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

Feel free to repeat this request a few more times. Once done, check the logs of any of the replicas and you'll notice that it received approximately one-fifth of the requests. No matter how many instances are running and with which frequency they change, Swarm networking will make sure that requests are load balanced across all currently running instances.

Docker Flow: Proxy reconfiguration is not limited to a single service path. Multiple values can be divided by comma (,). For example, our service might expose multiple versions of the API. In such a case, an example servicePath label attached to the go-demoservice could be as follows.

  --label com.df.servicePath=/demo/hello,/demo/person \

Optionally, serviceDomain can be used as well. If specified, the proxy will allow access only to requests coming from that domain. The example label that follows would set serviceDomain to After the proxy is reconfigured, only requests for that domain will be redirected to the destination service.

  --label \

Multiple domains should be separated with comma (,).

  --label, \

Domains can be prefixed with a wildcard.

  --label "com.df.serviceDomain=*" \

The above example would match any domain ending with (e.g.,, etc).

Removing a Service From the Proxy

Since Swarm Listener is monitoring docker services, if a service is removed, related entries in the proxy configuration will be removed as well.

docker service rm go-demo

If you check the Swarm Listener logs, you'll see an entry similar to the one that follows.

Sending service removed notification to http://proxy:8080/v1/docker-flow-proxy/remove?serviceName=go-demo

A moment later, a new entry would appear in the proxy logs.

Processing request /v1/docker-flow-proxy/remove?serviceName=go-demo
Processing remove request /v1/docker-flow-proxy/remove
Removing go-demo configuration
Removing the go-demo configuration files
Reloading the proxy

From this moment on, the service go-demo is not available through the proxy.

Swarm Listener detected that the service was removed, send a notification to the proxy which, in turn, changed its configuration and reloaded underlying HAProxy.

Now that you've seen how to automatically add and remove services from the proxy, let's take a look at scaling options.

Scaling the Proxy

Swarm is continuously monitoring containers health. If one of them fails, it will be redeployed to one of the nodes. If a whole node fails, Swarm will recreate all the containers that were running on that node. The ability to monitor containers health and make sure that they are (almost) always running is not enough. There is a brief period between the moment an instance fails until Swarm detects that and instantiates a new one. If we want to get close to zero-downtime systems, we must scale our services to at least two instances running on different nodes. That way, while we're waiting for one instance to recuperate from a failure, the others can take over its load. Even that is not enough. We need to make sure that the state of the failed instance is recuperated.

Let's see how Docker Flow: Proxy behaves when scaled.

Before we scale the proxy, we'll recreate the go-demo service that we removed a few moments ago.

docker service create --name go-demo \
  -e DB=go-demo-db \
  --network go-demo \
  --network proxy \
  --label com.df.notify=true \
  --label com.df.servicePath=/demo \
  --label com.df.port=8080 \
  --replicas 3 \

We should wait until the go-demo service is up and running. We can check the status by executing service ps command.

docker service ps go-demo

At the moment we are still running a single instance of the proxy. Before we scale it, let's confirm that the listener sent a request to reconfigure it.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The output should be status 200 indicating that the proxy works.

Let's scale the proxy to three instances.

docker service scale proxy=3

The proxy was scaled to three instances.

Normally, creating a new instance means that it starts without a state. As a result, the new instances would not have the go-demo service configured. Having different states among instances would produce quite a few undesirable effects. This is where the environment variable LISTENER_ADDRESS comes into play.

If you go back to the command we used to create the proxy service, you'll notice the argument that follows.

    -e LISTENER_ADDRESS=swarm-listener \

This tells the proxy the address of the Docker Flow: Swarm Listener service. Whenever a new instance of the proxy is created, it will send a request to the listener to resend notifications for all the services. As a result, each proxy instance will soon have the same state as the other.

If, for example, an instance of the proxy fails, Swarm will reschedule it and, soon afterwards, a new instance will be created. In that case, the process would be the same as when we scaled the proxy and, as the end result, the rescheduled instance will also have the same state as any other.

To test whether all the instances are indeed having the same configuration, we can send a couple of requests to the go-demo service.

Please run the command that follows a couple of times.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

Since Docker's networking (routing mesh) is performing load balancing, each of those requests is sent to a different proxy instance. Each was forwarded to the go-demo service endpoint, Docker networking did load balancing and resent it to one of the go-demo instances. As a result, all requests returned status 200 OK proving that the combination of the proxy and the listener indeed works. All three instances of the proxy were reconfigured.

Proxy Statistics

It is useful to see the statistics from the proxy. Among other things, they can reveal information that we could use to make decisions whether to scale our services.

As a security precaution, stats are disabled by default. We need to provide authentication as a way to enable statistics.

There are two ways to secure the proxy statistics. One is through environment variables STATS_USER and STATS_PASS. Typically, you would set those environment variables when creating the services. Since, in this case, the proxy is already running, we'll update it.

docker service update \
    --env-add STATS_USER=my-user \
    --env-add STATS_PASS=my-pass \

!!! info If you are a Windows user, the open command might not be available. In that case, please execute docker-machine ip node-1 to find out the IP of one of the VMs and open the admin page manually in your favorite browser.

open "http://$(docker-machine ip node-1)/admin?stats"

You will be asked for a username and password. Please use the default values my-user/my-pass. You will be presented with a screen with quite a few stats. Since we are running only one service (go-demo), those stats might not be of great interest. However, when many services are exposed through the proxy, HAProxy statistics provide indispensable information we should leverage when operating the cluster.

!!! info If you are running multiple replicas of the proxy, the statistics page will show information from one of the replicas only (randomly chosen by the ingress network). It is recommended to store stats from all the replicas in one of the monitoring systems like Prometheus.

Even now, anyone could retrieve our username and password with a simple service inspect command. Fortunately, Docker Flow Proxy supports Docker secrets introduced in version 1.13.

Secrets can be used as a replacement for any of the environment variables. They should be prefixed with dfp_ and written in lower case. As an example, STATS_USER environment variable would be specified as a secret dfp_stats_user.

Let's convert our credentials into Docker secrets.

echo "secret-user" \
    | docker secret create dfp_stats_user -

echo "secret-pass" \
    | docker secret create dfp_stats_pass -

Now we can attach those secrets to the proxy service.

docker service update \
    --secret-add dfp_stats_user \
    --secret-add dfp_stats_pass \

From now on, the username and password are secret-user and secret-pass. Unlike environment variable, they are hidden from everyone and are visible only from inside the containers that form the service.

Rewriting Paths

In some cases, you might want to rewrite the path of the incoming request before forwarding it to the destination service. We can do that using request parameter reqPathSearchReplace.

As an example, we'll create the go-demo service that will be configured in the proxy to accept requests with the path starting with /something. Since the go-demo service allows only requests that start with /demo, we'll use reqPathSearchReplace to rewrite the path.

The command is as follows.

docker service rm go-demo

docker service create --name go-demo \
    -e DB=go-demo-db \
    --network go-demo \
    --network proxy \
    --label com.df.notify=true \
    --label com.df.servicePath=/something \
    --label com.df.port=8080 \
    --label com.df.reqPathSearchReplace='/something/,/demo/' \
    --replicas 3 \

The reqPathSearchReplace specifies the regular expression that will be used to search for part of the address and replace it. In this case, /something/ will be replaced with /demo/. The proxy uses the regsub function within the http-request set-path directive to apply a regex-based substitution which operates as the well-known sed utility with "s/<regex>/<subst>/". For more information, please consult Configuration: 4.2 http-request and Configuration: 7.3.1 regsub.

Please wait a few moments until the go-demo service is running. You can see the status of the service by executing docker service ps go-demo.

Once the go-demo service is up and running, we can confirm that the proxy was indeed configured correctly.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/something/hello

The output is as follows.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 18:43:21 GMT
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

hello, world!

We sent a request to /something/hello. The proxy accepted the request, rewrote the path to /demo/hello, and forwarded it to the go-demo service.

The reqPathSearchReplace label accepts regular expressions. We can, for example, rewrite any path that starts with /something/ to /demo/hello.

docker service update \
    --label-add com.df.reqPathSearchReplace='/something/.*,/demo/hello' \

Let's check whether it works as expected.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/something/hello

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/something/else

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/something/totaly/different

All three requests resulted in the same response. Everything that starts with /something/ is rewritten to /demo/hello.

Let's remove the go-demo service before we proceed with authentication.

docker service rm go-demo

Basic Authentication

Docker Flow: Proxy can provide basic authentication that can be applied on two levels. We can configure the proxy to protect all or only a selected service.

Global Authentication

We'll start by recreating the go-demo service we removed earlier.

docker service create --name go-demo \
  -e DB=go-demo-db \
  --network go-demo \
  --network proxy \
  --label com.df.notify=true \
  --label com.df.servicePath=/demo \
  --label com.df.port=8080 \
  --replicas 3 \

To configure the proxy to protect all the services, we need to specify the environment variable USERS.

As an example, we'll update the proxy service by adding the environment variable USERS.

docker service update --env-add "USERS=my-user:my-pass" proxy

Please wait a few moments until all the instances of the proxy are updated. You can monitor the status with the docker service ps proxy command.

Let's see what will happen if we send another request to the go-demo service.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The output is as follows.

HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="defaultRealm"

<html><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1>
You need a valid user and password to access this content.

The proxy responded with the status 401 Unauthorized. Our services are not accessible without the username and password.

Let's send one more request but, this time, with the username and password.

curl -i -u my-user:my-pass \
    $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The response is as follows.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2016 23:37:18 GMT
Content-Length: 14
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

hello, world!

Since the request contained the correct username and password, proxy let it through and forwarded it to the go-demo service.

Multiple usernames and passwords can be separated with a comma.

docker service update \
    --env-add "USERS=my-user-1:my-pass-1,my-user-2:my-pass-2" \

Once the update is finished, we will be able to access the services using the user my-user-1 or my-user-2.

curl -i -u my-user-2:my-pass-2 \
    $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

As expected, the proxy responded with the status 200 allowing us to access the service.

Let us remove the global authentication before we proceed further.

docker service update \
    --env-rm "USERS" \

Service Authentication

In many cases, we do not want to protect all services but only a selected few. A service can be protected by adding users parameter to the reconfigure request. Since we are using the Docker Flow: Swarm Listener service to reconfigure the proxy, we'll add the parameter as one more label.

Let's start by removing the go-demo service.

docker service rm go-demo

Please wait a few moments until the service is removed and the swarm-listener updates the proxy.

Now we can create the go-demo service with the label com.df.users.

docker service create --name go-demo \
    -e DB=go-demo-db \
    --network go-demo \
    --network proxy \
    --label com.df.notify=true \
    --label com.df.servicePath=/demo \
    --label com.df.port=8080 \
    --label com.df.users=admin:password \

We added the com.df.users label with the value admin:password. Just as with the global authentication, multiple username/password combinations can be separated with comma (,).

After a few moments, the go-demo service will be created, and swarm-lister will update the proxy.

From now on, the go-demo service is accessible only if the username and the password are provided.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

curl -i -u admin:password \
    $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The first request should return the status code 401 Unauthorized while the second went through to the go-demo service.

Please note that both global and service authentication can be combined. In that case, all services would be protected with the users specified through the proxy environment variable USERS and individual services could overwrite that through the reconfigure parameter users.

Please note that passwords should not be provided in clear text. The above commands were only an example. You should consider encrypting passwords. They will be persisted in HAProxy configuration and they will be visible while inspecting service details in Docker. To encrypt them you should use mkpasswd utility and set parameter 'com.df.usersPassEncrypted=true' for passwords provided in com.df.users label or environment variable USERS_PASS_ENCRYPTED when using USERS variable.

To demonstrated how encrypted passwords work we'll start by hashing a password.

mkpasswd -m sha-512 password

The output should be similar to the one that follows.


Please note that $ signs needs to be escaped. In mkpasswd output there will be always three $ characters.

Let's update out go demo service:

docker service update \
    --label-add com.df.usersPassEncrypted=true \
    --label-add com.df.users=admin:\$6\$F2eJJA.G\$BfoxX38MoNS10tywEzQZVDZOAjJn9wyTZJecYg.CymjwE8Rgm7xJn0KG3faT36GZbOtrsu4ba.vhsnHrPCNAa0 \

You can verify that the authentication is required by executing the command that follows.

curl -i $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

The output should indicate a HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized failure.

Let's repeat the request but, this time, with the proper password.

curl -i -u admin:password \
    $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

Since Docker release 1.13, the preferable way to store confidential information is through Docker secrets. Docker Flow Proxy supports passwords stored as secrets through the com.df.usersSecret label. It should contain a name of a secret mounted in Docker Flow Proxy. The name of the secret should be prefixed with dfp_users_. For example if com.df.usersSecret is set to monitoring, proxy expects the secret name to be dfp_users_monitoring.

To show how it works, lets create a secret with the username observer and the hashed password. The commands are as follows.

echo "observer:\$6\$F2eJJA.G\$BfoxX38MoNS10tywEzQZVDZOAjJn9wyTZJecYg.CymjwE8Rgm7xJn0KG3faT36GZbOtrsu4ba.vhsnHrPCNAa0" \
    | docker secret create dfp_users_monitoring -
docker service update \
    --secret-add dfp_users_monitoring \

The first command stored the username and the hashed password as the secret dfp_users_monitoring. Username and password were separated with the colon (:).

The second command updated the proxy by adding the secret to it.

Now we need to change configuration of our test service so that the proxy can get the information about the name of the secret that contains the username and the hashed password.

docker service update \
    --label-rm com.df.users \
    --label-add com.df.usersSecret=monitoring \

We should verify that our service is reachable and protected with the user observer.

curl -i -u observer:password \
    $(docker-machine ip node-1)/demo/hello

As expected, the status code of the response is 200, indicating that the request was successfull.

Before we move into the next subject, please remove the service and create it again without authentication.

docker service rm go-demo

Please wait a few moments until the service is removed and the swarm-listener updates the proxy.

docker service create --name go-demo \
    -e DB=go-demo-db \
    --network go-demo \
    --network proxy \
    --label com.df.notify=true \
    --label com.df.servicePath=/demo \
    --label com.df.port=8080 \

Using TCP Request Mode

All the examples we run by now were limited to the HTTP protocol. Docker Flow: Proxy allows us to use TCP request mode as well.

We'll start by publishing a new port in the proxy service.

docker service update \
    --publish-add 6379:6379 \

Please wait a few moments until Swarm updates all the proxy instances. You can monitor the progress by executing docker service ps proxy.

Let us create a service that will allow us to test whether tcp protocol works. We'll use Redis for this purpose.

docker service create --name redis \
    --network proxy \
    --label com.df.notify=true \
    --label com.df.port=6379 \
    --label com.df.srcPort=6379 \
    --label com.df.reqMode=tcp \

In addition to the labels we used before, we added reqMode with value tcp. The swarm-listener service will send a reconfigure request to the proxy which will add a new service redis. The new proxy configuration will listen to the port 6379 (srcPort) and forward requests to redis listening the same port 6379 (port).

Let's test whether the setup works.

docker-machine ssh node-1

telnet localhost 6379


We entered one of the machines, started a telnet session.

The output is as follows.


Redis responded with PONG proving that the proxy established tcp connection.

After a period of inactivity, redis will close the connection, and we can exit the machine.


Configuring Service SSLs

Please consult examples from Configuring SSL Certificates.

Before you start using Docker Flow Proxy, you might want to get a better understanding of the flow of a request.

The Flow Explained

We'll go over the flow of a request to one of the services in the Swarm cluster.

A user or a service sends a request to our DNS (e.g. The request is usually HTTP on the port 80 or HTTPS on the port 443.

DNS resolves the domain to one of the servers inside the cluster. We do not need to register all the nodes. A few is enough (more than one in the case of a failure).

The Docker's routing mesh inspects which containers are running on a given port and re-sends the request to one of the instances of the proxy. It uses round robin load balancing so that all instances share the load (more or less) equally.

The proxy inspects the request path (e.g. /demo/hello) and sends it the end-point with the same name as the destination service (e.g. go-demo). Please note that for this to work, both the proxy and the destination service need to belong to the same network (e.g. proxy). The proxy changes the port to the one of the destination service (e.g. 8080).

The proxy network performs load balancing among all the instances of the destination service, and re-sends the request to one of them.

The whole process sounds complicated (it actually is from the engineering point of view). But, as a user, all this is transparent.

One of the important things to note is that, with a system like this, everything can be fully dynamic. Before the new Swarm introduced in Docker 1.12, we would need to run our proxy instances on predefined nodes and make sure that they are registered as DNS records. With the new routing mesh, it does not matter whether the proxy runs on a node registered in DNS. It's enough to hit any of the servers, and the routing mesh will make sure that it reaches one of the proxy instances.

A similar logic is used for the destination services. The proxy does not need to do load balancing. Docker networking does that for us. The only thing it needs is the name of the service and that both belong to the same network. As a result, there is no need to reconfigure the proxy every time a new release is made or when a service is scaled.


Please remove Docker Machine VMs we created. You might need those resources for some other tasks.

docker-machine rm -f node-1 node-2 node-3